Not Enough Help From the Pentagon For Sexual Attack on Women

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What does the hit Netflix show “Squid Game” have in common with life in the U.S. military? Well, between the mind games, bad food, and a contract that sounds better than it really is, there’s quite a bit of common ground.


“If we truly want to honor our veterans this holiday then we must confront this history.” That’s from Army veteran Daniel Johnson, who wrote about something that is often overlooked on Veterans Day: the shameful way Americans have treated Black veterans over the years.

There’s weather in outer space, and the Air Force just set up a school teaching airmen and Space Force guardians how to forecast it,


“We’ve raised our counterterror capability to an exquisite level. We’re going to sustain and protect that. The other side is harder to describe.” That’s from retired Army Special Forces Col. David Maxwell, who told Kevin Maurer all about the U.S. special operations community’s post-Afghanistan identity crisis.


Pentagon leaders have said for years that sexual assault is a top priority, but a new report confirms what critics have long said: It isn’t. The Pentagon is not providing enough trained investigators to handle a growing number of sexual assault reports.

The Army is testing autonomous drones that can deliver life-saving blood to battlefield medics in need.


No excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hoe for the Militray: In and Out o Trenches of Life, today. Out of time. If you want to see further excerpts int the future, keep coming back to check us out, better yet…

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It Was a Hard Day for Biden When he Met With Families of the 13 Heroes of Afghanistan

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Military news…

“With the mass airlift complete, U.S. policymakers no longer have an excuse to avoid contemplating the lessons of a 20-year war riven by hubris, flawed assumptions, and deceit.” That’s from national security expert Daniel R. DePetris, talking about America’s overdue reckoning with its failure in Afghanistan.


“I was just thinking, ‘is this real’ … Things like this don’t just happen.” That’s what a security forces airman at Beale Air Force Base thought last month when he saw a car speeding towards his gate with no sign of stopping.


In 2017, a Marine Corps veteran named Brian Easley took desperate action to get his VA disability payment: he walked into a bank with a backpack which he said was filled with C-4 explosives. Now, a movie about Easley is being made.


President Biden, got a chilling response from the families of the 13 dead heroes who died in Afghanistan.

Some refused to even talk to him.

Others shared their hurt feelings with him, and some were very directive.

One father showed Biden a picture of his son. he said,” Don’t you ever forget that face. Get to know about each of these heroes who died for you. ” Biden who seemed upset said, “I know them.”

Know each and everyone of those heroes and their backgrounds. I think not.

As they took each soldier, in coffins, off of the plane, Biden saluted them and looked at his watch. He did that with all 13 coffins. One parent said that this was the most disrespectful thing he has ever seen.


Yet, another reminder that I have slowed down my sharing of excerpts of my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

My publisher, Bookbaby, thinks it is better to tease you a little rather than share so much.

So, to see some excerpts you need to find them in the archives.

Here is my suggestion:

Go to the top of this page and click on, “Subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


Checking in…

How are your days going? Long and sometimes frightening?


There are over 12,950 fellow veterans here who have your back.

If the days are overwhelming you, GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7.

There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255



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You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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So Much Suffering in Afghanistan, and it Didn’t Have to Happen

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Military news…

A U.S. Marine brought an Afghan baby to safety over the walls of the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan in video footage that emerged on Thursday. A Marine spokesman called the lift “a true example of the professionalism of the Marines on site.”


Fox News’ Laura Ingraham says the U.S. is welcoming thousands of ‘unvetted’ refugees from Afghanistan. But know this: she’s wrong. Those Afghans who are coming directly to the U.S. are rigorously vetted under the Special Immigrant Visa system, and those that haven’t are undergoing that process in a third-party country now.


The worst of times can bring out the best in humanity, as demonstrated by Sher Ahmad Ahmadzai, a former Afghan interpreter who, with the help of non-profit groups, attorneys, veterans and other advocates, overcame countless challenges to make it out of the country. A month ago, Ahmadzai and his family were facing near-certain doom, but now they are safe.


The Taliban have not a second of remorse for what they are doing to the people of Afghanistan. They had one woman cook for them. They didn’t like how she cooked so they burned her alive.


There is a story about n American citizen who tried to get into the airport, but a Taliban soldier took her passport and wouldn’t give it back to her. He wanted her to have to stay in his country. A Marine was close and made him give it back to her. A true hero.


My view…

Things are horrible for civilians in Afghanistan. People being killed for no reason. Women rapped. Children being used as sex slaves. If they didn’t like how you did something they kill you.

Our president(Biden) is denying any of this is happening, and yet you can see it in pictures sent home. He thinks things are going smoothly, and so does Kamala Harris. Are they on another planet?

They are full of denial, and not accepting that they are failing in their duties.

This is not leadership in my opinion. It is the opinion of many people, even many democratic congressmen.

I am thinking Biden may get impeached soon.


I have been sharing with you that I have stopped sharing excerpts from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I may return to that, but If you want to see any of the excerpts you will now have to look through the archives to find them.

One way you won’t miss anything is by subscribing to this site right now. That way all future post will go directly to your inbox. Just click on the “Subscribe button,” at the top of this page.


Bed check… How re you doing? Are you having bad nightmares because of your deployment? Do you have trouble sleeping?


There are over 12,840 fellow veterans here who have your back.

However, if the darkness is overcoming you, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that is 24/7. There are highly qualified Counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

Never let the dark side overcome you!

1-800-273-8255…Texting 838255.



You are never alone.

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You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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