Write Your Plans in Pencil, and Give God the Eraser

I had a book signing at Eola Hilss Winery in Rickreal, Oregon On Sunday, which was Mother’s Day. My wife and I thought we could seel as many as 70 books, because the brunch they was holding was sold out, and 700 people were coming.

It didn’t turn out that way. We only sold 7 books. This might sound like a failure to some, but let me share what happened.

One lady bought four of the seven books. She bought one book early in the morning, and then came back ab0ut an hour later and said she had read some of it while eating the brunch with her three children. She loved it and wanted each of them to have one too.

One of her sons was out of work, and was battling depression. I was able to meet him out in the parking lot, and told him that I was going to pray for him. A seed was planted, and it wouldn’t have  happened if I wasn’t there for the signing.

Another woman bought a book for her mother who was there. I met the mother later, and she was excited to personally meet an author. ( What ever that means!)

A staff member working the brunch bought one for her boyfriend. She said he needed some encouragement.

The seventh book was bought by the father-in law of the owner of the winery. The owner had bought a book earlier, and told his father-in-law that he loved the book and was reading it the second time.

Another staff member told me of a Christian bookstore in a small town near him that would probably carry the book if I talked to them.

None of this would have happened if i didn’t do the signing that day. So was it a success? Yes it was. I predicted what I thought the outcome would be, but God had other plans.


To take a look at this books these same people bought and liked you can go to the top of this page and click on the “bookstore,” tab. You will then see a description of the book, and how to order it.

It is on sale right now. It was $19.99, and now it is $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half as well. A totla savings of oever $6.00.

I hope you will check it out, and see why so many people are being blessed by the book.

What do you Want to Accomplish in 2011?

I told you in my last post that I will be starting up a new series of posts that talk about, “Becoming Famous Before you are Famous.” It will be excerpts from my book of the same title.

I have been busy arranging signings for the new year. I just finalized a signing for April 16th at Border’s Books on Lancaster Drive in Salem, Oregon from 2-4 P.M.

I will also be scheduling two signings at Eola Hills Winery in Rickreall, Oregon for Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day. Those signings do not have times yet, so be checking this site for more information.

I will be signing books at the Oregon State Fair next fall for seven days in a row.

My book will be in many more stores in Oregon soon as well. That is the top priority for me in 2011. I will be contacting any stores that carry books or gifts.

You can order a book right from this site by clicking on the Bookstore tab above. It will direct you from there. If you order from this site, you will be mailed a copy of the book with a personal note, and autograph. That will not happen at any other outlet you can get books from.

I am also on www.Amazon.com, www.Christianbooks.com, and  www.Barnes&Noble.com sites.

The thought of the day….

It is a new year. What do you want to accomplish in 2011? How about finding new ways to serve the Lord? I know, you serve Him daily now, but what new things could you do to serve Him even more?