No Evidence of Ukraine aid Falling Into Wrong Hands, Pentagon Officials Say

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Military news…

No evidence of Ukraine aid falling into wrong hands, Pentagon officials say
The Pentagon has found no evidence that U.S. military aid earmarked for Ukraine has been diverted for unauthorized uses, defense officials told House lawmakers Tuesday to allay congressional fears that weapons could be falling into the wrong hands.


Army secretary says goal with China, Taiwan is to ‘avoid land war in Asia’

Two of the Army’s top leaders said Monday that 2023 is an important year for the United States to show China that any attempt to “unify” with Taiwan would meet with a strong U.S.-led coalition of resistance like what Russia is seeing in Ukraine.


Putin orders Ukraine border tightening as drones hit Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the border with Ukraine tightened Tuesday after several drones attacked inside Russian territory, including one that crashed just 60 miles from Moscow.


Iranian missiles seized on vessel in Gulf of Oman, British and US navies say

A British navy frigate aided by a U.S. Navy surveillance plane seized anti-tank missiles and other weapons aboard a vessel in the Gulf of Oman, officials said.


Trio of NATO aircraft carriers drill in Mediterranean Sea in message to Russia
 “The security environment is uncertain; NATO’s capability and will is not.”


While I was stationed in South Korea, I was awarded a week of R&R. (Rest and recuperation.)

I was sent to Tokyo, Japan. I went with a buddy.

It was quite a trip. We visited Japenese gardens, saw many Pagodas, and ate at some great restaurants.

One night while we was just walking, we saw a bar that claimed it had disco music. We decided to check it out. We went in, and the place was packed. They indeed were playing disco music. They had an American DJ playing records.

We sat down and started drinking beers. Later in the evening the DJ stopped playing and made an announcement. He said, “For your pleasure we have a belly dancer to entertain. She will be dancing close to the tables around the dance floor. She will stop at each table and challenge someone to try to hold her hips while she shimmed.

Well, my buddy and I had been drinking for a while so I wasn’t feeling any pain!

The dancer went from table to table and no one could hold her hips very long.

Then she came to our table. I was blurry eyed, but I still hesitated at first. My buddy “egged,” me on, so a took ahold of her hips. She began to shimmy. I didn’t let go. She shimmed harder. I still didn’t let go. She finally got tired, and the event was over.

The DJ said, “We have a winner. The prize is free drinks for the rest of the night?”

Just what I didn’t need, but I was a young buck and got several free beers.

I do not remember walking back to our hotel.


I had the privilege to meet a Vietnam veteran while shopping for groceries. I seem to have the knack to find them. This guy is a true hero. His name is Milt Hoch. He had three tours in Vietnam. He didn’t have to. He chose to.

He was in intense fighting, even face to face fighting. He was once stabbed through both legs at once with a bayonet. He was still able to kill the enemy and survive.

I have an interview with him in my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. It is riveting.

Keep coming back to hear about other heroes. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.


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