Nancy Pelosi travels to Taiwan on a military plane, raising concerns about how China Thinks.

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Military news…

This World War I battlefield is on fire and exploding 100-year-old ordnance
The war to end all wars isn’t done ravaging the continent.


Nancy Pelosi may travel to Taiwan on a military plane, raising concerns about how China might react
China views Taiwan as a renegade province and some have raised concerns that now is not the time for Pelosi to visit.


Note to Self: When They Come for You in the Night, Don’t Give Up. Fight Back.  

Through it all—the good and the bad—always remember you will achieve your goal. Keep your chin up, endure, and always remember: It will be OK.


“Quietly Heroic”—Journalist Returns to Ukraine with American Veterans to Help Her People
There’s a long legacy of women fighting in wars, and they’re always welcome behind the scope of a rifle pointing at Russian invaders


Army offers $35,000 bonus to new recruits who quickly fill boot camp vacancies

The Army is offering a $35,000 bonus to new recruits willing to sign a four-year contract and ship out to boot camp within 45 days as it struggles to quickly fill open training slots.


Russian helicopter gunship violates Estonia’s airspace, further flaring tensions in run-up to NATO security meeting

A rare intrusion into Estonian airspace by a Russian Mi-8 attack helicopter has prompted the latest salvo of charges that Moscow is ratcheting up tensions in the Baltic region one week ahead of a major NATO security summit.


Chinese bombers, fighters cross Taiwan air defense zone in large numbers Taiwan deployed jets and air defense systems after 29 Chinese warplanes, including bombers and fighters, entered its air defense zone.


I am in the final stages of finishing my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. Come back often to see the progress. Better yet.. go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you fighting back memories?


There are over 15,219 Veterans on this site who have your back.

If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.

+Now there is an easier way to get help. Just dial 988, and you will have help ready for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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I Lost The Battle, But Won the War Against the Deadly COVID.

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Military news…

The Army is getting leaders ready for a war unlike any the US has ever seen

The service is moving away from the past and training for future operations against China and Russia.


Hollywood has made a staggering amount of money re-winning World War II

“We in the killin’ Nazi business. And cousin, business is a-boomin.”

The Marine Corps’ latest idea for countering China has major problems

While China clearly is the pacing threat, that does not mean that conflict will take the form of a high-intensity war in the Pacific.


We salute this Marine for having a promotion ceremony in the muck

“We just wanted to have our little spin on it and do it our way.”


The Army may give soldiers who reenlist more money and time off

“If I have a soldier that’s been in the Army for five years, you can’t buy back that experience from them.”


This will be another short post today. I am on the tail end of fighting COVID. I am much better, but still pretty weak. I see my doctor today to check out everything. Hopefully it will be a good report.

Remember…my new book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life. is almost finished. Keep coming back for the latest information of this widely acclaimed book. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on Subscribe. When you do all future posts will come directly to your in box.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you fighting back memories?


There are over 15,219 Veterans on this site who have your back.


If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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This Old Soldier Has Been Blessed With a Severe Visit From Covid

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Military news….

Air Force A-10s continue to prove that runways are for suckers

The Air Force landed A-10s on a Michigan highway to practice operating in austere environments without the large bases airmen are used to.


The Air Force now has a golden F-16

The shiny Iowa Air National Guard F-16 is a throwback to the original 1996 gold F-16 and the ‘bulldog’ commander who created it.


Navy to stop punishing sexual assault victims for underage drinking, other minor infractions

Under new guidance issued this week, commanders will no longer punish sailors and Marines who report sexual assaults for misconduct related to the incident.


The Navy is paying $100,000 for tips on smuggling drugs and guns in the Persian Gulf


These 4 soldiers just received the Medal of Honor for standing between their men and enemy fire

“It’s been a long journey to this day for these heroes and their families.”


A Marine’s Bronze Star offers insight into US troops’ heroism during the Kabul evacuation

“He disregarded his own grievous wounds, the tear gas engulfing him, and reports of gunfire and began dragging this Marine to safety.”


A rocket mysteriously crashed on the Moon. The military intel world has no idea who sent it

The truth hopefully is out there.


This will be a very short post tonight. I have found that this old solider has come down with COVID. It has knocked me down and I have been bed ridden for four days. It saps any strength you have and keeps you very weak.

I will finish up with my usual words of support and encouragement.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you fighting back memories?


There are over 15,219 Veterans on this site who have your back.


If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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