Hope for Those Who Suffer in this Economy

                Don’t Close the Door on Life. Stay Strong and Survive


It seems like things will be getting worse before they get better. The economy showed signs of recovering in the market today, but the jobless rate hasn’t  budged. People are still struggling.

I got an email from an 84 year old man this evening and he said that the last three months have been the toughest in his whole life time. He is 84 years  old and struggling financially.

This type of situation has led many people to battle self doubt, anxiety, fear, depression, hopelessness, and all the other usual suspects.

What re we to do? What will happen to all of us if this keeps up? These are questions that many people are asking right now.

Let me give you some thoughts to try to help you through these troubling times:

  • Don’t ever give up. Remain strong. You will persevere by just decided that nothing can force you to collapse.
  • Try to enjoy the little things while the economy is faltering. Go to the park. Rent DVDs instead of going to the movies. Buy the store brands instead of the expensive brands.
  • Make some great home cooked meals that you found in the old recipe book you found on the shelf. If it was good for our elders it still must be good. By cooking your own meals you will save money from not eating out. Have  a “family,” meal. That means everyone sitting down at the table at the same time. Actually do some talking. Won’t that be different?
  • Go one a vacation with in driving distance. You can just as much fun somewhere closer as you can hundreds of miles away.

I realize that these aren’t exciting solutions. What we probably really need to talk about is how to cope in this troubled world.

My book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, talks directly to you as readers about how to do that very thing. It shares ways to fight anxiety, fear, depression, self doubt, hopelessness, etc.

You can read some excerpts from, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, when you sign up for my free newsletter. You can do that by going over to the right side bar and clciking on the icon that talks about subscribing.

Notice that you will also receive a free eBook that I have written called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World. There are 25 ideas on how to stay tough during these hard times. It is yours for free just by subscribing.

When you subscribe you also have a chance to win free books. Many will have the authors autograph in them.

The book being featured right now is called, Moments this Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s. It is written by Bonnie Nester. It is the story of Bonnie’s mother Ruth. It is kind of like a dairy with many heart breaking stories, but also some that make you chuckle. Bonnie has autographed the book for you.

So if you sign-up right now, you get:

  1. A free newsletter full of excerpts from: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. Three other pages with interesting articles on them. A brand new page that will come out in the next issue is for writers. It will be called: Becoming Famous Before you are Famous. This alone is worth signing up for if you are a writer or even have thoughts of being a writer. It teaches you how to get known before you go to the publisher.
  2. A free Ebook called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World. It shares many ways to cope.
  3. Free books with autographs in them through a drawing that is held every two weeks.

It hard to understand why someone would pass this up, but I am tooting my own horn. I happen to think that you would love any part of the three free bees above.

I hope you take advantage of this and sign-up.


Discussion of Drugs, Suicide, etc at www.signsofhope.com

                             There is Hope at www.dailysignsofhope.com


Talk about a dreary, depressing, title! However the words used are ones that are getting to common in our world today. I didn’t even mention battles we face like: self doubt, depression, fear, low self esteem, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

www.dailysignsofhope.com just started up three days ago and it reaches out to those who suffer with all of the afflictions I just mentioned.

There will post there by: David Brown,  Michael Clark, and yours truly, Doug Bolton. We will take turns posting our thoughts on how to cope in this not so friendly world. Go there and check it out.

That is what my book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, is all about. It is a book that talks about my own battles with all of these demons and how I conquered. I also share how you can conquer them too.

Go to the right side bar and sign-up for my online newsletter, and you will receive excerpts from, Signs of Hope:Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. 

The newsletter has a total of four pages:

  • A front page that talks about my book, and thoughts of the day.
  •  Another page that is a sports page that talks about Oregon State University sport, and any other sports I think might be interesting.
  • A resource page where I share ways to cope in a troubled world.
  • The last page is a travel page for now, but in the near future it will be transformed into a writer’s page. It will have thoughts on,  How to Become Famous before you are Famous.

It will cover all the things you should be doing before you even approach and agent of a publisher. It will talk about the social networking. What to look for at conferences. Groups to join to have a good platform, etc.

I am very excited about this new page. It will be coming out in about a month  so tell all your writer friends to get signed up for the newsletter so they will be ready when it starts coming.

* Please remember that you can always go directly to the page you want and skip all the rest. Many people wan’t subscribe because they do not like one of the pages. Skip that page if you don’t like it.

You can also opt out any time you want. There is a spot at the bottom of each newsletter to do that.

I am still doing my free book give aways. Just have been too busy to keep them going on a regular bases.

Just had the 500th person subscribe!! That person will win a book if they respond to my email that I sent them.

Befefits of subscribing:

  1. Free newsletter
  2. Free eBook
  3. Free books in a drawing

Did I say they were all free?

Please tell everyone about this site. Word of mouth is the best way to have growth.




Firefighting Burns in Aidan O’Neill’s Blood

A winner has been chosen in the drawing for the book, The Missionary. Glynn Young of St. Louis, MO is our winner. Congratulations Glynn.

There is a new promotion going on now that ends October 5th. It is another drawing for a free book. The book is called, Through the Fire, by Shawn Grady. The book has a personal note and autograph from Shawn.

Through the Fire, is the first novel for Shawn, but James Scott Bell, a well known best selling author of the book, DECEIVED, says, “A sizzling debut novel from a writer that really knows the goods.”

Here is a trailer from the book:

“An arsonist is targeting Reno, leaving a scorched path of destruction. The department needs Aidan back, but his return is troubled. The gift he relied on for so long has gone silent… and it’s as though the fires are coming for him, hunting him down. Teaming with a beguiling fire investigator who may know more then she’s saying, Aidan must discover where his trust rests as the flames burn ever closer.”

Aidan’s father was also killed in an arson fire, so he is trying to find out who killed him. Surprise ending and many great side stories.

All you have to do to get a chance to win the book is to go over to the right sidebar, and click on the icon that talks about subscribing.

You will notice that you also get my free eBook intitled, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World. This book has been selected to be used in the highschools for their Human realtions classes.

It shares many ways to cope in a not so friendly invironment. It is excellent for those who may be struggling with self doubt, fear, anxiety, depression, and the many other usual suspects. It is yours free if you subscribe to the free newsletter.

The newsletter has four pages:

  • One page will have excerpts from the book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. It may be a phrase, or a paragraph that gives you the feel of each chapter. There are 72 chapters.
  • Another page talks about travel. I have a guest posting his story right now. Ron Keleman, is telling us about his trip to India. It is a fasinating story of places that the tourists do not go to. Don’t miss this.
  • A third page is a sports page just for the many Oregon State University Beaver fans that come there to catch up on all the happenings going on in all the sports programs at OSU. It can be very interesting for others as well.
  • The last page is a resource page where I will share articles on coping with everyday life. This is a very popular page.

Everything I mentioned is free;

Free eBook; free newsletter, and free drawing for top selling books with the author’s autograph and personal notes in many of them.

You have absolutley nothing to lose. If you don’t like the newsletter, there is an opt out spot at the bottom of the newsletter.

Pleasse join me, and enjoy many issues of a great newsletter that has had some great endorsements.