When Darkness Comes Into Your Life, What do You do?

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When the darkness comes from life’s heavy burdens what do you do? Some go into deep depression. Others stay strong and always see the bright side of everything.

I have been in deep depression, but now I know everything is for the good of those who believe.

That verse in the bible is hard for some who wonder, “If that is true, what good did I receive from my loved one’s death?

Well, a little further in that same verse, it says for those who believe. That means belief in God.

When we believe, we also learn to trust God. We learn from our storms and trials. Sometimes we need to be put to the fire of life, to fine tune us like a sword has to be put to the fire to sharpen and shape to its maximum  potential.

I am now looking at everything on the bright side. I have learned that God has a plan. I have learned that He loves me, and will help calm the storms in my life.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!