Anger Can Give you Great Power, or it Can Destroy you

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How do we deal with anger. Some get even by striking back at the person that made them angry. Others remain silent, but hold a grudge for years.

What do you do?

Some thoughts on Anger:

  • Anger can give you great power, or it can destroy you.
  • Anger usually only hurts the person feeling the anger.
  • Anger leads to a dead end in your life.
  • Anger can be dismantled by perseverance, and persistence, in your prayer life.

I have had to deal with anger in my own life. I have a short fuse that I learned to control through the prayer I mentioned above. When something doesn’t go right and I am frustrated, I ask God to take over my frustration and give me hope and peace.

Try to put your anger in perspective. Channel it into something positive, and use it to grow.


Just a reminder that we have a bookstore here that has the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

There have been many letters,  phone calls, and emails sent to me as to praise for the book.

One example is a mother who is paralyzed, and in a wheel chair. She actually called me, and said, “Your book is an inspiration to me. I thank God for being able to read it. It has given me hope.”

I received a note from a mother who bought the book right off of this site.  ” I am so pleased with your book. I gave it to my son who is battling depression. I pray it will bless him as much as it did me.”

The book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” helps those who may be suffering from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

I bet you can think of someone who fits in there somewhere. Help out others who may just need a little encouragement.  

There is a special sale going on now until Christmas. (Yes, it is only about 75 days until Christmas.)

Just click on the “Bookstore” tab above and see that the book is only $15.99. It is $19.99 in the retail stores. The shipping is cut in half as well. A total savings of over $6.00.


Prayer-Wireless Access to God with no Roaming Fees

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I have a few announcements:

1. I just had a trailer made for my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” I signed off on the final draft two days ago, and it should be showing up on You Tube in the next few days. check it out. The company that did it. (Apex Reviews) did a great job.

2. I will have and e-book coming out in a couple of weeks of the same book. It will be able to be bought at Barnes & Noble, etc. The price will probably be $3.99. _______________________________________________________

If you have read my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” you will have seen that all the chapters start with a bumper sticker. What follows are some that didn’t make it into that book, but will be used in future books:

  • Honk  if you love Jesus. Text while you are driving if you want to meet Him.
  • Easter is more than something to dye for.
  • Need a life guard? Jesus walks on water.
  • Be an organ donor. Give your heart to Jesus.
  • Prayer- wireless access to God with no roaming fees.
  • Forbidden fruits create many jams.
  • Ge right or get left.
  • God is like a detergent. He gets the stains out others have left.
  • I’m making a list and checking it twice. -God
  • Sun screen prevents sin burn.
  • You have Facebook friend request from Jesus. Confirm or ignore.
  • Dust on your Bible can lead to dirt in your life.
  • Get off Facebook and read my book. -God.

My own thought I add every time I post: Never, ever, give up!

You can see that bumper stickers tell a story in themselves. That is why I was able to write a whole book with their titles, and make some words to live by through them.

The book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” reaches ou to those who may be suffering from, Anxiety, fear, depression, addictions. self-doubt, hopelessness, etc.

The book is on sale right here on this site. You just need to click on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top of this page. You will then see a description of the book, and a copy of the cover.

There is a special price right now if you order this week. In the retail stores it is $19.99. On this site it is only $15.99. the shipping is cut in half as well. A total savings of over $ 6.00. THINK CHRISTMAS!

Be Still and Know That I am God

It has been a few days since I last posted. I have been busy with my blog at: It has been growing so fast that we are ranked # 2 out of 6.1 similar sites according to the Google Search Rankings. We are averaging about 15 new RSS feed subscribers a day.

I would love to start that kind of action here as well. Please take a couple of minutes and sign-up for the RSS feed here. It really helps this site move up in the rankings.


I have some exciting news! I just had a trailer made for my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”  I received an email yesterday with the final draft in it, and I approved it. They said it would be 3-4 days before it hits YouTube, and the other video outlets on the web. I will be having it as a regular feature on this site when it comes out.

I am very impressed with the quality of it, and I hope you will too. Keep checking back to see when it comes out.


Often times when we pray we are doing in a noisy, or busy place. It is very difficult to concentrate when that is happening. Look at it this way:

Imagine you are at a party with a friend and you are trying to talk to them. There is a lot of noise, and clamor. You are trying to whisper what you want to say in the other person’s ear.

The one listening will not be able to hear what you are saying. That could be what happens when we are in a crowded and noisy area when we are praying to God. We can’t concentrate, and will not be able to get across what we really are trying to say.

 We need to find a quiet place when we “talk” to God. We need to be able to concentrate on what we are saying, and who we are talking to.

God says, “Be still and know that I am God.” He is telling us that He is our God, and we need to quietly follow Him, and be connected through prayer.

The next time you pray, think about the quality of how you are praying. Think like God is sitting right next to you in a chair carrying on a conversation with you. Then share your hurts, and thoughts about others you are concerned about. It will bring the level of your prayers to a new high, and you will feel much closer to God.


Just a reminder that the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is on sale right here on this site. All you need to do is click on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top of this page. You will find a description of the book and a copy of the cover.

The book is on a special price. It is selling for $19.99 in the retail stores, but if you order on from here, it is only $15.99. The shipping is cut in half as well. A total savings of over $6.00.

Did you realize that it is less than 90 days until Christmas. Time to start thinking of that.

Never, ever, give up!