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Military news…
Several Navy vessels are in such dire need of maintenance that their unseaworthy appearance is an embarrassment to the United States.
Light, fast and lethal is what the Marine Corps expects from its light armored reconnaissance battalions, and last week it put forward what it expects from the next generations of combat vehicles.
It’s a rare treat when a movie or TV show actually gets a military uniform right, and it’s even rarer when that uniform that hasn’t even been adopted yet. But somehow, the animated comedy series “South Park” pulled it off for Space Force.

Cmdr. Brian Bourgeois, 43, commanding officer of SEAL Team 8, was fatally injured during a fast-rope training exercise on Dec. 4 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Army to Award Purple Hearts to 39 Soldiers Injured in Iran Missile Attack Following CBS News investigation
The Army will award the Purple Heart to dozens of soldiers injured when Iran hit their base in Iraq with ballistic missiles in January 2020. CBS News found these soldiers had not been recognized with the award and denied medical benefits, despite appearing to qualify.
Berger: I’ll Accept a Smaller Marine Corps to Make Light Amphibs Happen
The Marine Corps’ top general recently reiterated his willingness to cut the number of Marines for new systems, including the light amphibious warship, he says the service needs to deter or defeat China.
Five-nation Pacific naval drills send precautionary message to adversaries, admiral says
U.S. naval forces in the Indo-Pacific train frequently alongside its allies, said Vice Adm. Karl Thomas, to deter “aggressive or authoritarian” countries from overreaching in the region.
I have been sharing endorsements for, my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life, from many very important people. I thank them so much for taking time to read my advanced copy and commenting. I have one more to share from a general. I am very proud of that.
That endorsement will be in my next post.
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