Many Things Are Happening to Our Troops These, Days and Much of It is Not Good

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Much news today about the military. A sad note is that one of the people killed at the National Capitol rioting was a veteran. She was in the USAF and had in 14 years.

Here are only the headlines for the rest of our military:

An Air Force F-16 just fired off a pair of swarming munitions for the first time

Two-star Air Force general demoted to colonel for affair with subordinate

Feds charge retired Air Force officer for allegedly taking part in the Capitol Hill insurrection

The Capitol Hill insurrection reveals veterans are at war against themselves

Florida men arrested for stealing remains of deceased veterans for religious rituals


I am very proud that I served my country. I am very proud of you for serving your country. It is a honor to protect our country from the enemy.

When I see ll the terrible rioting and discourse, it breaks my heart that our country is under siege. If only those rioters could spend a few weeks in countries that have dictators. They may love their country a little more.


I do not agree with the rioting that happened against our national Capitol. As a matter of fact, I am 100% against it. It was wrong and had other nations looking at us in disgust.

We have to move on. I do not care what side you were on about the results of our election. We have to move on, and regroup. Things will work out to the good eventually. We just need to be patient.


How did you do during thee rioting at our Capitol. I sat there almost in tears, to see people breaking windows, and stealing things.

Are you doing OK? Have you taken one day at a time and survived? If not GET HELP!!

Also, there are over 10,900 fellow veterans on this site who have your back.

Here is a Toll free number to call. Even the counseling is free.

Do not take on this crazy world alone!

!-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all… never, ever, give up!


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It is Extremely Hard to Lose a Buddy in the Military

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What a horrible day we had on Wednesday of this week. I was ashamed to say I was an American when I sat and watched what was going on.

I am 100% against what happened.

They accomplished nothing, and it put a stain on our country.

This kind of terrorism has to stop and it has to stop now.


I thought I would share a couple of excerpts from my up coming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

This is actually two stories of where I lost a buudy.

The first one is when three of us buddies decided to enlist in the military together. We were in basic together. We were in MOS training, and we were sent to Korea. Three of us together, but only two came back alive.

One of my friends came down with some local crude and died. No real answers there, but a huge loss to me.

The second buudy I lost was while I was deployed to Korea. One of the Signal Corp guys and became good friends. We worked together and played together.

One morning when we had formation, I noticed he was missing. The officer in charge announced that my buddy had “drowned,” in a honey bucket. A Honey Bucket is a spot where all the farmers bring their human waste to be used to fertilize the crops.

I found out later that my friend got seriously drunk and was staggering back to our camp in the dark. He stumbled into the honey bucket and suffocated. He did drown.

That broke my spirit for a long time. Two buddies gone in one year. ___________________________________

Have you lost a buddy? Does it still cause you pain? I hear you clearly!!

Don’t forget that there are 10,800 fellow veterans on this site who have been on the same boat. They have your back.


If it come to you overwhelmed and lost, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number for you to call that is free. Even the counseling is free. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK

1-800-273-8255 Option 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

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Our Country is Under Siege for Control of What is Right or Wrong

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Our president is at war

He is under attack like many of our deployed soldiers are. He is fighting back with all his might. All the democrat’s are trying to get him to concede. They know if he keeps fighting he will win. We have to have his back, like any other brothers or sister veterans and current military are getting.

The outcome of this election will decide our countries path for many years to come. It is either America first and free, or socialism. Think about each choice. Which one would work best for you?


The rioting is coming back

Thousands of Trump supporters came to Washington D. C. to show their support for our president. It was totally peaceful until the Antifa attacked them. Many people were Hurt, and many arrests.

If our president some how gets reelected, I know he will move in and clear out these ruthless idiots. They are control areas because the democratic governments are allowing it. Every sate there is rioting is controlled by the democrats.

What is wrong with this picture?


Last Wednesday was Veteran’s Day

I am very sorry for not making a big deal out of it. Each and everyone of you are special people. You served. Some died. Some were wounded, and some battle PTSD.

I can’t say enough about how much I appreciate you. We helped our country to stay free, and you should proud and honored you served.


Is all of this turmoil getting to you my friend?

Are there days that seem to over power you? You are not alone. There are over 10,100 people on this site that have your back. There have been over 600 new subscribers in just the last month. THANK YOU!!

If it is just getting overwhelming for you, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number for you to call, 24/7 and it is free. There are highly qualified counselors they to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!!


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