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Military news…

During recent testing at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, the Army tried out a new 20mm Gatling-style machine gun for the very first time.
The Marine Corps is being really shady by not releasing public documents that lay out the exact charges it leveled against Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, the 17-year infantry officer who ignited a firestorm of controversy in August after publicly criticizing military leaders.

Speaking of fire, bravo to the Marine Corps photographer who managed to make this picture of an M777 howitzer look like the depths of hell.
Ok…Here is another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.
Are You Trying to Finish the Race With a Broken Leg?
You have spent several years of your life serving your country. You have had many months of stress, and pain. You may be still in the trenches, or you may be already out in the private sector.
As the time gets near to facing the outside world, separate from the military, are you ready? Do you have a plan? If you are already in the private sector, have you attempted to fit in, or are you hiding from others?
What I have said here doesn’t fit most of you, but there are some who are having difficult times thinking about the future. You worry about the new approach to living. You were used to the strictness, and regimented type atmosphere, and fear that this approach will not be too acceptable in your new environment. Then you are facing a world where you make all the decisions. Some of us do not do well with no one in authority over us.
In the private sector, we have to find a new normal. The first goal at this time is to release the past. The second goal is to plan for the present. The third goal is to look to the future.
Treat each new day, in the private sector, as if there was just a new fallen snow and it has provided a white blanket for you to walk on to form a path that only you take and others follow.
After we join the private sector, we expect our lives to suddenly be happy, trouble free, and victorious. We forget that victories come only after we fight battles and win.
There shouldn’t be this barrier between you and what you are trying to accomplish. It is tough enough to survive in this world without other factors digging into your thinking process.
Having stress about facing the new world is like having a broken leg and trying to finish a race. It can be done, but the pain, and agony is almost unbearable.
Help yourself by taking time before you leave the military to study the ways of cooperation’s. Learn how to adjust to the new status quo. Don’t go into a new situation cold turkey.
Read up on life after the military. There are books that can guide you to walk the right path to help ease you into the new world.
Go to night school and get some college credits. There are also online courses you can take no matter where you are in the world. My son was able to get two Masters Degrees while in the military, and this helped him get a very nice job when he retired.
My first few months after I got out of the military were pretty stressful because I had a family. I had to provide, and there weren’t too many jobs to be had. I had to work at jobs I didn’t really like. Some were down right degrading, like the story I told you about working on the “chain gang,” railroad crew.
But I slowly adjusted and eventually found a job in teaching that was very good for not only providing for my family, but was rewarding as well.
Take on this world with vigor, and courage. It is almost as daunting in the private sector as it is in the deserts of Afghanistan. You are a brave soldier for facing that challenge, and I am sure you will be just as brave in the private sector. You will achieve your goals and be a very productive citizen, who has a big feather in their cap. The feather of valor, and commitment, because of your time you served your country.
There will be more excerpts in the future. Keep coming back to read them. Better yet… go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.
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And above all…never, ever, give up!
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