Parents in Korea Were Throwing Their Children in Front of Our Trucks

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Military news…

A staff sergeant with the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division was sentenced to 70 years in prison for murdering his wife after poisoning her with a deadly toxin found in puffer fish.


As a water contamination emergency affects thousands of families in Hawaii, the Army has given a master class in how to respond to the crisis, while the Navy has fallen flat on its face.


From a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan to a botched response to the Jan. 6, 2021 coup attempt, the Pentagon’s report card for 2021 is dismal.


Afghan evacuees remain at base in Kosovo for additional screening 
Several hundred Afghan evacuees, some of whom were flagged for security concerns, still reside at a NATO base in Kosovo where they are being processed by U.S. personnel, multiple government officials said this week.


Biden to speak with Ukraine president amid fears that Russia may once again invade Ukraine

Following his call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Joe Biden plans to speak by phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday amid growing alarm over Russia’s military buildup near its border with Ukraine.


Iran launches rocket into space amid Vienna nuclear talks

Iran launched a rocket with a satellite carrier bearing three devices into space, authorities announced Thursday, without saying whether any of the objects had entered Earth’s orbit.


Jan. 6 committee prepares to go public as findings mount

In the coming months, members of the panel will start to reveal their findings against the backdrop of former President Donald Trump and his allies’ persistent efforts to whitewash the riots and reject suggestions that he helped instigate them.


I am sharing another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military; In and Out of the Trenches of Life. This excerpt was very hard from em to write because of the lack of love for humanity.


Can’t we All Just Get Along?

During my time in Korea, we had reason to travel through Seoul, Korea for courier duties. What I saw as we traveled tore at my core of values, and caused me to spiral out of control at times in my battle with depression.

We had to drive very slowly through the city because parents were often throwing their children in front of the trucks so they could get compensation from the Military for the damages. I couldn’t grasp the desperation of a mother to let her child be killed just for money, but then I saw other signs that showed me why that may have been the only choice.

Another time we drove through Seoul, I saw this little old lady lying on the street begging for people to give her some food. No one was giving her anything. We came back through the same area a couple of hours later, and the woman was dead. Again, no one was paying any attention to her.

How could humanity allow this? Why didn’t the people help her, and why did the people need to sacrifice their own children to get food? 

The world today isn’t much different. In the Middle East I am sure there have been many times when you, as a soldier, saw horrific things happening to the innocent. You may have seen people killing for no apparent reason. People desperately seeking help from you, and there was not much you could do.

You may think God has disappeared during these times. Why would He allow such hardship and sorrow to go on?

God hasn’t disappeared.  As a matter of fact it hurts Him badly to see all the turmoil and death in this world. So, why allow it?

The reason is that God gave us choices. He lets us choose our paths. He allows good people to live, but He also allows bad people to live.

The proof is when we see people like, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Pharaoh, and other dictator-type leaders to thrive.

He gives them choices. He doesn’t like what many of them do in their lives, but he doesn’t like many things we do in our own lives as well.

He even gave Jesus Christ choices. Jesus could have stopped all the pain and torture He was going through. He had the power to do that. His choice was to follow through with what He was sent down to the earth to do, and He went to the cross for you and me to complete His journey.

We have a hard time accepting some of the trials and storms that God allows us, and many other people, to face in this world, but the bottom line is that everything has a purpose. Everything is leading to a big climax, and that climax will free all of us who believe. I know, I read the last chapter ahead of time. It has a very happy ending.


We can see how horrific it is in some places in the world. It doesn’t seem fair to allow such harm and destruction to go on. We can do something in our own back yards though. We don’t have to let these kinds of things happen around us in our neighborhoods, and cities.

As soldiers and veterans we know the meaning of freedom, so we should make sure all people are free of fear, intimidation, and harm. We need to speak up and tell the bully-type people that they are not acceptable in our area. If all of us unite we can make a point that will be understood very clearly.

Think on this

Isn’t it encouraging that when we stick together we can conquer anything?


I may have other excerpts coming up, so check back. Better yet… go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


Checking in on you…How are you doing/ Have you lost faith in our world?


There are over 13,610 fellow veterans here who have your back.

If you are battling mentally, because of your love for others, but it isn’t working, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will no hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There Are Still People Stranded In Afghanistan, and Many Are Americans

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Military news…

A VA employee is under investigation for allegedly sharing a patient’s medical information on Twitter in a (poor) attempt at a joke about how penis surgery for the patient is a waste of taxpayer money. The tweet was not only a HIPAA violation, but it was also a callous barb against emotional and physical injuries that thousands of veterans, old and young, suffer from.


The baby daughter of one of the 13 American service members killed in a suicide bombing last month in Afghanistan was born on Sept. 13 and given a warm welcome from her Marine Corps family and beyond. Levi Rylee Rose McCollum, daughter of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum and his wife Jiennah, “came roaring into this world and graced us all with her presence,”


The Army finally revealed why a soldier is being court-martialed for a mysterious firefight that took place in Syria last year. Though the details of the firefight itself are still murky, Sgt. 1st Class Robert Nicoson allegedly disobeyed orders and recklessly led his men into a gunfight with Syrian government forces, then attempted to cover up the evidence.


900 U.S. troops are still over there and nobody knows why. U.S. troops first went there to help destroy the Islamic State group’s former caliphate, but now they are stuck in between their Kurdish allies, Turkish forces who want to destroy those Kurdish allies, and the remnants of ISIS. 


Remember the F-117 Nighthawk, the arrow-shaped stealth jet that kicked serious butt in Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom? It’s back. Though the attack plane officially retired in 2008, the Air Force has low-key brought it back over the past few years for training missions with fighter crews, and the service publicly confirmed a recent Nighthawk training mission on Thursday.


More table of contents from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Loneliness Sucks the Life of You

I had hundreds of fellow service me and women, but I was still lonely.

Desperate people do Desperate Things

Parents were throwing their children in front of our rigs to get compensation.

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

A woman was left to die on a busy street in Korea

Communication From Home, or the Lack of it

Mail Call was Depressing for me.


Short on time today. I am heading out with my three sons in two hours for fishing trip. it is supposed to be pouring rain, but we will overcome. 🙂


How are you doing my friend? Is it getting kind of dicey for you?


There are now 13,000 + veterans here who have your back.

But! If it way too dicey, GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7.

There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until the know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255….Texting 838255



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know .

People in South Korea were Throwing their Children In Front of Our Vehicles

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Big news for the many airmen out there who want to grow out their beards: not only is there little evidence showing that beards interfere with a gas mask seal, but the Air Force’s ban on beards may also be contributing to racial discrimination and hurting promotion opportunities within the service. This is a new study showing the harmful consequences of the Air Force’s current beard policy.


After months of uncertainty, President Joe Biden’s administration will finally start evacuating vulnerable Afghan interpreters and their families by the end of the month. “Operation Allies Refuge” will evacuate Afghans who are eligible applicants for Special Immigrant Visas, though it’s unclear yet where they will be taken, or how many people will be evacuated.


Thursday was a historic day as a woman became the U.S. Navy’s first female special operator. The unnamed sailor was one of 17 to graduate the Naval Special Warfare’s assessment and selection pipeline, and now she’s a bone fide Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman.


Former Afghan interpreter Mirza Sayeed Nayab’s life is in danger because of a clerical error. Nayab worked with U.S. troops in Afghanistan for four years, but now he is stuck in the country, where invading Taliban fighters might kill him. And it’s all because his supervisor failed to put the date and time next to his signature in Nayab’s application for a Special Immigrant Visa.


Sharing another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Desperate People do Desperate Things

I saw some frightening things things that happened in Seoul, South Korea, while driving through. Earlier in this book I shared about the little old lady who starved to death right on a busy street, because no one cared.

Another time as I was riding through Seoul was knowing that we had to drive very slow through some of the tight streets. we had to do this because we saw Fathers and mothers holding their children ready to throw them in front of our truck. They did this to try to get compensation money from the military. Yes, they were sacrificing their children for money. How could anyone even think of doing that?

They were desperate for food and clothing for the rest of the family. They had no means of income, and they had to find ways to survive. We see similar types of things going on all over the world. There are people allowing their children to be sold a s sex slaves. Other people even pay money to crooks so they can sneak across borders to find jobs.

Do we need to have people so poor that they will let their children die, or be sold into slavery?

Of course not! We put on our uniforms to protect these kind of people. We are doing what is right by defending them to the death.

Never be ashamed of your service to your country. You have been chosen to represent your country in a way that shows courage and a love that passes all understanding.

This is a shortened version of this chapter of my book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. So come back often to see what the rest is. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will directly to your inbox.

Checking your pulse. Are you doing Ok? Have the dreams from your military time been driving you crazy?


There is toll free number to help you if you need extra help. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. There is no shame to GETTING HELP when you need it.

Never face this crazy world alone!

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1 For texting…838255.



You are never forsaken.

You are never alone.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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