I Had a Dream! I Stopped Letting Walls Stop Me

I had a dream! In my dream I felt that I could accomplish a great deal if I just believed in myself. Too often we all stop moving forward because we don’t have confidence in our abilities.

In my dream  I stopped letting walls stop me. I turned all the walls over to God, and I knew He was much taller and stronger than any wall.

I dreamed of crossroads that where I made the right decisions and go the path that God has chosen for me, and not the road that Satan wants me to go on.

I dreamed that 99% of everything I worried about never really happened, and I  turned to other 01% over to God.  

This doesn’t have to be a dream my friends. All of it is right there for you. All you have to do is believe in yourself and God.

With God on your side, who can be against you?


I wanted to give an early notice of an event coming up that I will partake in. I will be signing my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” at the Oregon State Fair in Salem, Oregon. It runs from August 26th-September 5th. If you are in the area, drop by and say hello.


The book is often called a Manuel for those who are suffering from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, etc.

Right now you can buy, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” right here on this site.

There is a special sale going on right now. The retail stores are charging $19.99 for the book, but you can purchase the book, on this site, for only $15.99. The shipping cost has been cut in half as well. A total saving of over $6.00.

While you are here sign up for the RSS feed, and click on the “follow,” button for the” Networked Blogs,” area on the side bar.


I also want to plug my blog at: www.dailysignsofhope.com. It is one of the fastest growing blogs on the net right now. It is growing about 100 people a day through people signing up for the RSS feed there. Go there and find out why.  


I was Ready to Check out of This Hotel Called Earth

I want to thank a reader from Wisconsin for ordering one copy of my new book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” Let me know what you think of it by sending me a comment, or emailing me at doug@dougbolton.com.


I just lost a very close friend this last week to a sudden death. He was only 59 years old. He had no signs of illness. He just sat down in his recliner to take a nap, and never woke up. 

We never know when God will call us home. It doesn’t matter what your age is, there is never an assurance of tomorrow on our time line of life.  

What have you been putting off that is your dream? Do you think you have something that will benefit many people, but have put it on the back burner? Do you feel you aren’t capable of making your dream happen?

Many of us have been where you are. I had a dream over ten years ago of writing a salesman’s book on how to win more clients, and make a lot of money. I had a rough draft in my drawer, and had forgotten about it.

On March 31st, of 2001, I felt lost, full of self-doubt, and battling severe depression. I was even sitting in my rig in a high school parking lot considering if I wanted to check out of this hotel called earth. God had other plans for me and stopped me while I sat in my Ford Explorer crying my eyes out. He came into the rig and calmed the storm. It was like He was saying, ” It is about time you let me carry you the rest of the way.”

I went home and prayed, seeking why God saved my life. I instantly thought of that rough draft in my desk drawer. I pulled it out and thought, “This isn’t what I want to write about. I don’t want to try to convince anyone to be a better salesman. What good is this manuscript to me?”

Then God opened my eyes. I looked at the chapter titles and they fit perfectly into a Self Help Christian book. Each chapter said something that would cause the reader to think about what their life should be like.

One example was, ” Need Directions?” That title was asking potential salespeople if they knew what they were doing to win a client. The new thought was that people need to read the Bible to find out what they needed to do to have eternal life. Every chapter of that book was converted into the book I mentioned in the entry to this post.

I got the needed directions from God and I am here today being able to type this, because God gave me a new gift of life, and I followed His calling.

Don’t let a call from God pass you up. That dream you have is probably from God, and He is waiting for you to realize that and go for it.

Step up to the plate and hit a home run for God, using the gift He has already given you!


The Book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is on a special sale right now. In the retail stores it is $19.99, but if you order right from this site it is only $15.99. The shipping has been cut in  half as well. That is a total savings of over $6.00.

There’s more… ( sounds like an infomercial!) If you order from this site you will get an autographed copy, and a personal note from me.

How do I order? ( I thought you would never ask!) Just go to the top of this page and click on “Bookstore,” and go from there. If you want to read some strong endorsements for the book, you can also click on “endorsements,” at the top. There are many endorsements from all over the United States.

I hope you will at least check out the book and read the description. I think you will see that the book helps those who suffer from anxiety, fear, depression, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

God bless….. and never ever give up!! Continue reading “I was Ready to Check out of This Hotel Called Earth”