We Will Miss David Wilkerson

We  lost a very important Christian in David Wilkerson. He spent many years spreading the word of God to not only teenagers, but others as well.

The first “Christian Book,”  I ever read was his outstanding  book,         ” The Cross and the Switch Blade,” which was later made into a move. That book has changed many lives.

We will all miss him, and hopefully his memory will live on through the ages.

Think on this:

  • We never know when our time is up. David was taken suddenly in an automobile accident.
  • Try to live each day knowing it may be your last. What would you do if you really did know that?
  • Be thankful for each day you have with family and friends. They are precious as gold.


I want to again thank all of those who have been coming to this site to order my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” This book is very timely, especially with what just happened to David Wilkerson.

This book has inspired many people, and has also changed lives like “The Cross and the Switch Blade,” has done.

You can order the book right here on this site by goning to the top tabs, and clicking on “Bookstore.”

There is a sale going on right now. The book has been selling for $19.99, and has been lowered to $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half as well. There is a total savings of over $6.00.

God bless you and never give up. It is always darkest just before the dawn.

What is Hope? Why do so Many People Seek it?

I want to thank all of you who have recently ordered books from this site. I think you are one smart shopper, because this site is the place you can get the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly world,” the cheapest.

The cost in the stores, and online is $19.99. The cost on this site is $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half as well. It was $4.70 and now it is $2.35. That is a savings of over $6.00.


What is Hope? Why do so many people seek to fine it?

Webster’s Dictionary describes hope like this:

  1. The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out well.
  2. To believe or trust.

The book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is about sharing hope for those who suffer from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other afflictions that attack us.  

I would like you to check out the “bookstore,” and read what the book is about. Also go to the “endorsement,” tab and read what other people think of the book.

This book is reaching  out to many people who were lost. I have received many phone calls, emails, and letters from people who have been blessed, or someone in their family has been blessed.

This proves that this books is for the glory of God, and I am just the messenger.

God bless you during this Easter time….

Your Book is a Blessing, and Even a Lifesaver for Many

I have been selling a  few books each month. I have been able to make a deposit at the end of each month in my writing account. God has blessed  me in many ways.

The most important thing is that I have been receiving phone calls, letters, and emails from people who have been blessed by the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

It reaches out to those who suffer from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other afflictions we all face.

Getting these notes, and emails has comfirmed my efforts, and has glorified God.

You too can have a copy of this book by going to the “bookstore” tab at the top of this page. Click on it and go from there.

There is a huge discount going on right now for Easter. The book was $19.99, and it is now $15.99. The shipping was $4.70, and now it is $2.35. There is a total savings of over $6.00 if you order right now.

Look at the list of afflictions above. I am sure you can think of someone who could benefit from this book. Maybe even yourself. It is a small price to pay when it helps someone who is on the edge and needs to be rescued.

I am going to share on note I received, but leave the name of the person off, becaause I haven’t cleared it with her yet.

She said,” I know your book will be a blessing -even a life saver for many.”

That is a typical note I have been receiving.

I hope you will take a minute to go to the bookstore, and at least read the description, and see the cover. I think once you do you will see the need to get this book to others, like many people have.
