Gold Star Mother is Willing to be Interviewed For Upcoming Book

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Military news…

Retired Army Lt. Col. Barnard Kemter assumed it was a technical glitch when his microphone cut off during his speech in Ohio on Memorial Day, where he was discussing the role that freed Black slaves played in establishing the holiday. It wasn’t. It was the sabotage, which was meant to keep him from discussing the subject.

+He went on with his commanders voice and finished the speech.


Apparently if you’re a retired general you can call for a military coup and get away with it, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who the Pentagon has decided not to recall for a court-martial even though he appeared to suggest that the U.S. military should launch a coup against America’s civilian leaders on live television on Sunday. It seems that prosecuting treason, like most other crimes in the military, is a case of different spanks for different ranks.


‘Retreat? Hell! We just got here!’ is 103 years old and still badass, about Marine Capt. Lloyd Williams, who in 1918 spat the legendary line in response to a French officer during the Battle of Belleau Wood. Over the next few weeks the Marines proceeded to walk the walk backing up Williams’ tough talk by pushing German troops out of the woods, though at a terrible cost.


“I’ve seen every war movie there is, but I had never seen anything like that,” is what Marine veteran Dale Dye, the military advisor for the landmark film Saving Private Ryan, said about the famous D-Day beach landing scene that set the war movie a cut above any that came before or since.

My upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life, Just got more exciting.

Yesterday, I connected with a Gold Star mom (Someone who has lost a soldier in the military.) who is willing to have me interview her. Her story will be in the book.
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Gold Star Families From the Military Deserve Our Love and Comfort

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Gold Star Mom…

Pamela Hall Cropper of Nampa, Idaho, shared that her Rally Around the Flag moment is that of the military funeral service for her son, Curtis, who was killed in Iraq.

“I’m the product of a loving American family. Mom and Dad always taught us to be good citizens and show respect for the flag. One could say I was patriotic – proud of my country and the freedom it represents to the world. However, after my youngest son was killed in Iraq, these feelings intensified.

“On my birthday in 2007, he called from Kirkuk, Iraq. His call is now a treasured memory. The very next day two men in Navy dress blue uniforms came to my home with the news that EOD 2 (Explosive Ordnance Disposal Second Class) Curtis Ralph Hall had been killed in action. A few days later the casket arrived in Twin Falls, Idaho, and my son’s body was escorted by police, a motorcycle service group, and others to a mortuary near our home in Burley. Many came to watch the procession along this 38-mile route. Farmers left their tractors, stood and saluted from their fields as Curtis’ flag-draped coffin passed by. School buses stopped and the children descended to wave goodbye.

“It was Curtis’ sailor friends who, at the cemetery following taps, took the flag from his coffin, folded it into a perfect blue star-covered triangle and presented it to Curtis’ commanding officer. Salutes were exchanged in the most solemn manner as the flag was passed to him. CDR Beck turned, approached, and knelt before me. As he handed me the flag, he emotionally spoke these words, ‘This flag is presented by a grateful nation. It is an expression of appreciation for the honorable and faithful service rendered by your loved one. Please accept my sincere condolences.’

“That flag is now on prominent and permanent display in my home. Since then, whenever I see our flag being publicly displayed, tears come easily and softly to the surface. I cannot help but think of my Curtis and of his sacrifice. In my heart I say, God bless America. May he and others like him never be forgotten.”


I am sharing this wonderful story to let you know that I am interviewing a Gold Star mom for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. We just connected today. I will keep you posted as to how it went.

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Memorial Day can be Very Special, but it Can also cause Bad Memories

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Today is Memorial Day. I want to honor all of our fallen brothers and sisters.

I watched the annual tribute to the fallen military on public Broadcasting last night.

One of the hosts was Gary Sinise. He is one of the huge heroes to all military. He spends hours and hours doing things to help them.

The program had me crying a lot. I usually don’t shed tears, but this was special. They covered all the wars. Many heroes, who spoke. Actors portrayed some of those who had passed on, but had a story to share.

There was one segment that honored nurses in the military. That really broke me up. My brother-in-law’s mother was a nurse in WWII. She was like a second mom to me.

She told me stories on how she held hands of those who were dying. A soldier asked her not to leave, because he didn’t want to die alone. She stayed with him until his last breath. She broke down crying when he passed.

During the Public Broadcast they played taps. That tore me up the most. I get emotional every time I hear it.


There is a wonderful tribute for the military on YouTube. You search for “Tribute to Veterans.”


Some articles for Memorial Day

Celebrating Memorial Day over a grill or a pool is one thing, but what about when you’re in the middle of a war? That’s what retired Army Col. Steve Miska experienced when he commanded Task Force Justice in Baghdad in 2007, at the height of sectarian violence during the Iraq War. Not only were Miska and his colleagues mourning the recent loss of their fellow American soldiers, but also the Iraqi interpreters and supporters who helped keep them all alive in a dangerous city. When you’re in the middle of it, remembering those who passed strengthens your resolve to keep fighting, Miska writes.


“The day will have a few rough spots … we will all get emotional at some point,” an Army veteran told Haley Britzky in this excellent story about what Memorial Day really means to those who’ve served. Believe it or not, the holiday often involves plenty of laughter as well as tears. It will start with a fellow vet leaning over from their lawn chair and telling an old story that starts with ‘Remember that time in Ramadi/COP Najil/Anaconda/Dirty Tampa/Long Bihn…’ and we will laugh our asses off,” the former soldier said.


How are you feeling on this Memorial Day? Have your memories been good, or do they haunt you?


There are over 12,050 fellow veterans who have subscribed to this site, and they all have your back.

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