As a Veteran, You should Never Feel Like a Failure. You Served Your Country

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Military news…

During recent testing at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, the Army tried out a new 20mm Gatling-style machine gun for the very first time.


The Marine Corps is being really shady by not releasing public documents that lay out the exact charges it leveled against Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, the 17-year infantry officer who ignited a firestorm of controversy in August after publicly criticizing military leaders.


Speaking of fire, bravo to the Marine Corps photographer who managed to make this picture of an M777 howitzer look like the depths of hell.


Ok…Here is another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.


Are You Trying to Finish the Race With a Broken Leg?

You have spent several years of your life serving your country. You have had many months of stress, and pain. You may be still in the trenches, or you may be already out in the private sector.

As the time gets near to facing the outside world, separate from the military, are you ready? Do you have a plan? If you are already in the private sector, have you attempted to fit in, or are you hiding from others?

What I have said here doesn’t fit most of you, but there are some who are having difficult times thinking about the future. You worry about the new approach to living. You were used to the strictness, and regimented type atmosphere, and fear that this approach will not be too acceptable in your new environment. Then you are facing a world where you make all the decisions. Some of us do not do well with no one in authority over us.

In the private sector, we have to find a new normal. The first goal at this time is to release the past. The second goal is to plan for the present. The third goal is to look to the future.

Treat each new day, in the private sector, as if there was just a new fallen snow and it has provided a white blanket for you to walk on to form a path that only you take and others follow.  

After we join the private sector, we expect our lives to suddenly be happy, trouble free, and victorious. We forget that victories come only after we fight battles and win. 

There shouldn’t be this barrier between you and what you are trying to accomplish. It is tough enough to survive in this world without other factors digging into your thinking process.

Having stress about facing the new world is like having a broken leg and trying to finish a race. It can be done, but the pain, and agony is almost unbearable.

Help yourself by taking time before you leave the military to study the ways of cooperation’s. Learn how to adjust to the new status quo. Don’t go into a new situation cold turkey.

Read up on life after the military. There are books that can guide you to walk the right path to help ease you into the new world.

Go to night school and get some college credits. There are also online courses you can take no matter where you are in the world. My son was able to get two Masters Degrees while in the military, and this helped him get a very nice job when he retired.

My first few months after I got out of the military were pretty stressful because I had a family. I had to provide, and there weren’t too many jobs to be had. I had to work at jobs I didn’t really like. Some were down right degrading, like the story I told you about working on the “chain gang,” railroad crew.

But I slowly adjusted and eventually found a job in teaching that was very good for not only providing for my family, but was rewarding as well.

Take on this world with vigor, and courage. It is almost as daunting in the private sector as it is in the deserts of Afghanistan. You are a brave soldier for facing that challenge, and I am sure you will be just as brave in the private sector. You will achieve your goals and be a very productive citizen, who has a big feather in their cap. The feather of valor, and commitment, because of your time you served your country.


There will be more excerpts in the future. Keep coming back to read them. Better yet… go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.

Checking in on you… How are things going? Not too good? Does it seem like that are too many storms in your life?


There are over 13,330 fellow veterans on this site who have your back.

If the storms are just too fierce, GET HELP!

here is a toll free number to call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors, there to help you, and they will not hang up until the know you are OK.

1-800-272-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Pentagon is Now Saying There Are Over 140,000 Americans Still Trapped in Afghanistan

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I told you in my last post that I would be sharing more discounts for veterans. However the current military news is overwhelming right now and we need to know…

Military news…

The Pentagon has quietly removed a massive collection of Afghanistan War footage totaling more than 120,000 photos and 17,000 videos from its official visual record.

(Something to hide?)


Speaking of Afghanistan, millions of Afghans will starve as Americans carve Thanksgiving turkeys this month.

(So sad. )


“Setting up and operating out of a small airport terminal with minimal supplies, equipment, people and so forth is almost like the Air Force dream.” That’s from Master Sgt. Daniel Fajardo, who helped set up a mini airfield with a few dozen other airmen in the middle of the Pacific this summer in preparation for a possible war with China.

(Hope they never need it.)


An Air Force colonel who was relieved of command last month claims she was fired because she did not personally order her subordinates to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

(MIxed emotions on this.)


The Marine Corps has publicly admitted what many junior Marines have long known: That it doesn’t really care if you stick around past your first enlistment,

(So very sad.)


The U.S. military’s toxic exposure problem is far bigger than just ‘burn pits,’ writes Keith Dow in this opinion piece. Whether it’s fuel, chemicals, exhaust or ammunition, chances are that if you’ve served, you’ve likley been exposed to toxic substances, no matter if you’ve deployed or not.



Three years after a belly-landing wrecked its nose, A-10 tail number 80-0264 is fully repaired and back in action.

(They are hard to destroy. )

One last shocking bit of news. The Pentagon today admitting that they had the wrong total of Americans still stuck in Afghanistan. They kept reporting that there only 400 or 500 still trapped. The fact is that there is still over 140,000!



I am passing on sharing an excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In adn Out of the trenches of Life. There will be more on Monday. Be sure to come to read that excerpt. Better yet..go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will direcly to your inbox.


Checking in on you my friend…

How are you doing? Have the waves of trouble overcome you. Do you need to be rescued?


There ra over 13,310 fellow veterans here who have your back.

But you are on the edge of a cliif, GET HELP!!

here is a toll free number to call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there who will help you, and theynwill not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255..texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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President Biden is Saying There is a Mandate For the Marines to Get their Shots

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Military news…

Had to share this article stating that they will mandate virus shot for the Marine Corp. Could be a disaster for our Country.

Joe Biden made one giant change to the Marine Corps that could lose a war to China.

Joe Biden’s done everything in his power to weaken America. But now he’s attacking the armed forces. And Joe Biden made one giant change to the Marine Corps that could lose a war to China.

Joe Biden’s authoritarian vaccine mandate reached the United States Marine Corps.

The Marine Administrative message posted on the Marine Corps website revealed that any Marine not fully vaccinated or receiving an approved religious or medical exemption by the November 28 deadline for active-duty marines will be booted from the Corps and could face a potential court marital.

“Marines refusing the COVID-19 vaccination, absent an approved administrative or medical exemption, religious accommodation, or pending appeal shall be processed for administrative separation [in accordance with] this MARADMIN and supporting references. General Court-Martial Convening Authorities (GCMCA) retain authority to take any additional adverse administrative or disciplinary action they deem appropriate,” the message read.

This new rule makes no exception for natural immunity and forces young and healthy soldiers – one of the least at-risk groups in America – to take a vaccine they may not need or want.

Biden’s intention to force every person in America to take the vaccine as a form of social control that has nothing to do with public health became clear, because as of October 20 the Marine Corps has not approved one single religious exemption to Biden’s military COVID vaccine mandate.

Joe Biden wants to force all active duty and reservist members of the Marine Corps to take the vaccine as a power flex to purge anyone that may not have voted for Joe Biden from the armed forces.

A rational policy would exempt those with natural immunity as multiple studies from multiple countries shows natural immunity is stronger than the vaccine.


Ok! I hear you. I will share another excerpt with you. Thank you for sharing.

Desperate People do Desperate Things

I saw some other frightening things happening in Seoul, South Korea.  

We had to drive very slowly through some of the tight streets, as you could see fathers and mothers holding their children ready to throw them in front of our trucks, to get compensation money from the military. Yes, they were sacrificing their children for money.  How could anyone even think of doing that?

They were desperate for food and clothing for the rest of their family. They had no means of income, and they had to find ways to survive.

We see similar types of things going on all over the world. There are people allowing their children to be bought a love slaves. Other people pay money to crooks so they can sneak them across borders to find jobs.

Isn’t this what we are fighting for? Aren’t we fighting for a freedom of choice?  Freedom for a life that is free of fear? Do we need to have people be so poor that they will let their children die, or be sold into slavery?

Of course not! We put on our uniforms to protect these kinds of people. We are doing what is right by defending them to the death.

We don’t have to toot our own horn because we are doing heroic things. We will receive our just rewards when the right time comes. God knows every move we make, and He sees how people in the military are seeking to protect, and help people have a better life. Never be ashamed of your service to your country. You have been chosen to represent your country in a way that shows courage and a kind of love that passes all understanding


Checking on on you…

How is life going for you? Are the storms coming too often? Do you dread sleeping at night?


There are over 213,280 fellow veterans subscribed to this site who have your back.

If that isn’t enough…GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free nimber to call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will no hang up until the know you are OK?

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You ar enever alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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