We are All Disciples Once we Accept Christ into our Hearts

Where Did all the People Go?

We had 2,500 people at my home church this last Easter Sunday. Many of the people were visitors. I always wonder where the people are the rest of the year? There a is great number of people in the world that only go to church at Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter.

Some people think the church isn’t reaching out enough the other Sundays of the year. The members talk about Christ on Sundays, and about Duke beating Butler on Mondays.

We as Christians have been giving the title of disciples as soon as we accept Jesus into our hearts. Agreed that it takes a while to grow enough to speak to others about Christ, but we face people everyday that may be searching for the word we will be telling them about our journey to becoming a Christian.

It could be the mailman, the appliance salesman at Sears; your next door neighbor, or the person waiting with you for the bus.

God provides us with the opportunities, and we should use them as a vessel to share.

Many don’t. They feel uncomfortable talking about a man that was put to death, and then rose again. Who could believe that?

I placed a post on Facebook this week that said this, “People are upset because the stores are all closed. Some are putting jokes on that say have a nice hare day. Am I missing something… HE HAS RISEN!!!””

The second response I got from a woman said that I needed to know that there are many people on Facebook that do not believe like I do. The myth of Jesus’ resurrection comes from the word Easter meaning a day of egg hunts, and hares being celebrated.

I was very blessed by over 31 people responding to her remarks with, “Yes indeed, He has Risen!” Many supported my statement and went on further to praise God.

I made another post at the end saying, ” We all have a right to our own opinions, and I will use my right here. If you feel that Jesus is a myth, then there are choices to make. If He is a myth then you can live your life any way you please. But, if He really did rise from the dead, then you may want to seek atonement, and find ways to ask for forgiveness.”

I hope that wasn’t a slam of the woman that made her point. Like I said she had that right to speak, but when she said Jesus was a myth, I couldn’t  let it ride. That is when I stood up and gave my witness. I took the extra step to defend my belief, and hopefully helped others to see the truth.

What about you? Have you been faced with ridicule, and harassment? How did you handle it? Did you clam up right on the spot, or did you stand up for Jesus and share your beliefs with even more vigor?

When the next opportunity comes up, put on the armor of God, and be strong in your faith. God will reward you for each time you have had to “defend,” your beliefs. I put the word defend in parentheses because we aren’t really defending anything. We are sharing the truth, and it is up to the listener to discard or accept our thoughts.

March on Christian soldier!


God has Performed a Miracle

Free Books Given Away at Workshop

I wanted to update you on the progress of my book getting published. It looks like it may come out sooner than thought. I will try to give you a publishing date as soon as I know it.

I will be doing a workshop in Asheville, NC on April 21st. If you are going to the NEA-R Eastern Regional Teacher’s Conference there, I hope you will take the workshop. I have lots of goodies to give away.

I have to tell you that God worked all this trip out for me. I am just a local farm boy/retired teacher from Salem, Oregon who happens to have a book coming out on how to survive in the not so friendly world.

The title: “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, is very timely. The word “hope” is a buzz word right now. People are seeking hope.

The fact that I was chosen from Oregon to do a workshop clear across the nation in North Carolina, is nothing short of a miracle.

NEA In Washington D.C. found out from my local Uniserv consultant, that I had written a book. That happened to be exactly what they were looking for.

They contacted me and invited me to do the workshop. They are paying the air, room, and food. (I could get used to this!)

My publisher is providing five books to give away during the workshop. There will even be a pre order form for the attendees to order the book before it even comes out. (YAHOO!)

The contact person told me that there was a limit of 50 people allowed to sign up for the workshop, and it is already full. They are allowing some standing room only people to come to the workshop.

So, this little ole retired teacher/author will have an open gate to plug my book and sell some books in an all expense paid trip to Asheville, NC. Can’t beat that.

The cover design is finished and I am very pleased. It has a picture of a man at the ocean holding out his hands to the skies and looking for hope.

The back cover is waiting for the publicity designer to OK. It is a very precise and explosive message to those who are hurting.

I will have business cards and post cards done before my trip to North Carolina, so I will have those to hand out as well.

My publisher will also provide handouts for the workshop to make it a very good experience for all of the attendees.

Keep checking here for more updates. It will a fun ride from now on. Things are rolling very fast!!


Do we Need to go to Church to be Christians?


Are You Wrinkled with Burden?

 Come to Church and Get a Faith Lift


Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Romans 12:10


Do we need to go to church to be Christians? Not in the thinking of a many people. Do we need to go to church to grow and be strong Christians? In my thinking, yes—it is a must.

I find this second thought important in my own life. Where else can I sit and share my beliefs in God more than in God’s house. Those people who think the same way need me there to support them—and I need them to support me.

There are many times when we face sickness, sorrow or tragedy. People will pray for us, and we will pray for them. Jesus calls His children to a community where they gather and share together.

We know that we need to be with brothers and sisters in Christ if we are to grow in the Spirit. When we are with other Christians, we begin to feel more like loving one another, and feel free to share without fear. Christians who gather together learn that each member is a special present from God—someone with whom we can share and grow spiritually.


As the bumper sticker suggests: We can get a faith lift every time we come to church and share with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Spending each Sunday with people who love us and want to help us grow is one way to have many close encounters with God.

I have developed some close friendships with Christians from my home church and we keep in touch during the week. It helps me to stay on level with God and to be strong.

We can stay strong another way—as part of a Bible study during the week. Most churches have study groups that are a comfortable place to share and grow.

There is also an international Bible study group (Bible Study Fellowship—BSF) that I attend during the week. There are groups for just men and groups for just women. Some women’s groups meet during the day. Many meet on the same weeknight evening so both spouses can attend at the same time while their children are part of program geared to their age group.

There is a different study in each term of the seven-year cycle and you eventually get a great overview of the entire Bible. I have been blessed each year I’ve gone and have developed close friendships there. After the lecture over the passage we study during the week on our own, my small group of ten to twelve men meets. We share our hurts and needs at the end of each session. Some men would not open up in other settings, but they feel safe at BSF.


And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and the he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Hebrews 11:6


Further adventures

  1. Visit your neighbors and talk to them about coming to church. I realize this may be a difficult assignment. It may be uncomfortable to speak up for the Lord, but just think if everyone in your neighborhood was a strong Christian. What if they all went to churches where they were growing in the Lord? What a glorious place to live. What a boost that would be. Isn’t it worth trying to tell your neighbors about your church, and more importantly about your Savior?
  2. Call a fellow Christian from your church and thank him or her for being there for you. Although they may not understand what you mean, they will be grateful for your thoughtfulness and glad they have contributed to your life. Your friendship may even grow stronger.


Something to ponder

Isn’t it funny that even every hair on your head is counted by God?

 *Excerpt from: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World