Face The Storms of your Life, and Survive

It has been an amazing ride for the month of June. I was excited to tell you on June 1st that we had just passed 8,000. It took over three years to do that. Then I stepped up my posting, and you all responded, Since June 1st, we have had 273 new subscribers. It took me months to get that many before. THANK YOU!!


I read that some knuckle heads have torn down the statue of George Washington in Portland, Oregon. I am ashamed to say that Portland is less than 50 miles from here. Too close to home. The rioters twisted minds claim that Washington was a racist and therefore he has to go.

There are statues being torn down all over our country. Nancy Pelosi has ordered all past speaker of the house politicians who she claims are racist to be taken down. She has become one of the rioters.


When I was in basic training I had a lot of growing up to do. I was a shy, quiet, kid from Oregon, who was lost when basic started. I wanted to hide in the barracks. Of course, the drill sergeant would not allow you to do that. Sgt McDonald was a tough guy on the outside. (I will explain what I mean by that shortly. )

He had me digging ditches and throwing a cigarette butt in and then cover it up. Then he would have me dig it up again. I quickly learned to be though and not let him shake me. He kept sending me in place of other recruits to KP, so they could get more training.

Then something happened. He told me he had nominated me for soldier of the month. I was very honored and went to meet all the brass at headquarters. He also named me to be on the honor guard that was marching in a up coming parade soon. I was again honored. I saw him walking alone one day and I stopped him to ask. “Why have you suddenly been so nice to me?” He bark back. “You have become a soldier!” You never questioned my commands and took orders quite well. To me that should be rewarded. “

I had become a man, and went on to be one of the top recruits at basic that year.

I am not telling you this to be bragging. I am telling you this to help you realize that you don’t have to be mad and upset when things do not go your way. Ride the waves, and learn.


President Trump is being attacked from all sides. The fake media, democrats, rioters, and many others. I have never seen anything like this. He is one of the strongest presidents of all time. No other president has had to go through all this crap. I admire him more each day as he faces the storms, and keeps on going.


How are you doing?

Do your days seem too long. Are the winds of fear blowing in your face? Do you have a hard time getting up and taking on the world?

You are not alone!!

There are 8,273 fellow veterans, and family members here. They have your six. They wil be a pillar of strength for you 24/7.

If it is just too hard to handle, please GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number you can call 24/7. There are highly trained people there to help you:

1-800-273-8255 Do not delay. it could be your life line.


If you feel you would benefit from this site please subscribe. At the top of this page there is a spot that says, “subscribe.” Click on that and sign up. When you do, all future posts will come directly to your in box. Also, If you know some one else who could benefit from this site please let them know about it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

Endorsements for My New Book, “Signs of Hope for the Military”

Started keeping track of new subscribers on June 1st. On that day we had 8,093. Today we are up to 8,224. What a wonderful increase. I am so honored to have all of you here.

My last post I shared with you the outline of my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

It is a good post to go back to if you are new.

Tonight I thought I would share with you some of the outstanding endorsements my book has been receiving. I will only share a couple tonight:

Most of us are fortunate not to have experienced the stress of combat.  Words cannot adequately define the grinding daily pressure of knowing that every time you step outside the gate the enemy will try to kill you and your buddies.  You are constantly alert, on point; but how can you protect your team from the instantaneous blast of the IED?  You are part of a highly-trained team poised to execute, but what has prepared you for the mental toll of being on edge every moment.  The skills that helped you survive….have taken a toll and are now working against you when you return home.  What do you do now; where do you turn?  Whether you are dealing with PTSD, TBI, depression, homelessness, or recovering from wounds; Doug Bolton has answers…..this book has answers!

Jim Jaeger

Brigadier General, USAF, ret

San Antonio, TX

Member of the Board, Victory for Veterans

Although Signs of Hope For the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life wasn’t written for men only, it brings honesty and openness to veterans, and military personnel about feeling ok to express fears and emotional challenges in a difficult world.  US Army Retired Veteran, Mr. Douglas Bolton brings his personal stories to life in a way we all can relate to and gives a big “you’re ok” for revealing our shortcomings and encourages us to open up and talk.  A must read for those seeking healing and forgiveness from ourselves and those wanting a fresh look on life. 

Steve Durgin, Founder & CEO with Victory For Veterans Foundation. 

Huntington, Beach California

There are many more. I will share some in future posts.


How are you doing? Are you struggling? Do you find situations where you are actually afraid?

You certainly are not alone. I was there, and over 8,000 followers here have been with you.

What can we do to overcome the darkside, that wants to torment us? The most important thing you can do, my friend, is get help. I know, it is hard to admit that you need help. You are a tough military veteran Right?

Never fall for that. I got help. I am here because of the help. I was near self imposed death at one time. That was in 2001.

Here is your life line of you think you need it. It is 24/7.

1-800-273-8255 (Option # 1)



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken,

You are never unloved.

And above all….Never, ever, give up!

Our Country is Becoming a War Zone

Wow! You guys take my breath away! In the last few days we have had 120 new subscribers! Keep it up my friends. Much more good stuff to come.

I have been watching the mess in our country, and I am sure you have been too. When will it end? What do we need to do to stop it? President Trump said he would send in the military if needed, but of course, the Democrats said that is only inciting more unrest. So what do the Democrats suggest? I have heard nothing.

We never thought about having to use the actual military in our own country to clear up a mess like this. Our country is changing due to the amarchest who are trying to bring down the government.

Don’t get me wrong, I totally believe in PEACFUL demonstrations, but not violence, looting, and burning down businesses.

I even saw some rioters burning the United States flag.

We even had protests in my home town of Salem, Oregon. Less than two miles from here. That is getting too close for me. I will protect my family till my last breath.


Now that I have let off some steam, let’s think about our brothers and sisters who are harms way. They are in trenches, in tanks, hunkered down, because of bullets flying over their heads.

Our military have their own war zone much worse than we have here in our streets.

I was deployed to South Korea. I knew the dangers of what I was getting into. I did it because of my love for my country, and wanting the South Koreans to be safe.

I know you have done the same thing, or are now serving your country. In my opinion, you are all heroes! You took the extra step and enlisted. You also knew what you were getting into, and yet you served.

Some of you came home with horrific memories. Some of you are living with war wounds. Some of your buddies were lost.

You are not alone. You must always remember that. You have many fellow veterans right here at this site. You have brothers and sisters, who care. They know what you have been through and have your six.

If you are struggling more than you can handle there is a hotline you can call for help. 800-273-8255 (option # 1)

Do not take on this world alone, if you are battling PTSD, TBI, depression, war wounds, etc. Let us know by commenting down below, and I will personally answer you, and find help for you.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all never, ever, give up!