National Guard Called to be at Riots

What a wild week in our country! Things have gotten heated to an extreme. Businesses burning; people killed, and protesters by the hundreds. They even have called up the National Guard.

This is all over our country like Portland, Oregon; Los Angeles, All of Minnesota, Atlanta, Brooklyn, etc.

I completely understand the frustrations of the people from the killing of an unarmed man. I understand the desperation they see in our streets.

What I am very worried about is that they have called up the National Guard in all of these “war” zones. The problem is that these soldiers can’t even arrest someone. They can form barricades, Shot rubber bullets, etc. They have loaded weapons for self defense only.

This is a time bomb ready to explode.

It is hard enough to fight for your country in a foreign land, but to defend in your own backyard?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!

I pray that there are level heads and no more violence.


I met with a Vietnam veteran for coffee. We shared our experiences while in the military. I asked about what it was like in Vietnam. Wrong question.

He was very bitter about the many friends that died around him.

He said that he turned down the Purple Heart when he was wounded, because he was still alive and his friends were gone.

My quest is to some day convince hin to accept it.


How are you doing?

Have the days become hard to face? Do you wander and feel confused about why things happened the way they did while you were in the military?

I hear you and the 8,000 + veterans on this do as well. We are all here for you. We have your six.

If the battle is too hard for you please get help there is a 24/7 hotline where you can get immediate help:


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.