We just had a sharp increase in hits to our site the last couple of days. Thank you for coming by. While you are here, we would love it if you would sign-up for our RSS feed. We are have some success at that as well. When you sign-up it increases our ranking with the Google Search Rankings. It moves up up on their pages.
Please sign-up now if you haven’t already to help us out.
There will be a huge announcement made about our bookstore in just a few more days. There also will be a big announcement about how this site will be changing to a new format soon. It will be more for writers.
I won’t be showing any more excerpts from the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” You can always go into the archives to find back excerpts I have posted.
“Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” reaches out to those who may be suffering from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.
It is on a special sale right now in the bookstore. Check it out by clicking on the Bookstore tab at the top of this page.
I will not be sharing an excerpt today. I want to tell you about a new adventure we will be having here.
We are going to slowly change this site into an author’s reference, and resource center.
It will have guest interviews; the sharing of ideas for marketing, and looking at the trends in publishing.
I will soon have a podcast that I did with John Kremer, the marketing guru. He asked me question about selling books in unusual places. He was very pleased with the taping, and I will be able to share the whole podcast with you soon.
I also have a trailer for my book that will be available on this site soon. It is on You Tube right now. Just go to You Tube and put in Signs of Hope-Doug Bolton. Let me know what you think of it.
I want to close with some thoughts:
Jesus didn’t give up on Peter, the adulterous woman, or the thief on the cr0ss. He won’t give up on you either.
You are not forsaken.
Above all: Never, ever, give up!