There is Some Good News in the Military

Still growing at a rapid pace. In the last three days there have been 13 new subscribers. WELCOME!! There are now 8,426 fellow veterans here.


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. You may be saving a life.


I have two interesting military stories to share with you:

  1. The American Legion post 310 of San Diego, California, Has been giving out over 5,000 meals a week for children 18 and under. Also, on every Saturday starting at 10:00am the post hands out fruit, vegetables, and non perishable food. They even provide school supplies and back packs for local students.
  2. Mary Edwards Walker was the first and only Medal of Honor recipient during the Civil War Era. In 1916 congress created a pension act for Medal of Honor recipients. It caused greater restrictions on the eligibility requirements of rewarding the Medal of Honor. The Army reviewed all of the past Medal of Honor recipients, and 911 of them were stripped of their medals including Mary. The stripped soldiers did not have to return their medals, but they were taken off of the honor roll. In 1977 President Carter reinstated Mary’s Medal of Honor. Later she had a WWII Liberty military ship, the SS Mary Walker, named after her.

This shows that there is some good in this scary world. Good news is hard to find.

The “mob,” now wants several military bases renamed, like Ft. Bragg and several others. There is no end to their trying to pull our country down.

The Washington Red Skins are changing their name. They are under pressure from the same “mob,” I have mentioned.

Something that has struck me right in my heart is that my Alma Mater, Oregon State University and the University of Oregon are changing our cross state games from the Civil War to something else. I will for ever call it the Civil War!!!

Let me know how you are doing my friend.

Have you had a bad few days because of all the fireworks? I sat in my brother-in-laws back yard and watched WWIII going on before me. From 9 o’clock to 6 o’clock, as far as vision, there were big “bombs,” going off. The little dog that was there was very terrified, and shacking. These were not legal fireworks be any measure! They shook the ground, and were very loud.

I thought of all of our brothers and sisters who must have been hiding in their basements with the stereos turned up high. Very sad!


I feel for all of your who have PTSD, TBI, depression, anxiety, etc. Life is tough enough without this going on.

I was overcome with depression, in 2001 and was ready to check out of this hotel called earth. I somehow over came that and I am still here. I fought the battle and won.

You can too. GET HELP if you are struggling more than you can handle. Don’t think you are a sissy for getting help. There are those who think you should be tough because you are a veteran. That is a lie!

Here is the 24/7 help line to call if you need it. Please call it my friend, because you are my brother/sister.



+If you like what you read here, please go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe. ” When you do all future posts will come directly to your in box. Also, if you know someone who could benefit for this site, please let them know as well. You may be saving a life.


Always remember:

You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Our Country is Becoming a War Zone

Wow! You guys take my breath away! In the last few days we have had 120 new subscribers! Keep it up my friends. Much more good stuff to come.

I have been watching the mess in our country, and I am sure you have been too. When will it end? What do we need to do to stop it? President Trump said he would send in the military if needed, but of course, the Democrats said that is only inciting more unrest. So what do the Democrats suggest? I have heard nothing.

We never thought about having to use the actual military in our own country to clear up a mess like this. Our country is changing due to the amarchest who are trying to bring down the government.

Don’t get me wrong, I totally believe in PEACFUL demonstrations, but not violence, looting, and burning down businesses.

I even saw some rioters burning the United States flag.

We even had protests in my home town of Salem, Oregon. Less than two miles from here. That is getting too close for me. I will protect my family till my last breath.


Now that I have let off some steam, let’s think about our brothers and sisters who are harms way. They are in trenches, in tanks, hunkered down, because of bullets flying over their heads.

Our military have their own war zone much worse than we have here in our streets.

I was deployed to South Korea. I knew the dangers of what I was getting into. I did it because of my love for my country, and wanting the South Koreans to be safe.

I know you have done the same thing, or are now serving your country. In my opinion, you are all heroes! You took the extra step and enlisted. You also knew what you were getting into, and yet you served.

Some of you came home with horrific memories. Some of you are living with war wounds. Some of your buddies were lost.

You are not alone. You must always remember that. You have many fellow veterans right here at this site. You have brothers and sisters, who care. They know what you have been through and have your six.

If you are struggling more than you can handle there is a hotline you can call for help. 800-273-8255 (option # 1)

Do not take on this world alone, if you are battling PTSD, TBI, depression, war wounds, etc. Let us know by commenting down below, and I will personally answer you, and find help for you.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all never, ever, give up!