Not Happy With the Job You have?

Thank you to all of you who have been subscribing to this site. It has grown from 800 subscribers to over 2,200 in just a few months. Our goal was to reach 2,000 by the end of the year. You blew that goal out of the water. We have to adjust our sights to a higher goal. Let’s see if we can reach 2,400 by December 31st. We are now at 2,376 so we are getting close. We still have 31 days to go.  It would be awesome if we can make it. .

You can help us reach that goal by subscribing today if you haven’t already. Just click on the icon right after the title to this post to do that.

I have been working very hard on my new book, “Signs of Hope: For the Military. I feel that it will help many soldiers and their families. The appendix for this book will have one of the most complete lists available for finding help in any area a person may be searching for pertaining to the military.

Be looking for updates on the book and other news at this site, or at


It sometimes seems hard to trudge to work each day. Some jobs are not all that fun to go to. I was a very lucky man and worked as a teacher. The rewards were much brighter than the dark days of winter when I had to drive to work in the snow.

I did have those days when I wondered if I really wanted to get up and go to work. Then I would see a garbage man loading up someone’s garbage on a very raining day and the wind was blowing.

Sure I was going to a school where there are kids yelling and needing control, but to be out in the cold and shivering in a job that not many people would want to have made me glad to see the kids coming into my class. Besides, they always warmed me up with their smiling faces.

Do you have a kind of job that you wish you didn’t have? Do you drag yourself out of bed and force yourself to get ready? You aren’t alone. There are millions of people just like you. Off to work. Work hard all day. Come home, too tired to do anything but eat dinner and go to bed. Sound familiar?

God uses people in what ever job they may have. He doesn’t care if you dig ditches, or are a CEO for a huge business. He uses the meek, poor, rich, ordinary people of this earth.

What ever your lot is on life, God can use you. He will guide you to do far more wonderful things than you could ever imagine, if you just let Him.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


I Wanted to Leave This Hotel Called Earth

Thank you to all of you who have been subscribing to this site. It has grown from 800 subscribers to over 2,200 in just a few months. Our goal was to reach 2,000 by the end of the year. You blew that goal out of the water. We have to adjust our sights to a higher goal. Let’s see if we can reach 2,400 by December 31st. That would be awesome.

You can help us reach that goal by subscribing today if you haven’t already. Just click on the icon right after the title to this post to do that.

I have been working very hard on my new book, “Signs of Hope: For the Military. I feel that it will help many soldiers and their families. The appendix for this book will have one of the most complete lists available for finding help in any area a person may be searching for pertaining to the military.

Be looking for updates on the book and other news at this site, or at 


Two steps forward and one step back make the walk of life very slow. So many people  are one the same path. They trudge along, not knowing or caring where they are headed.

Are you on that path? Are you unhappy with your current status? Maybe you feel that you are stuck, and have no where to go at your job. You may feel too old to start over and try again.

I am 75 years old. (I know, you are surprised I can still type and sit up to do this post.) I have a book published called, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, , that I didn’t start writing until I was 69 years old. It has received a national award from the Reader’s Favorite Awards.

I was a teacher until my retirement in 1995. I felt just like many of you may be feeling right now. What now! I thought I was going to have to sit in my rocking chair and fade away into the sunset.

God had another plan. He pulled me out of the muck and mire on March 31st, 2001 when I was sitting in my Ford Explorer thinking of checking out of this hotel called earth. I cried out to Him for help and He took my hand and has been leading down the right path ever since.

I have to admit, I never grasped the thought that I would be am author some day. The only writing I had done was in journals. Well, much of my first book was taken from those very journals. I didn’t realize I was preparing to publish a book just from my hurts, and pains I had written down.

Don’t let this world overcome you and make you feel you are worthless. There are so many thing you can do to make you feel good and help others at the same time.

It is never too late to start something new no matter what you age is. Behind that next door could be what God had in mind for all along like He did for me.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


If you want to take a peek at the book that won a national award, just click on the “Bookstore” page and check it out. 

Standing in the Path of a Volcano

Thank you to all of you who have been subscribing to this site. It has grown from 800 subscribers to over 2,032 in just a few months. Our goal was to reach 2,000 by the end of the year. You blew that goal out of the water. We have to adjust our sights to a higher goal. Let’s see if we can reach 2,200 by December 31st. That would be awesome.

You can help us reach that goal by subscribing today if you haven’t already. Just click on the icon right after the title to this post to do that.

I have been working very hard on my new book, “Signs of Hope: For the Military. I feel that it will help many soldiers and their families. The appendix for this book will have one of the most complete lists available for finding help in any area a person may be searching for pertaining to the military.

Be looking for updates on the book and other news at this site.


It is sometimes hard to come back from a vacation. It takes a few days to get over the jet lag, and the rush of trying to do so many fun things during the vacation.

I just got back from a ten day trip to Hawaii. It was fun and full of activities. I wore down by the end of the ten days because of the pace we were on.

One of the things we did was go to the Big Island. We were only there two days so we did as many things as we could in that time. One of the things we did was to drive to the volcano that is still erupting. It restarted erupting in 1983 and has never stopped since. It is an awesome sight to see.

There are dangers around a volcano. The volcano had an eruption from the side of the mountain, and the lava flow is heading right towards a small community of families. They are on alert to evacuate when ever it is needed.

I feel for the families, but I also am in awe of the wonders that God allows to happen. He created everything, including the volcanoes.

Those families are facing adversity. They may lose their homes. We all face adversity at one time or another in our lives. There will be storms that come in to our lives, and we will need to be strong and face them like the families in Hawaii are now doing.

The one thing to remember is that God is with you through all your storms. He will allow the storms, but He also will be there to help calm them. Never feel alone when something happens that causes you stress. God will guide you through the dark side and show you the Son at the end of the storm.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!