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Ukraine’s handful of Bayraktar TB2 armed drones has played an outside role in defending the country from Russian invaders. The drones have destroyed surface-to-air missile launchers and logistics trains.
Mom Adopts Military Service Dog of Marine Son Killed in Action
A Gold Star mom adopted the military working dog who lived with her son while he was deployed to Afghanistan in 2012. She said the new comedy-drama “Dog” hits close to home.
US Paratroopers in Poland Largely Hidden From View Amid Mission Prompted by War in Ukraine
An airfield near the Ukrainian border has transformed into the main staging area for the 82nd Airborne’s new mission in Poland.
Scars Can Show Where We’ve Been, But They Don’t Show Where We Are Going
One of the hardest things for us as veterans and current soldiers is dealing with the scars we have had from the past. It may be a physical scar, or it may be mental or emotional. We can’t keep living in the past. Much of it is too painful to relive again. Yes, the present isn’t exactly rosy sometimes either, but it is here, and we need to deal with it. The one-day-at-a-time thought works for me. I just do what I need to do to make it through each day, and I am thankful when I have made it.
The future is something we can’t always control, but we can help shape it by being eager to take it on and conquering it with our determination and guts.
I feel deeply of those of you who have physical scars. I also feel deeply for those of you who have mental and emotional scars. I have been to the mountain with these kinds of scars.
Strive to never give in to the dark side thought of doom and gloom. Look for the bright side, and share it with others around you who need it as well.
This reminds me of Kris Kyle the sniper who was famous for his accuracy, and how many lives he saved by eliminating the enemy who was about to kill our soldiers. He was a tough and no nonsense kind of guy, and yet he lost his live trying to help a fellow soldier who was battling his own demons. Kris was trying to help others even though he had his own dark times.
Never give up! There may be walls in your way, but you will overcome them with perseverance.
Let someone pile expectations on and then exceed them. Your biggest goals in life become your biggest achievements. If you have discipline and drive, you don’t lose. You cannot lose. New ideas are sometimes scary, but can end up something special. Walls: They separate, divide, and isolate. But walls can always fall.
What we have to remember is that we have to go through the pains of life to achieve the joys. Pains actually inspire growth.
I saw those words recently and at first I thought, Easy for you to say! Most people don’t know what real pain is. My neighbor recently complained she had double abscessed teeth. Knowing how painful that is, since I have had abscessed teeth myself, I thought about those military servicemen and women have lost their legs, arms, or are going to be in a wheelchair the rest of their lives. The level of pain is relevant to only what you are really going through.
We must always remember: With God on Our Side, who can be against us? No one!
It is hard enough to exist in this cruel world without adding pain and mental strain to our lives. We need to battle the elements that attack us with vigor and valor, just like we would on the front lines, in the trenches, as we face the enemy. Stand strong and be brave.
Think about this
Isn’t it interesting how it takes bravery to face this world, but it takes even more bravery to give it all up to God?
I will have more excerpts in the future so keep coming back. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will directly to your inbox.
If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!
Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highlyqualified counselors there to help you, and they will no hang up until they know you are OK.
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+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know.
(Everyone thought they were killed by a Destroyer of the coast.)
Some US Olympians Enlist to Make It to the Games
Since the Army’s World Class Athlete Program started in 1997, about 60 Winter and Summer Olympians have taken advantage of the opportunity.
Thousands of Veterans May See Disability Deadline Waived as Supreme Court Takes Up Case
The justices have accepted a case that could affect veterans who didn’t file within a year of leaving the military and have good reasons for missing their deadline.
Ukrainian Navy Says Snake Island Border Guards Still Alive
The 13 Snake Island soldiers, previously reported as killed, “were taken captive by Russian occupiers,” Ukraine confirmed on Monday, Feb. 28.
The following pages are resources for the military and are very extensive in that it covers many areas of a military person’s life. Use this to guide you with whatever help you need. Each site has been individually screened. Be aware that some links may not be in existence since this publication. If some links don’t work below, put them in your browser. They seem to work there.
As you know there are many sources for the military. I have sorted them out and only put in the most important ones for you to use.
Crisis Hot Line: 1-800-272-8255 Texting…838255
This is probably the most important resource you will find. If you are depressed, or know someone who is military who is battling depression, use this hot line to get help immediately. They also have a website: http://www.veteranscrisisline.com
General links that will help you with just about everything:
http://www.militaryfamily.org – Covers some of the unusual aspects of a military life, like help for the kids, and spouses.
http://www.usa.gov/veterans – Help with burial and survivor benefits; employment, health issues, housing help, and getting your documents and personnel records.
http://www.vfw.org – General helping site for many issues a veteran faces. It has lots of discounts as well.
Financial help for loans of any kind:
http://www.veteran.com/va-loan-guide – Very good in explaining why to do a VA loan. It talks about lower rates, lower payments, no money down, etc. Good resource.
http://www.vamortgagecenter.com – Goes deeply into why you should seek a VA loan over a conventional loan; rated for great service in a survey.
http://www.armedforceslaons.com – Another company that makes small loans up to $5,000. You can personalize your loan to fit your needs. No credit; no problem.
http://www.newdayusa.com – You see this a lot on TV. Rear Admiral Tom Lynch (ret.) is the chairman of the company and he is highly respected.
http://www.health.mil – Official website of the Military Health System, and the Defense Health Agency.
http://www.psychiarity.org.military – Excellent resource for those seeking help with any mental health issues. Full of information and other resources.
http://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/gethelp.asp – Great link for mental health. I also like the feature about helping the veteran with burial situations, including burial flags, burial site locations, services, headstones, etc. I haven’t seen any other site that is so helpful with this.
(Again, if any of these links don’t seem to work, put them in your browser. I have been able to get to all of them by doing that.)
http://www.mrfa.org/death.info.htm – This is the best link I have found that gives you detailed information in detail on what to do if your loved one passes away. I highly recommended it.
Disability benefits
http://www.military.com – This is a repeat link from above, but it is a link that has everything, including disability benefits you need as a military person.
http://www.veteransbenefitslawfirm.net/veterans-compensation-benefits – This is a great link for veterans who have been denied compensation benefits. This firm charges only 20% of your lump sum payment that you get at the beginning. Many lawyers will seek monthly payments for the life of the settlement. I am in the process of appealing my denial for compensation right now. I may contact this source myself.
Job hunting
http://www.resumeengine.org – Excellent site for military people seeking help in finding a job and putting together a great résumé. Highly recommend.
http://www.indeed.com/jobs – Another great spot to actually find what job openings there are. You just put in the area where you live and go for it.
http://www.veterans.jobs/jobs/ – A very good site to narrow down openings in your area. It notes the big companies that reach out the most to veterans for hiring.
http://www.hireveterans.com – Great site to find jobs in your area. Lists any state that has openings and what the jobs are. Has the latest news in the business world as far as jobs.
http://www.militaryhealthmatters.com – Not sure how the URL title fits job hunting, but it is another great site for spouses to find help in job hunting. Highly recommended.
Health insurance
http://www.insurance.healthplans.com – This is only needed if your don’t have TRICARE or the Veterans health care program. There is a strict timeline to enroll in this, so be sure to check when you can enroll.
http://www.usaa.com – This site has dental, vision, and Medicare coverage. They also have auto, home, and life insurance.
Life insurance
http://www.benefits.va.gov.insurance – Run by the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is a good site to answer all your questions about life insurance.
Auto insurance
http://www.usautoinsurancenow.com – This is a quote site. I have it going to my home state, but just put in your zip code for where you live and it will show you discounts in your home state. They also have some very good hints on how to save money when getting your auto insurance.
http://www.usaa.com – This site has come up for other categories. A good site with very competitive rates. Go to “insurance,” click on “auto insurance,” and it will take you to that page.
http://www.amu.apus.edu – This is American University. They have an extensive online program just for veterans. I suggest you take courses from this even if you are still in the service. It will prepare you for the private sector. They allow credits for some work experiences.
http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill – This is one of the most important sites for you if you’re choosing to go to college. The GI bill is a wonderful way to be able to afford college and get your degree. Highly recommended. I used this source myself, and I didn’t have to pay back a dime because I went into education. Check your fields of study to make sure you are OK for not paying back.
http://www.gijobs.com/state-education-benefits-for-veterans – This is a great site for finding education benefits in your home state. It has all fifty states listed and connecting links for you to go to and find military education benefits.
(With any online schooling, be sure the check out their credibility.)
PTSD help
http://www.maketheconnection.net – Wonderful site to find the help you need. When you get to the site, click on “Conditions” and then click on PTSD. You will also see many other issues a veteran may be facing. Highly recommended.
http://www,familyofavet.com – Great help here for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury.)
http://www.usacares.org – A crisis-centered site. Quick help for those in dire need of housing, mental health help, etc.
Veteran care facilities
http://www.topveterancare.com – I recommend for information about assisted living, etc. Put in what type of care you’re seeking and then put in your zip code. It will show you options for your area.
http://www.rallypoint.com/ – Another great site I personally use. I have connected with many military people right in my hometown through this site.
Wounded warrior help for families and military
http://www.woundedwarriorproject.com – This is a nonprofit charity that reaches out to wounded warriors to find help for them in many ways. As with all charities, you may want to check their status as far as integrity, etc. It is always wise.
http://www.uswoundedsoldiers.com – Help specifically for those deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan who were wounded. Great help in many areas.
http://www.heartbeatforwarriors.org – A different kind of help with programs like “Back in the Saddle” program for soldiers to feel the comfort of riding, scuba diving where soldiers can move limbs that didn’t work very well before, and morale building programs to help the warrior feel wanted. Highly recommended.
http://www.victoryforveterans.org. This is my favorite, not because I am a board member for them, but how they will help every veteran no matter what their needs are. Highly recommended.
Help for parents in the military with children
http://www.branchta.org – Great site to find assistance for your disabled children if you’re a parent and a veteran.
http://www.militaryfamily.org – This is a wider base type site to help families in many areas like scholarships for spouses, activities for the children of military, adoption, marriage/divorce, survivors, wounded, and caregivers. Highly recommended.
http://www.parentcenterhub.com – Find resources throughout the United States. Just put in your state to find your local Parent Center. They help in many areas.
http://www.militarychild.com – This is a site helping the children in the military to find places to get their education. Due to many new assignments in the family, this is a vital site for the students.
http://www.bva.org – The only congressionally-chartered veterans service organization dedicated to helping with the needs of our blind veterans and their families. Highly recommended.
Welcome-home videos
http://www.welcomhomeblog.com – Yes, you’ve seen those wonderful videos of soldiers returning home to surprise their families. Well, this site has them all in one spot. Get out your hankie and enjoy.
Free books for soldiers
http://www.booksforsoldiers.com – I love this site. It is a place for soldiers to request free books to read. I know the down time a soldier has. I read many books while in Korea. Support this site by donating books, and use this site if you need a book to read. Highly recommended.
Places for women veterans to volunteer
http://www.armywomen.org – Great place to find ways to help others. This nonprofit organization reaches out into the communities and helps like meals on wheels, clothing mending, helping in hospitals, etc.
Help finding a partner for life
http://www.militarycupid.com – Yup! There’s even a site for you to connect with others for dating purposes. It is like the other online dating sites except it concentrates on military people.
This first one is my favorite by far. It is a social network just for veterans. There are over 600,000 members there. You talk about military, not what you had for breakfast this morning. I have made many close friendships there.
In Facebook you just put in the following pages in your search area and they should open up to you:
Air Force
National Guard
Navy Seals
Coast Guard
You can also put in a division you may have been connected to like: 1st Cavalry.
Here are some individual sites I have looked up that are very good for veterans:
The Veterans Site
Concerned Veterans of America
Soldiers’ angels
Stop soldier suicide
Hiring our Heroes – great page to go to for help in job hunting
Blue Star Entrepreneurs – another good page to find help in job hunting
Army source one
U.S. Forces Korea
U.S Department of Veterans Affairs
Operation Gratitude – Care packages for the troops. Like the page to show your support and get involved.
Other places in the social networks you can connect to. I am only listing the topfive. No recommendations. Check them out on your own.
Twitter (Many military connections here. You just have to search.)
Now that is severely long, but I want you to see how extensive my appendix in the back of the book is. It covers everything you can think of. Just this alone is worth the price of the book.
Come back often to see more information on the book better yet…Go to the top of this page and click on Subscribe. When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.
Checking in on you…How are you doing? Are you struggling with memories?
There are over 14,051 fellow veterans here who have your back. (We increased by 56 since Monday. Pretty exciting. )
If you are battling mentally, because of your love for others, but it isn’t working, GET HELP!!
Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highlyqualified counselors there to help you, and they will no hang up until they know you are OK.
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+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know.
As outgunned but determined Ukrainian forces slowed the Russian advance and sanctions crippled the Russian economy, the military confirmed that its nuclear forces were on high alert, following President Vladimir Putin’s order.
1.Putin has bitten off much more than he can chew. There are 44 million Ukrainians who will not let him take over their country. Citizens by the thousands have taken up arms, and moved the the front to fight.
2. Russia is taking heavy losses. Dozens of their planes have been shot down. A whole caravan of trucks and their men surrendered to the Ukraine forces. Dozens of tanks have been lost.
3. Many of the Russian soldiers do not want to be there fighting. The morale is getting very low.
I am in awe of the support you have been showing me here. In the last three days ninety one new people have subscribed. That is amazing and I thank you.
I will share another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life, on Wednesdays post. Come back to check that out. Better yet.. go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will directly to your inbox.
Checking in on you…How are you doing? Are you struggling with memories?
There are over 13,997 fellow veterans here who have your back.
If you are battling mentally, because of your love for others, but it isn’t working, GET HELP!!
Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highlyqualified counselors there to help you, and they will no hang up until they know you are OK.
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