You Are Not Alone, Forsaken, or Unloved.

Well… we are slowly moving to a new format on this site. I hope you like it, and will come back often. While you are here we would love it if you would sign-up for the RSS feed. That helps us climb up in the Google Search Rankings. That means we move up the page when people are searching for us.

Please sign-up right now if you haven’t already. Just click on the icon right after the title to do that.


The new format we are changing to will be about writing. We will have guest writers, author interviews, trends in publishing, etc.  Let me know if you would like to be be interviewed, or would like to do a guest article on writing. I will schedule you in and let you know ahead of time when your time is near.


One of the things that always seemed to give me problems was to figure out where to try to sell my books. We all have the online outlets working for us like, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon, but what about in the real world.

I did an interview with none other than John Kremer about month ago. I will be having that podcast right here on this sight shortly. John asked me about unusual places to sells books.

I hope you come back to hear that podcast.


I also have a book trailer that will be downloaded to this sight. You can see it right now by going to You Tube, and typing in, “Signs of Hope-Doug Bolton.” It is a very well done trailer by Apex Reviews.


My book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is on a special sale right now in the bookstore. This book reaches out to those who may be suffering from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects. Just click on the “bookstore,” tab at the top of this page.


My thoughts for today…

We all have faced trials and storms. They will not go away, and let us live in a dream world. Many times we feel like we are being dragged down by a huge magnate. We seem to be drowning in the muck and mire.

How can we survive in all of this turmoil?

WE need to rely on God to hold us by the hand and walk the paths we take with us. He is always there anyway, we just need to ask him for help.

He will still allow the storms, but He will help calm them. Many times adversity helps us grow.

In closing..

You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

Above all… Never, ever, give up!

Jesus Will never Give up on You

We just had a sharp increase in hits to our site the last couple of days. Thank you for coming by. While you are here, we would love it if you would sign-up for our RSS feed. We are have some success at that as well. When you sign-up it increases our ranking with the Google Search Rankings. It moves up up on their pages.

Please sign-up now if you haven’t already to help us out.


There will be a huge announcement made about our bookstore in just a few more days. There also will be a big announcement about how this  site will be changing to a new format soon. It will be more for writers.


I won’t be showing any more excerpts from the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” You can always go into the archives to find back excerpts I have posted.

“Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” reaches out to those who may be suffering from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

It is on a special sale right now in the bookstore. Check it out by clicking on the Bookstore tab at the top of this page.


I will not be sharing an excerpt today. I want to tell you about a new adventure we will be having here.

We are going to slowly change this site into an author’s reference, and resource center.

It will have guest interviews; the sharing of ideas for marketing, and looking at the trends in publishing.

I will soon have a podcast that I did with John Kremer, the marketing guru. He asked me question about selling books in unusual places. He was very pleased with the taping, and I will be able to share the whole podcast with you soon.

I also have a trailer for my book that will be available on this site soon. It is on You Tube right now. Just go to You Tube and put in Signs of Hope-Doug Bolton. Let me know what you think of it.

I want to close with some thoughts:

Jesus didn’t give up on Peter, the adulterous woman, or the thief on the cr0ss. He won’t give up on you either.


You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

Above all: Never, ever, give up!


The Best Teacher is Experiences From Your Own Life

Thank you to those who have been signing up for the RSS feed. It has helped us climb up in the Google Search Rankings. Help us keep climbing by  signing up for the RSS feed today. Just click on the icon right after the title to do that. You will then receive a notices when ever there is a post here.


There will be a huge announcement made about our bookstore in just a few more days. Keep checking back to see what it might be. That is all I am telling you right now. (How is that for a teaser?)


In our bookstore right now is a book that is on a special sale. It is called, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

This book reaches out to those who may be suffering from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

Check it out by clicking on the “bookstore,” tab at the top of this page.


I will only have about three more exceprts from the book, “Signs of HOpe: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

Today’s excerpt asks, “How do we speak to others about God? What do we say?”


Chapter 71


The Best Teacher Is Experience


Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth

 has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20


Did you ever have a perfect opportunity to witness to someone and let it pass? Was there a time when you knew there was an opening to share news about God, and you didn’t? I have had that happen to me before. Afterwards I think of things I could have said that I didn’t think of at the time.

What should we as Christians do? Should we carry folders with us at all times? We could have them organized for many different situations like: a death in the family, divorce, a lost job, a serious surgery coming up, or a fear of failure. Then when the person says, “I have a surgery coming up, and I am afraid,” we can pull out our surgery folder, and read it to them.

Not a very practical—or personal—approach, I would think.

I have learned that I have a world of experience. I have “been there and done that.” Unfortunately, I have been through each of the examples I have mentioned, and many others. Just like you have. I had to suffer through them without a person with a folder around. That is the bad news. The real good news is that I had God there to comfort me. I can relate to someone’s hurt. I can share with them how I handled it. I let them know it won’t be easy for them try to make it on their own, but with God there at their side, everything is possible.

I wish I hadn’t had to go through all the trials, but it was God’s way of preparing me to be an ambassador for Him. Trials, by their very nature, are part of our lives so we can understand God and ourselves better and come to the realization of how much we must depend on Him.

I have been in pre-op getting ready to have quadruple bypass surgery. Some people may have been frightened beyond control, but I had a peace about me that was reassuring, not only to me, but to those family members who were there with me.

A friend asked a couple of weeks after my surgery, “How were you able to be so calm?” Bingo! I was able to share my belief in God, and the calmness He had provided for me.

I have had the fear of failure, but God helped me to the point where I am writing this book. I have been divorced, but God taught me how to fight depression so that it won’t happen again. I have lost jobs, but God let me know He had a better plan for me. I have lost several relatives, close friends and my father through death, but God reassured me that I would see them again some day.

I am a walking, talking, experienced machine! You are too. You have been through the death of a loved one or a friend. You have lost a job. You may have been through a divorce. You probably have faced failure. Many have been through a serious surgery.

Use those experiences to help others who are going through the same things. You have the memories of the things you’ve faced right up in your memory banks. Use them to let the person know that God loves them, and that He will help them through the storm. He doesn’t always take us out of a tough situation, but He is there to guide us and show us the way through the situation.


The spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach

 good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom

for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the

Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn.

Isaiah 61:1-2


Further Adventures

I can truly say I’ve had about every surgery known to man. (I know, I shouldn’t say that!) I can also tell you that I wasn’t always positive and cheerful. There have been times when I’ve told God, “TIME OUT! This is more than I can take.” However the witnessing that I have been able to do because of the many surgeries I’ve had trumps all the pain and agony I’ve gone through.

Don’t let an illness break you down. Use it to comfort your own family and others.


Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny that we always fear the unknown, but we know who to turn to?