A National Guard Soldier Became a Hero During the Riots

What a wild weekend with no end in sight. Protesters are causing much damage and injury. It is senseless, because it isn’t about the death of someone any more. It is just plain anarchy.


A story I saw today on TV was that a SUV was racing towards a crowd of protesters. The National Guard tried to get him to stop. He kept coming. They tried other methods to try to stop him. He kept coming.

A hero is born.

A Lone National Guard soldier fired three shots at the vehicle, because the driver was also heading toward some police officers who were right behind him .

All three bullets hit the SUV. The driver panicked and drove away.

That National Guardsman, saved many lives with his courage. He didn’t want to kill. He just shot at the rig and not at the windows.

You probably won’t hear much about this in the Fake news, but he is my hero.


I thought I would share another interview with you today. This one may make you cry, or be angry:

Sgt Michael Thorin, was in charge of a group of vehicles, which was to guard the carvens that move from place to place. Their job was to fight off any agressers when they attack.

On one of the days they were ride along with a convoy, when the rig right in front of Sgt Thorn caught on fire with two men in it. Sgt Thorin jumped out of his rig and raced to the scene. It was too late. There was a massive fire immediately. He had to watch while his buddies burned to death.

He is still dealing with that today.

There is a much longer story and interview about this hero in my up coming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In an Out of the Trenches of Life.

I have many such interviews. Many very sad. Some very funny. I will try to let you see them as time goes by.


How are you doing?

Have you lost buddies in battles? Have you been injured?

It is hard at best to face life, when things happen you can’t control.

I want you to know right here and now that I am here for you. I have your six. Please use the comment section to let me know any problems you are battling. Your comments will not be published unless you agree to let that happen.


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You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

National Guard Called to be at Riots

What a wild week in our country! Things have gotten heated to an extreme. Businesses burning; people killed, and protesters by the hundreds. They even have called up the National Guard.

This is all over our country like Portland, Oregon; Los Angeles, All of Minnesota, Atlanta, Brooklyn, etc.

I completely understand the frustrations of the people from the killing of an unarmed man. I understand the desperation they see in our streets.

What I am very worried about is that they have called up the National Guard in all of these “war” zones. The problem is that these soldiers can’t even arrest someone. They can form barricades, Shot rubber bullets, etc. They have loaded weapons for self defense only.

This is a time bomb ready to explode.

It is hard enough to fight for your country in a foreign land, but to defend in your own backyard?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!

I pray that there are level heads and no more violence.


I met with a Vietnam veteran for coffee. We shared our experiences while in the military. I asked about what it was like in Vietnam. Wrong question.

He was very bitter about the many friends that died around him.

He said that he turned down the Purple Heart when he was wounded, because he was still alive and his friends were gone.

My quest is to some day convince hin to accept it.


How are you doing?

Have the days become hard to face? Do you wander and feel confused about why things happened the way they did while you were in the military?

I hear you and the 8,000 + veterans on this do as well. We are all here for you. We have your six.

If the battle is too hard for you please get help there is a 24/7 hotline where you can get immediate help:


+It is been very exciting to see so many of you subscribing to this site. It means the right things are being said. That makes me so proud and happy to be the messenger. If you haven’t subscribed, and like what you see, please go up to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all further posts will directly into your inbox. Please share this site with other brothers or sisters, you think may like it and come to get help as well.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.

Never Forget Our Service Members

Wow! We just passed 8,000 followers this morning. Welcome to all the new followers.

This last weekend was Memorial Day weekend. We honored all our brothers and sisters who have served, and are serving.

I got to thinking about that. It is great to honor them, but what about the ones who are sitting in trenches.? How about those who are in hospitals all over the world? Many are alone. Many are battling depression, anxiety, fear, and are wondering what tomorrow will bring.

We can’t forget them. They are our heroes too.

I also thought of the loved ones at home who are praying that their son or daughter may be kept from harm, or will recover from their wounds.

One thing I always remembered as a service member, was how important my family was to me while I was in South Korea. Talk about lonely! Yes, I was surrounded with many other service members, but they were not family.

I wished I could have seen them just for a moment. There wasn’t any Skype, or Zoom back then. No cell phones. Just letters from home, and those were very few.

It was hard at best to be content.

If you have loved ones in harm’s way. May God bless them and keep them safe.


It seems to me that many may just take the weekend as an extra tme to play. Too many don’t even know what the day means. Yes, it good to show recognition to family who have passed, but it is also for those who helped you have a comfortable life, and have freedom.

I am a die heart, old veteran, who always cries when I hear Taps. I heard it several times this weekend, and it tore me up. Taps is the final call for many. May they rest in peace.


Here’s hoping that you had a fabulous weekend with loved ones either on the phone, or through Zoom, etc.

I really enjoy sharing with you through these posts!!

+ If you like what you see here, be sure to subscribe at the top of this page where it says “subscribe.” Then you will receive all future posts sent to your inbox. Please let others know about this site as well.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!