Thanks to all of you who have been joining us here. The response has been wonderful . As we start a new year, we hope that many more of you will join us. We just past 2,5010 new subscribers. That is a huge increase in one year. We only had 800 a year ago.
Help us continue to grow by subscribing today if you haven’t already. Just click on the icon right after the title of this post to do that.
I have been working very hard on my new book, “Signs of Hope: For the Military. I feel that it will help many soldiers and their families. The appendix for this book will have one of the most complete lists available for finding help in any area a person may be searching for pertaining to the military.
Be looking for updates on the book and other news at this site, or at
As we start a new year, we wonder what is ahead of us. We wonder if the seas will be calm, and if we can achieve more this year.
We don’t need to worry about tomorrow. Jesus tells us that tomorrow has enough worries of its own. We need to concentrate on the here and now. What can we do today to make our future brighter?
We all make our New Year’s resolutions, but in reality they are only a list. They don’t happen if we don’t take action.
Think about what you want to accomplish this year, and go for it. No stammering. No hesitation. Just plodding ahead and making those dreams come true.
So many of us think we know what we want, and then never do it. We just need to take that first step.
I have committed myself to get back to writing on my books everyday. I never did nearly enough writing last year. I stumbled around wondering if I was good enough to be an author. Well, I already am one with my first book being published and doing well.
Check out:
Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, by clicking on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top of this page.
Never feel you aren’t wise enough to accomplish your goals and dream. Go for it, and you will see that you are a much better person than you ever thought you could be!
You are not forsaken.
And above all…never, ever, give up!