When There is a Test in School There is Prayer

As Long as There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer in Schools


You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13


I loved my job as a teacher. It was thrilling to see the fear on kids’ faces when I gave a surprise quiz. They looked like they had just been hit by lightning. They began to sweat and tremble. I had my red pen in hand as I handed out the tests. I wanted them to see the pen that was going to be marking all over their papers. I knew I had power, and I was enjoying it.

Of course, this is not true. I never surprised kids with tests. As a matter of fact, I told them way ahead of time when a test was coming. I even told them where to find the answers. Life is tough enough without trying to hide the answers to tests.

That is the way it for Christians. They know where to find the answers. God does not try to hide them. God has told us way ahead of time what the answers are. He has told us what is going to happen. All we need to do is have faith. We need to look forward to it happening.

You should be studying for the final test now. You can’t just cram for it at the last minute. You don’t know when the last minute is. It may be before you finish this page. The Bible has all the answers to any questions you may have about God.

We need to spend each day studying and preparing for that day. There is only one test you have to pass, but it is pass/fail. There are no average scores or not so good scores—you either pass or you fail.

Fear not, my friend, the only question on the test is: “Do you believe in Me?” Yes and no are the only choices. There are not hundreds of questions that take hours to answer. You just kneel down and pray, “Father forgive me and I believe in You.”

Then you are ready to go home to be with God, and you never have to take another test for eternity.

Is this a hard task for you? Do you have too many “toys”—or other things to distract you—on this earth? Would you rather not think about eternity just yet? Do you have plans for yourself that do not include God? Have tests always had you running in fear? Do you shiver and quake when the word “test” is mentioned? Do you not have time for prayer?

Read John 3:16, and know that God loves you more than words can describe. He loved you so much that He gave His only Son to die just for you.

Think of the test questions that Jesus had to go through. The Pharisees kept trying to trick Him with questions to show that He wasn’t really the Son of God. They wanted Him to fail the test.

“Should we pay taxes?” “Is it OK to heal on the Sabbath?” “Why do you protect a prostitute?” Even on the cross He was asked, “If you are God, why don’t you save me and yourself?”

Jesus was not afraid of questions. He knew that His heavenly Father was there for Him. He knew that all the questions led to the cross. They all had a purpose: to fulfill His prophecy.

Even though I am retired from teaching, I still try to learn. I read many books on Christian living. I read the Bible to keep growing. I am 68 years old and will never be too old to study for the final test. I am ready for it because I’ve done my homework. I found the right answers.


If … you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with

all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29


Further adventures

How about you? Are you ready for the final test? Are you sure you’ll get the diploma of eternal life? Will you graduate into the heavenly kingdom? If not, crack open the Bible and get at that study. Confess your sins, and accept God’s gift of salvation. You are only a prayer away from God. He is waiting for you to pass the test and rely on Him for knowledge. Then you will be at the head of the class. The angels will be waiting for you to hand you your diploma, congratulating you with: “You passed the test!” You will be an honor student with eternity to enjoy your Savior.


Something to ponder

Isn’t it funny when you find something you thought you had lost only to realize it was there all the time?

The Cross is Just a Piece of Wood From a Tree

One Cross + 3 Nails = 4 Given


For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever

believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16


Have you ever thought about the cross? It was just a piece of wood. It came from an everyday tree. It was shaped for one purpose: death! Think about the cross you may be wearing, or the one you see during your church service. Have you ever really thought about the pain this one piece of wood caused?

History knows about the cross, and some people have despised it. The cross is worn by millions of people. It is often gold-plated and worn as jewelry—usually not to symbolize what it really means, or to show our faith. But the cross really means dying. A cross was used to punish the guilty. It displayed the offender in front of others so they would “learn a lesson” and not do the same thing. Bottom line: It was a torture device to show the power of the leaders during their time.

People try to ignore the significance of the cross, but they can’t. It is the piece of lumber that makes the biggest claim in the history of man. After all, when Jesus was here on earth, He hung on that cross, claiming to be the Savior for all mankind. He even had the nerve to claim He was God Himself!

Jesus was a carpenter and knew how hard it was to toil each day with his hands and a hammer. He had calluses on His hands even though those hands touched a blind man’s eyes and caused him to see. He used those same calloused hands when He touched a leper and he was healed. He knew what hard work was, and yet He had a tender touch that healed hundreds of people.

This is the God of love brought down to earth in the form of a man—a person with flesh and blood like you and me. Full of hurts. Full of sadness. Full of fear. Didn’t He cry out to God to “take this cup from Me”? Wasn’t He whipped, slapped and spat upon? Didn’t He slowly and painfully walk with that cross on His shoulders knowing that He would soon be hung on it and go through tremendous hurt and suffering? From the cross, didn’t He ask God why He had forsaken Him? Wouldn’t you have a little fear?

So we have the cross ready for the crucifixion. How about those nails? They weren’t tiny nails you’d use to build a birdhouse in the backyard. These were spikes—large nails about five inches long. They crushed the bones and caused pain that was beyond description.

Imagine your fear as they placed your left hand on that cross and get ready to pound that nail through your hand. The mallet comes down, and you scream in pain. But before you can catch your breath, they are nailing your right hand down.

Now that they have you securely part of the cross, they put your feet together, one on top of the other and slam another spike through both of them at once.

Do you feel the pain? Do you get the picture? Can you now relate to the sacrifice that Jesus had to go through so that you wouldn’t have to?

He was hurting, He was in great pain, and He cried out to God, just like you and I would, but He knew what He was doing had to be done for you and me.

He even had to look down and see the soldiers gambling for His clothes. That must have made Him feel even worse. They were at His feet, but they didn’t even know He was the Savior. He didn’t scold them. He didn’t cry out in anguish. He wanted them to know the One whose clothes they were throwing the dice for would come back to give them another chance.

Think of His arms spread out across the cross. Open arms. Arms that will hold you and show you love when we are in heaven.

Think even deeper about a mother watching her son die. Having Mary watch Him die had to cause Jesus another level of pain—perhaps even worse than any whippings or the nails driven through His hands and feet. He gave her one final look and then He said good-bye, handing her over to John’s care. Think of what Mary went through right at the moment He said, “It is finished.” Her son was dead, and she had to watch Him slowly fade away from her.

One final gesture. One more time of showing us how much He loved us. One last effort to tell us to seek Him so we can be with Him in heaven. After all, He died for us so we wouldn’t have to feel the pain. It is that simple. He went through all the torture, pain, aloneness, fear, for each one of us.

The next time you see a cross around someone’s neck or see one on top of a church, think of what Jesus went through so you can have eternal life. Try to see Him on that cross, with the crown of thorns on his head and the crimson blood flowing down His face. He is looking at you, and wants you to know that it is OK. He wants you to know that He did this for you, so that you will have eternal life. It should give you a much stronger feeling of what the cross stands for.


This is love: not that we loved God, but the he loves us and

sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

1 John 4:10


Further adventures

Take time each day to thank God for sending His only Son to die for you on the cross. Start out every prayer time, or devotional time, praising God for what He has done for you. The whole meaning of Christianity started with the cross. Think about how the love Jesus flowed out for you through His blood on the cross.


Something to ponder

Isn’t it funny how some people wear the cross and never know what it means?

(Excerpt from: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.)

Slogans are Misleading and Head us Down the Wrong Path

  “God Takes Care of Those who Take Care of Themselves”

This is just one example of sayings or slogans people use to justify the daily lives.

I heard a wonderful sermon by Pastor Scott Nelson of Morning Star Church in Salem, Oregon this last Sunday. I will be quoting some of his thoughts to help you understand how dangerous it is to live by these sayings.


“God will take care of those who take care of themselves.”

Think about that. Is that saying that he will not take care of those who can not take care of themselves? God doesn’t choose who needs taken care of. He loves us all and helps each of us to live a life that is there to glorify His name. We shouldn’t be trying to convince pe0ple that if they only tried to take care of themselves, then God would help them more.

                                     “My God doesn’t judge!”

Really? Imagine a world were there is no judgment. Everyone doing what they want with no consequences.  Actually God is the perfect judge. He is the only supreme court judge, and disciplines out of love.

Am earthly father does the same doesn’t he? he loves his children, but if they do something wrong, he also disciplines them out of love.

                  “My God lets me do what ever I want.”

This is a like combination of several religions put into one pot of soup. It’s like a person in a school cafeteria, with a tray, going along and picking out what they want to eat. They will have a variety of choices.

             “Truth is in the eyes of the beholder.”

Many people like this one because they are saying that what I do may not be right for you but it is for me. We live in a very diverse world today. People are popping up with their own little ideas what their religion should be, and they live by it.

I have same very sad news. None of these choices will lead you to  Heaven. There is only one way to get to Heaven, and it is so much easier, and less confusing than all of these choices. All you have to do is confess your sins to God and ask Him itno your heart, and you have eternal life. Remember that is the opposite of eternal death. I will not go there. I will let you figure that out.


I made a big mistake with the last contest! I drew a name to be the winner, but I never sent him the book. Old age sure has its down moments.

My apologizes to Glynn Young of St. Louis, MO, for not sending him the book, The Missionary. He will receive an autographed copy in the mail this week.


The new promotion is a book called, Moments this Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s, written by Bonnie Nester.

Here are a couple reviews written about the book:

“Reading the chapters was like eating potato chips–as I devoured them I kept saying, ‘Just one more!'”

                                                                                              Judy McKellar

“Nester offers the reader a path to gentle acceptance, and even moments of playfulness and joy–and always, always models profound love and respect for her mother.”

                                                                      Ellen Waterson

Author of the award-winning  memoir  “Then there was No Mountain and I am Madagascar”

All you need to do to have a chance to win this wonderful book is go over to the right side bar, and click on the icon that talks about subscribing to my free online newsletter, called, Signs of Hope Press. 

Not only will you start receiving the free newsletter, but you will notice on the icon that it says you can download the Free eBook I have written called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World.

So…you get a free newsletter-free eBook- and are placed in a free drawing for not only this feature book, but for all the future drawings.


I have a new feature in the online newsletter. It has a new page called, Becoming Famous Before you are Famous. It will have actual rough draft chapters from a book of the same title. I will be sending out the first Chapter later today. Here is the fun part….sine it is a rough draft, I am asking each of you to proof read it, for typos, grammar mistakes, etc. Send me a message with your corrections. If you have something you think I should add to the chapter and it is used, you will be recognized in the book.