President Biden is on Another Planet. He Doesn’t Know What is Going on

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Military news…

All U.S. service members will be required to get the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine made by the drug manufacturer Pfizer. The news comes the same day the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted full approval to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.


“If I weren’t so emotionally detached from all things Afghan, I might feel great compassion and sorrow for those who remain under Taliban rule,” writes Afghanistan veteran Brandon Caro. But the former Navy corpsman does not feel those emotions, “because I can’t.” 


Amid the collapse of the Afghan government and the flight of thousands of refugees, there was a bright spot in the fact that three babies were born safely amidst the U.S. evacuation from country.


A Fort Jackson soldier has been convicted of third-degree assault and battery after he was caught on video shoving a Black man in his neighborhood. The soldier, Sgt. 1st Class Jonathan Pentland, was charged with assault back in April.


President Joe Biden said last week that the U.S. drove Al Qaeda out of Afghanistan. He’s dead wrong. Not only is Al Qaeda present across Afghanistan, but it now has friends in high places due to the Taliban re-conquering the country.


My view…

My view is that President Biden is in a complete fog. He is totally lost. He is saying things are going great in Afghanistan, and yet pictures coming home from there shows a completely different picture.

I shared some of the gore in my last post. I do not wish to share more.

Something has to be done. There are strong rumors that both parties in Congress are getting very frustrated with the president. Maybe a impeachment is coming.


I have been sharing with you that I have slowed down my experts from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the military: In and Out of the Trenches o Life.

It is getting near the time for my publisher to take over for me. They suggest I work on marketing more, and less sharing.

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So Much Suffering in Afghanistan, and it Didn’t Have to Happen

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Military news…

A U.S. Marine brought an Afghan baby to safety over the walls of the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan in video footage that emerged on Thursday. A Marine spokesman called the lift “a true example of the professionalism of the Marines on site.”


Fox News’ Laura Ingraham says the U.S. is welcoming thousands of ‘unvetted’ refugees from Afghanistan. But know this: she’s wrong. Those Afghans who are coming directly to the U.S. are rigorously vetted under the Special Immigrant Visa system, and those that haven’t are undergoing that process in a third-party country now.


The worst of times can bring out the best in humanity, as demonstrated by Sher Ahmad Ahmadzai, a former Afghan interpreter who, with the help of non-profit groups, attorneys, veterans and other advocates, overcame countless challenges to make it out of the country. A month ago, Ahmadzai and his family were facing near-certain doom, but now they are safe.


The Taliban have not a second of remorse for what they are doing to the people of Afghanistan. They had one woman cook for them. They didn’t like how she cooked so they burned her alive.


There is a story about n American citizen who tried to get into the airport, but a Taliban soldier took her passport and wouldn’t give it back to her. He wanted her to have to stay in his country. A Marine was close and made him give it back to her. A true hero.


My view…

Things are horrible for civilians in Afghanistan. People being killed for no reason. Women rapped. Children being used as sex slaves. If they didn’t like how you did something they kill you.

Our president(Biden) is denying any of this is happening, and yet you can see it in pictures sent home. He thinks things are going smoothly, and so does Kamala Harris. Are they on another planet?

They are full of denial, and not accepting that they are failing in their duties.

This is not leadership in my opinion. It is the opinion of many people, even many democratic congressmen.

I am thinking Biden may get impeached soon.


I have been sharing with you that I have stopped sharing excerpts from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I may return to that, but If you want to see any of the excerpts you will now have to look through the archives to find them.

One way you won’t miss anything is by subscribing to this site right now. That way all future post will go directly to your inbox. Just click on the “Subscribe button,” at the top of this page.


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Panic is High in Afghanistan, Especially at the Kabul Airport

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I told you I would keep you up dating on my SFC friend who is in harms way in Kabul, Afghanistan. The city has been over run. We have all seen the panic at the airport.

i haven’t heard from my friend in two days. Has me worried big time. She is part of the military that is the last in Afghanistan. She is a huge harms way situation. Please pray for her.


Military news….

The Coast Guard belatedly commemorated its 231st birthday last week with a record offload of illegal drugs.


For some reason, White House officials still believe the conquering Taliban will settle for a negotiated peace with the collapsing Afghan government, rather than total victory. Then again, when it comes to Afghanistan, U.S. presidents rarely like to face reality.


The scene at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul has devolved into chaos as both Afghan and foreign nationals seek to flee Afghanistan amid the Taliban’s violent campaign to reclaim the country. Social media footage captured at the airport shows hundreds of people on the airport flight line, apparently blocking the take-off of at least one commercial airliner.

The Taliban captured Kabul on Sunday as former President Ashraf Ghani fled to neighboring Tajikistan, leaving Taliban fighters to occupy the presidential palace and mark the return of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan almost exactly 20 years after the United States initially invaded the country.

While President Joe Biden has ordered another 1,000 troops to bolster the roughly 5,000 U.S. troops already a the airport to help evacuate Americans who work at the Kabul embassy and some Afghans who have applied for visas, the U.S. embassy in Kabul warned on Sunday that the airport had come under fire amid the Taliban’s push into the city.

“The security situation in Kabul is changing quickly including at the airport,” the embassy said in a statement. “There are reports of the airport taking fire; therefore we are instructing U.S. citizens to shelter in place.”

The U.S. military’s focus right now is evacuating Americans from Afghanistan.

For Afghans, the prospect of getting a flight to another country is virtually non-existent for the foreseeable future. While Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has claimed that the evacuation from Kabul is “not Saigon” the U.S. government is once again leaving a country as tens of thousands of people in the capital are terrified of retribution from the new regime.

One Kam Air flight was apparently unable to take off because hundreds of people tried to board it.

“The runway of the airport was filled with a constellation of uniforms from different nations,” the New York Times reported. “They joined contractors, diplomats and civilians all trying to catch a flight out of the city. Those who were eligible to fly were given special bracelets, denoting their status as noncombatants.

Despite the panic that has engulfed the country in recent weeks, the Biden administration has held fast to its decision to rapidly withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan amid the worsening security situation there.

“When I became President, I faced a choice—follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our Forces and our allies’ Forces out safely, or ramp up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another country’s civil conflict,” Biden said in a statement on Saturday prior to the Taliban’s march on Kabul. “I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan—two Republicans, two Democrats. I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.”


The article about Afghanistan is heartbreaking. How could the president not know this would happen, and why hasn’t he been taking people out earlier. Many people will die now because the Taliban have no mercy.


I shared with you a couple of posts ago, that I was cutting back on my excerpts from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

You can see some of them by searching the archives.

I will be sending the book to my publisher soon.


What’s happening in your world? Do you have friends still in Afghanistan? Do you worry they will not make it home?


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If the days are just too much for you, GETHELP!

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1-800-273-8255… texting 838255



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