With God on Your Side, Who Can be Against You?

Can’t be too much going wrong today. The sun is shinning, and there is not a could in the sky.

I want to spend today just talking about perseverance.

Have you given up on something you once thought was your dream? Did a wall come in between you and a goal you have had for many years?

I went through that. Back in 2001 I was facing too many walls. I felt closed in and thought there was no where to go. On March 31st of 2001, I was sitting  in my Explorer and considering about checking out of this hotel called earth.

God stopped me, and reminded me of a book I was working on that I had given up on. It didn’t relate at all to the final work that I had published. My book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” was once called, “Close Encounters of the Cash Flow Kind.” It was a book written to help sales people to be better at their trade.

I had failed at several ventures that I tried, and thought this book would be a joke to readers since I wasn’t successful myself.

God opened my eyes, and showed me that this very same book could be altered and made into an inspirational book to help others who were struggling with, anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, low self-esteem, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

It took me nearly ten years to complete the book, but I persevered, and now the book can be bought on this site, at www.amazon.com, www.barnes&noble.com, and www.chiristianbooks.com.

It is sold in many stores in the Northwest.

I could have given up, but God taught me patience, and perseverance. He  helped me to accomplish something that I thought wasn’t possible.

What about you? Got a dream? Do you have something that you always wanted to try, and thought you weren’t capable of doing it?

Get rid of those negative whispers in your ear from Satan. He wants you to believe that you aren’t worthy of doing anything worth while. It is time for selective hearing. Only listen to God’s gentle voice and follow His lead.

I would love to get a comment from one of you that tells me that you broke through those walls, and accomplished your dream.

With God on your side, who can be against you?


You can order, Signs of Hope Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” right now by going to the top, and clicking on the “Bookstore,” tab. There is a big special going right now.

The books has been  for sale for $19.99 and had $4.70 in shipping. Right now you can get the book for $15.99, and only $2.35 in shipping. That is over $6.00 in savings.

There is more… you will also get an autographed copy. Only if you order from this site.

Please check it out. There is a full description of the book in the bookstore above.


Countdown to Blast-off for New Book

The days are numbered as far as when my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” comes out. I am working with the publisher with the final phase of getting the book done. That would be the back cover.

Check back here every few days to see the big announcement when the book actually comes out. You will be the first to know! You will be able to order the book  right off of this site.

I thought I would share with you some of the endorsements that will be in the book, plus the foreword. This will be a long post because of it, but please read through and see the many people who are excited about the book.


Douglas Bolton is more than just an author – he is a breath of fresh air and beacon of hope to a hurting world. He addresses issues he’s struggled within his own journey -the journey we call life. His speaks openly and honestly about his own struggles with anxiety, hopelessness and depression that brought him to the end of himself. He brings a personal perspective into his story while weaving the truth he has found in God’s word as his means of finding a purpose that is larger than himself. He has an amazing ability to connect with and motivate individuals from all walks of life and provides them with a vision that leads to life-altering breakthroughs in their own life.


Chaplain-Addiction Counselor

Michael Clark


Doug’s collection of sayings from bumper stickers and other sources provides delightful—and usually profound—insights into the spiritual truths he draws from them.

 Sue Miholer, owner of Picky, Picky Ink, her freelance writing and editing business.


Kind words make good echoes’ is a good bumper sticker to describe Doug Bolton’s book. The simple truths he has written echo the truths we know and love from the Word of God. It is a good reminder of God’s constant love and care for us who are seasoned Christians and an encouragement to those just beginning their walk with their Savior.


Stacey Womack, Founder and Executive Director of Abuse Recovery Ministry and Services (ARMS)



To anyone who hasn’t been able to experience a personal, intimate relationship with God, Doug Bolton’s book is a must read.  To the person who is exhausted from doing it all alone, who has lost their way, Doug’s beautiful journey to new levels of his purposeful life, will help you feel a most loving connection with a loving Father.  You will discover that you can never fail when following God’s quiet, most directive guidance.


-Mary Reynolds, Author of Make a Difference with the Power of Compassion

“Plentiful in wisdom and experience, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, offers a lifeline to anyone adrift in the challenges of everyday living. Concentrated and easy to apply, Doug Bolton has smoothed the road for the weary traveler with Scriptural counsel that touches on the most paramount matters of life.”

-Chris Coppernoll, author of Screen Play and a Beautiful Fall


“Sometimes it is only after we go through the darkest of valleys that
the light-beams of wisdom can shine through and illumine our path.
Doug Bolton has walked through that dark valley and, by the grace of
God, has discovered some wonderful lessons for life. You will enjoy
his ‘bumper sticker’ nuggets of wisdom.”


Pastor Scott Nelson

Morning Star Community Church 


Doug Bolton openly shares his vulnerabilities while intertwining them with his experiences in his book Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. From coping with deep depression to failed careers, Doug’s encounters with life will give you assurance that you are standing beside a fellow traveler who understands and won’t offer pat answers. Throughout the book he reaches out his hand to accompany you on this difficult journey of life, and help you more fully grasp God’s unconditional grace and love.

Although this book conquers tough topics about why we must suffer, why loved ones leave this earth so soon, or why circumstances out of our control prevent us from helping someone in need, it is truly a book of hope. Doug’s insights, devotional-style encouragement, practical suggestions, and even his sense of humor, will guide you toward to a more intimate relationship with Christ, regardless of the complex circumstances you may be facing.            

Doug shares bumper sticker sayings throughout the book, and as one who lives with a chronic illness and daily pain, I found Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World heartening and filled with reminders of one of my own favorite bumper stickers, “Know God, Know Peace. No God, No Peace.”

I am delighted to recommend this book to anyone who needs encouragement, but especially those who live with chronic illness or pain.

Lisa Copen

Founder of Rest Ministries, joyfully serving those with chronic illness or pain



 We all love a story–especially one that leads us to answers for problems we may be struggling with. Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind is filled with encouraging and inspiring stories that lead us to God’s answers for all those personal struggles.


Sally E. Stuart, author of the Christian Writers’ Market Guide, stuartmarket.com


This book that Doug has written is one to have on your shelf so that you can pick it up and read it time and time again. It could be used as a daily devotional. He gives us wonderful messages using his humor and personal experiences to make them real to each of us.  Doug’s use of Bible verses is so very relevant to each subject he is discusses.  I found myself writing them down to hopefully memorize later. The book ends with chapters challenging us to be witnesses of God’s salvation and then gives us tools and references to help us be fruitful. I will have this book on my shelf and I know I will give it as a gift to Christian and non-Christian friends.


Bonnie Nester, Author of Moments this Good, the story about a caregiver of a family member who has Alzheimer’s.


Are you trying to make sense of your life?  Do you long for purpose and meaning in your heart?  If so, Doug Bolton’s masterpiece Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, is a must read for you.  Doug is passionate about his relationship with Jesus Christ and he wants everyone to know about it.  The words he writes on the pages of this book paint a beautiful picture of the truth from Scripture that God loves you and created you for a personal relationship with Him.  Just as Doug testifies in his book you too can find purpose, love, and hope by living your life all for Jesus!

All for Jesus!

International Evangelist Reid Saunders

Reid Saunders Association  


Signs of Hope

Stories have their own unique way of teaching us things. When Jesus taught the crowds from Capernaum to Jerusalem, He chose stories about everyday people in everyday places to teach us about ourselves and about the God we serve. With their panoramic perspective, stories give us insight into the essential matters of life. We learn from the truths embedded in the journey of others.

In Signs of Hope, Douglas Bolton extracts wisdom from his personal life experience, mining it for the faith lessons God’s urged his heart to pen for us. In his words, we find simple answers to the harrowing and the complicated, as he shares timely and powerful lessons on living with hope in the midst of this challenging age.

Hope refreshes, when we feel overpowered by the world around us. We observe bleakness in another’s eyes (and sometimes in our own), and wonder how our peace can be restored. Self-generated resources are inadequate. But when we turn back towards God, we discover His supply, an unending fountain for us to drink.

The power and richness of stories are themselves a fountain, if flowing with God’s eternal truth. It’s in this spirit, I recommend the journey Douglas Bolton has arranged for his readers. His experience of walking many years and miles with the Lord have infused these pages. May Signs of Hope, with its offering of refreshment, grow your faith in God, and lead you to a closer walk with Him.

Chris Coppernoll

International Radio talk show host on Soul to Soul

I Wanted to Check out of this Hotel Called Earth

I will be changing the format on my author site. I need to get back to sharing with you about my book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.

In about two weeks the book will be officially in the marketplace.

It has been a hard, long road I have traveled to get to this point. I started writing, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, almost ten years ago. It will be ten years next March.

Why did I start writing the book? I am glad you asked.

I was at the end of my rope. I didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I felt the ship sinking and I didn’t have a life jacket.

I was having weekly pity parties, and no one was showing up to help me celebrate.  I was fighting self-doubt, anxiety, fear, failure, depression, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

I was ready to check out of the hotel called earth.

I was in a school parking lot on March 31st 2001 sitting in my Ford Explorer considering suicide. I didn’t want to face the trails of life any more.

I had retired from teacher, and was going from one job after another searching for something that I could feel good about after retirement. Nothing was working for me. I failed at each job I partook in. I even started my own business of find funds for businesses when they needed some while waiting for their invoices from costumers to come in. That failed because I couldn’t see taking money from them when they desperately needed cash at that time.

Every job I tried I needed to try to convince people of getting something they may not need. I worked at a department store in the housewares department. I sold pots and pans, coffeemakers, knifes, etc. I was pretty good at it. I even earned a seven day free trip to a health spa for me and my wife because of my efforts.

One Christmas Eve, I was working the late shift. I noticed that there weren’t any women shopping in my area. It was all guys desperately looking for something for their wives at the last minute. I had a field day. I came up to a guy and asked him if I could help him, and he said, Yes! please find something for my wife for christmas. I can’t think of anything! I saw dollar signs in my head, and directed him to the sets of pans. I convinced him his wife would love a $500.00 set of new pans.

There were several men just like him wandering around, lost in my section. I sold something to eveyone of them. I set a record for sales that night. They bought from me because I was  a man and they trusted me.

I went home that night and wondered, What have I done? I sold a bunch of men something their wives probably didn’t need just so I could make another sale. I was very upset with myself, and quite the job a couple of weeks later.

( Men…never buy your wife something for the kitchen at Christmas. Go down to the jewelry department. You will be rewarded much more if you do that.)

So I went on like this, going from one job after another in sales. The last sales job I had was in leasing, and the same nightmare was forming while doing that. I was trying to have someone lease something when it may be better to buy it outright.

I hit rock bottom on March 31st. I drove to that parking lot I told you about. I was sobbing so much I could hardly see out the window of the rig. I stopped and parked, and was on verge of doing something very drastic.

I finally cried out to God, “I can’t take this anymore!” There was a sudden calmness inside my rig, and in me. The air even seemed different. It was as if God was saying, “It is about time you came back to me. Now let me carry you the rest of the way.”

The rest is history. I started writing Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, a couple of weeks later.

It took me almost ten years to get my thoughts down, and organized. There were doubts along they way. Satan did every he could to stop me, but I prevailed, and now you have to chance to read my story and learn for yourself how to survive in a not so friendly world.

I hope you will read it and let me know what you think of it. I have been blessed with some very impressive endorsements written in the book. I have had many authors and important people in the publishing world recommend the book.

You can preorder Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, and save 27% by going to www.winepresspublishing.com. Go to the top and click on “bookstore.” Write in the search area, “Signs of Hope.” That will take you right to my book page. The book will only cost $14.59 there for a short time, and then it will be $19.99 once it is public. Take advantage of that now.

God bless you nad NEVER give up. Fight back the attacks of Satan and turn to God to supply you with all the armor you need to survive.