Love, and Perserverence Win Over Evil

The Missionary, an outstanding Christian Fiction book that has all the ingredients for a good read, is still available for you to win.

It has tragedy, fear, espionage, action, defeats, victories, and good outcomes.

You don’t know who the bad guys are, and you don’t know if the hero is making the right decisions, and in many cases he isn’t.

Bill Carmichael, and David Lambert hit a home run with their effort to entertain the reader, and make a book you can’t out down.

I am giving away a copy of, The Missionary, with Bill Carmichael’s autograph and personal note, in a drawing that will happen on the night of September 7th.

Yes, that is the night that all of you have gotten back from your vacations and are looking for a good book to read. Look no farther.

The book has great endorsements from the likes of Jerry B. Jenkins, Left Behind  Series; Karen Kingsbury, Above the Line Series; and Terri Blackstock, author of Double Minds, and Last Night.

You can be a part of this drawing by going over to the right side bar and clicking on the icon that talks about subscribing.

Notice when you go there and subscribe that you will also be able to download my E-book, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World, for free.

Also when you subscribe, you are subscribing to my free newsletter that has four pages:

  1. The first page will have the latest news about my book with excerpt, etc.
  2. Another page will be nothing but sports for my Oregon State Beaver fans. 
  3. A third page is a travel page for now. It will stay that way for the next couple of issues and then it is changing to a writer/author page. It will change its name to Becoming Famous Before you are Famous. It will discuss all the things you need to do to build a platform, and get known before you book is published. I will be speaking from first hand experience, and from research I have done.
  4. The last page will be articles I have written that help us to cope in the world we have to live in today.

Let’s see… A free newsletter, a free E-book, and chances to win free books that have the author’s autograph in them in a drawing, lots of ideas for authors to get known. WOW!

Go to the right side bar and take a minute to subscribe. Then enjoy the newsletter that has some strong endorsements from readers; a page for sports nuts; a travel page for the next couple issues, and then a author/writer’s page, and a important page that will have articles that are uplifting and share ways to cope in a not so friendly world.

I assure you that you will be glad you did. Give this a chance. If you do not like the newsletter, there is an opt out tab at the bottom of the newsletter.


Murder, and,Child Abuse, and Drug Lords, Oh My!


It has been a long time since I last posted. I have been busier than the famous cat on the hot tin roof! It has almost been a month!

The reason???? I have none that really could pass for good reasons, except I was preparing for a writer’s conference in Oregon that was July 27th-31st of July. It was the Oregon Christian Writer’s Conference held every year near the end of July. It was an outstanding one this year, but that will be another post.

I am very excited to begin my book give away promotions again! I have some pretty happy subscribers that have won books in the past. I am now starting up again, and I can tell you that the one I am starting up with in this new campaign is an outstanding choice!

The book is called The Missionary. Sounds like a typical story about living amongst tribal members in the jungle. You are in for a big wonderful surprise!! It is a Christian fiction thriller that has me hooked. All good books have a great hook to make you want to read further.  

How about a little boy lying in the street, and a man kicking him without mercy? That grabbed me by the throat since I taught little children for a career.   

Even the bookmark that I got with the book hooked me; “A life-or-death gamble leads to both…”

The book is Co-authored by William Carmichael and David Lambert. I met Bill at an Oregon Christian Writer’s conference, and I felt an instant friendship with him. He is a caring, out going kind of guy that even The Joker, from Batman would like.

We had a chance to talk a couple of times. I took a workshop offered by him, and then shared a few words at a book signing event that he had in the conference book store. He even lives in my home state, so that makes him a very special person!

Bill and his wife Nancie have written several best selling books on marriage and parenting. This is Bill’s first novel, and he started out with a bang! Google their names and you can see their other works.

David Lambert is a well known best selling author in his own genre. He is the senior fiction editor for Howard Books, but he also has written some award winning books. One of his books called, Jumper Fables, won the Gold Medallion Award. He has also written four novels for young adult readers. You can find him through Google also.

My review of “The Missionary:”

David Eller and his wife Christie, are missionaries helping impoverished children in Caracas, Venezuela. They have an orphanage for children who have no where to go.

The story opens up with David rescuing little Ricardo, who has just stolen some food from a vender, because he was very hungry. The merchant was beating Ricardo for taking the food. What David didn’t know was that Ricardo also had a rare kind of pneumonia that was attacking the Caracas children. The battle to save the little boy’s life causes the reader to turn pages without stopping.

There are two stories going on as there is in any outstanding book. Commandos have just landed on the shores near Caracas and their mission is to eliminate the dictator President Armando Guzman. Guzman was ruthless and doesn’t hesitate to make his enemies, “disappear.”

This setting has nothing but excitement in store for the reader. What happens to the orphanage run by Christie, and David? How are they connected with the assassination attempt of President Guzman? Who are the commandos and who hired them to do this?

David meets a tall stranger who has an offer he can’t refuse, but it will put David and his family in deep danger. David decides to do it anyway. 

This is an outstanding read. I am only about half way through because of time problems, but I know a great book when I see one. I have read hundreds in the last few years. This book hits a home run! It has tear jerking pages; incredible suspense; and heart warming outcomes, (most of the time!) Everything a good fiction reader likes to read. If you are choosing your next book that you want to remember forever, this book is it.

Some endorsements have come in for the book that is pretty powerful.

Jerry B. Jensen the author of the Left Behind series that has sold over 65 million books so far says, “Taut and gripping. You’ll be glad you made the investment.”

Terri Blackstock, one of my all time favorite Christian fiction writers says, “The Missionary is a roller-coaster read that will keep your adrenaline rushing!”

There are many other strong endorsements you will be able to see when you get the book.

The book is very new. It just came out this year. That is why you may not have heard of it yet. Word of mouth will spread, and this will be a best seller.

BUT! You have a chance to have it now with William Carmichael’s personal note and autograph in it!

This is how you can have a chance….It is so simple even a caveman can do it! (Hey good slogan!)

Just go over to the right side bar, and click on “Subscribe to my free newsletter…” and you will be able to automatically download my E-book called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a troubled World.”

Not only will you get a free E-book, but you are placed in a drawing for “The Missionary.”

But wait, there’s more!! (Sounds like an infomercial!) By subscribing you also get my free newsletter that comes out about twice a month. It has excerpts from my book, Signs of Hope: Finding Ways to Survive in a Not so friendly World.” It also has three other pages in it to please every reader’s taste. One page has sports news for mostly Oregon State University. (I bleed orange!)

Another page has travel stories from guest contributors. The next guest will be Ron Keleman, who has traveled to India. He has some very interesting insights, because he traveled the paths less traveled in India. Don’t miss his next post.

A fourth page has helpful resources that give you hope! They are suggestions, and ideas on how to cope with the enemies of our mind like; anxiety, self doubt, fear, depression, and the other usual suspects.

What a deal!! You get a free newsletter, a free e-book download, and a chance to win a book that is a hot item right now. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain!!

Even if you do not win the book, go out and buy it! I assure you that you will be very glad you did.