Just What Happens in the Military?

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We are listening! I asked you to subscribe if you like having posts about the military, and the response was very clear. The subscription rate doubled this week from the previous week. That is telling us you want more posts about the military, so they will keep coming, plus updates on the book, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.”


I thought I would share some more from the book, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.”

What follows are some of the chapter titles and a brief description of what they will be about:


Mass Physicals in the Military

One of the most embarrassing moments of my life was going through the mass physicals they had when I signed up for the military.

You Never Know Who Your Friends May be in the Military

It is funny who you end up being friends with in the military. Some are ones you never expected.

The Drafted Soldiers Where Totally Different Than the Enlisted Soldiers.

There seemed to be quite a separation between the enlisted and drafted soldiers.

I was Selected to be on the Honors Marching Group

I had some honors while in basic training including being selected to march in parades representing the Army.

The Military Food Wasn’t as Bad as advertised

I heard all kinds of stories about how bad the food was in the military. Not true.

Adventures at the Shooting Range

Some interesting things happened during the shooting range training.

I was Nominated for Soldier of the Month

One of my other honors was being nominated for soldier of the month.

This is my Rifle and This is My Gun

I had some humorous things happen while I was in basic training.


This is just a few. I will be sharing more chapter titles in my next post, so be sure to come back and check them out. Many are very serious and reach out to those military who suffer from anxiety, fear, depression, PTSD, and many other afflictions.

I want all of you who are veterans, or now in the military, to know:

You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!