Putin is Losing Thousands of Soldiers in the Ukraine War, and He Doesn’t Seem to Care.

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Military news…

Putin still aims to conquer Ukraine despite early losses, Pentagon official says
Russian President Vladimir Putin still desires to take over Ukraine completely as his armed forces make progress in the eastern part of the country, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl said.

—————————————————————————————-House Democrats unveil defense budget in line with White House request, rejecting calls to tie spending to inflation

The proposed $762 billion bill provides continued security aid for Ukraine, pours resources into the Indo-Pacific region to counter China, invests in clean energy and addresses sexual assault and suicide.


China asserts jurisdiction over Taiwan Strait, shuns ‘international waters’ stance by US
By claiming the Taiwan Strait as its own, China may be laying a basis to deny U.S. warships access to those waters, an expert said.


China asserts jurisdiction over Taiwan Strait, shuns ‘international waters’ stance by US

By claiming the Taiwan Strait as its own, China may be laying a basis to deny U.S. warships access to those waters, an expert said.


US to send another $1 billion in military aid to Ukraine
The package will include an undisclosed number of rocket system munitions, 18 M777 howitzers and tactical vehicles to tow them, 36,000 rounds of 155mm howitzer ammunition, two harpoon coastal defense systems, and “thousands of secure radios, night vision devices, thermal sights and other optics.”


Russian boat reportedly sunk while bringing supplies to Black Sea island made famous by Ukrainian guards

A Russian military tugboat carrying a surface-to-air missile launcher to Snake Island in the Black Sea sank after two Ukrainian missiles struck it, Kyiv announced Friday


German public changes mind on presence of US nukes, with 52% now in favor, poll reveals

Russia’s months long war in Ukraine appears to be swaying Germans’ stance on storage of U.S. nuclear weapons after decades of staunch advocacy for removal of NATO’s most powerful deterrent.


Putin is killing thousands of his men because he wants more power. Over 30,000 Russian military men have died, and over 100,000 have been wounded.

He will not stop until he is defeated, or over overthrown by his own people. Both of those could happen soon.


We are sending 1 Billion dollars to Ukraine to help them in their efforts. Some do not like that, but I am wanting protection for the thousands of people who are being terrorized and killed.


We can’t forget Iran, China, and North Korea. They are being very aggressive. Any one of those could start a war.


I just want to take a minute to thank all you who have served in the military, or serving now. You have dedicated you life to your country, and to protect others. God bless you.


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There is More Concern Than the War in Ukraine. There is Iran, North Korea, China.

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My apologies for missing my Wednesday Post. I was in the hospital for blood in my stools. They found the cause and I am fine again.


Military news…

Russia is hammering Ukraine with up to 60,000 artillery shells and rockets every day

“Instead of a concrete target, the strikes target an entire neighborhood.”


Army Secretary on Combating Military Sexual Assault: “Every Leader at Every Level Is Focused on This”

A new study by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found “reports of sexual harassment and assault in the Army continue to rise.” Soldiers reported about 1,000 sexual harassment incidents and 2,500 assaults in fiscal year 2020, according to the report.

Another Navy ship sent to Mediterranean to boost NATO in challenging Russia
USS Forrest Sherman left its homeport in Norfolk, Va., on Saturday to serve as the flagship of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, the Navy said in a statement.


Russian fuel and supply challenges in Ukraine cause Pentagon to consider at-sea delivery needs in potential US conflict with China

The Defense Department has taken Russia’s failures to keep its forces properly supplied as a reminder of the consequential nature of proper logistics, especially if conflict erupts between the U.S. and China in the Indo-Pacific region.


Suspected rocket fire Sunday from North Korea, South’s military says

The suspected North Korean rocket artillery fire was detected between 8:07 a.m. and 11:03 a.m., Sunday, according to a message from the Joint.


The battle of Donbas could prove decisive in Ukraine war

If Russia prevails in the battle of Donbas, it will mean that Ukraine loses not only land but perhaps the bulk of its most capable military forces, opening the way for Moscow to grab more territory and dictate its terms to Kyiv.


South Korea says North completed prep for new nuclear test

South Korea’s top diplomat said Monday that North Korea has completed preparations for a new nuclear test and that only a political decision by the country’s top leadership can prevent it from going forward.


It seems to me that things are getting pretty serious in other countries other than Ukraine. Iran is closing down all the tracking devices that they allowed the U.S. to install to follow their nuclear testing. They defy Biden, and thinks he is weak.

In North Korea, there are many ballistic missile testing going on, and they just completed a site to test nuclear testing.

China is pushing the limit on several fronts. Flying in spaces that are prohibited. Challenging the U.S. for defending Taiwan. Teaming up with Russia.

In my opinion all this is happening because we have a weak president. He doesn’t seem to want to do anything about all of this mess.

I pray for the president to wake up every day.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you fighting back memories?


There are over 15,177 Veterans on this site who have your back.

Here is what I am asking you to do…please share this site with as many other veterans as you can. It has helped so many.


If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255



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You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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