Show Others How Great a Christian you can be

It has been a while since I last posted. I’ve been traveling, and had lots of work to do. Things have happened since the last post.

I have a new book trailer to share with you. Just click on the link below to see it. It is for my book, “Signs of Hope! Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

This was done by Apex Reviews. I highly recommend them for your book trailer projects.


What does it take to be a good Christian? What changes when we are first re-born? Let me give you some thoughts:

Let’s pretend you are a new car. You have just been put together into a new frame and new engine. You look pretty to all that come to see you.

But what will you do when it is time to perform? What will people think when they see you running.

People will be testing you out everyday to see if you are really as good as you look. They will tempt you. They will wonder how you will do under pressure.

You may not be a Jaguar, but if you are truly a Christian, you will shine and perform beautifully.

Yes, there will be times when you will need a tune-up. That is called church. There will be times when you are not running as smoothly as you would want. That is called prayer time.

Rev up your engine and show others how great a Christian you can be. Win the race, and be the champion.


After you have looked at the book trailer, I hope you will check out the “bookstore,” and see some more about the book.

There is a special sale going on from now through Christmas. (Yes, it is only 55 more day until Christmas!)

In the stores, the book costs $19.99, but on this site it is only $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half as well. A total savings of over $6.00.

Finally, I want you to always remember:

Never, ever, give up!

Prayer-Wireless Access to God with no Roaming Fees

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I have a few announcements:

1. I just had a trailer made for my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” I signed off on the final draft two days ago, and it should be showing up on You Tube in the next few days. check it out. The company that did it. (Apex Reviews) did a great job.

2. I will have and e-book coming out in a couple of weeks of the same book. It will be able to be bought at Barnes & Noble, etc. The price will probably be $3.99. _______________________________________________________

If you have read my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” you will have seen that all the chapters start with a bumper sticker. What follows are some that didn’t make it into that book, but will be used in future books:

  • Honk  if you love Jesus. Text while you are driving if you want to meet Him.
  • Easter is more than something to dye for.
  • Need a life guard? Jesus walks on water.
  • Be an organ donor. Give your heart to Jesus.
  • Prayer- wireless access to God with no roaming fees.
  • Forbidden fruits create many jams.
  • Ge right or get left.
  • God is like a detergent. He gets the stains out others have left.
  • I’m making a list and checking it twice. -God
  • Sun screen prevents sin burn.
  • You have Facebook friend request from Jesus. Confirm or ignore.
  • Dust on your Bible can lead to dirt in your life.
  • Get off Facebook and read my book. -God.

My own thought I add every time I post: Never, ever, give up!

You can see that bumper stickers tell a story in themselves. That is why I was able to write a whole book with their titles, and make some words to live by through them.

The book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” reaches ou to those who may be suffering from, Anxiety, fear, depression, addictions. self-doubt, hopelessness, etc.

The book is on sale right here on this site. You just need to click on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top of this page. You will then see a description of the book, and a copy of the cover.

There is a special price right now if you order this week. In the retail stores it is $19.99. On this site it is only $15.99. the shipping is cut in half as well. A total savings of over $ 6.00. THINK CHRISTMAS!