Three Fascinating Stores About WWII Veterans

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Update on the disaster in Portland, Oregon.

Governor Brown asked the Sheriff’s Department to come help with the rioting. They have said no, because the arrested people are turned loose and not prosecuted.

She asked the State Police to do the same. They have to because she is the boss, but they had the Feds deputize them so when they made an arrest they will have Federal charges.

She doesn’t have much control over anything.

The Mayor of Portland had to move out of his home because rioters found where he lived, and started fires. He thought they loved him. Wrong!!!

I am getting tired of having to report about Portland. But it is from my home state and I am extremely upset with the lack of force there is to clear this mess up.


I see that the military has backed off of promoting black people to Generals. What’s up with that!??You should promote because of being merited, not the color of your skin. Got to stop.


I have been sharing interviews of veterans for my up coming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life.

Today I am going to share three short stories about members of my own family:

I had three Uncles who fought in WWII. One was a Seabee; another was an infantry man, and the third was a tanker.

I tried to interview two of them, but they were so shell shocked, (PTSD) they didn’t want to share much.

So I was share what I know about each of them:

My Uncle Claude, was a Seabee. They were critical people in WWII. They went in before the troops and built brides, and roads. They made the traveling much better for the troops. They were very much in harms way, and I am proud to be related to him..

My Uncle Norton, was in the infantry. One day he was on the battle field in France. His unit was over run by the Germans. Many men were killed. My uncle was wounded, but he “played dead,” while the Germans came through to finish killing anyone who was still alive. He made it even through one German was very close. He received the Purple Heart.

My Uncle Dwight was a tanker. He was the head man in a three man crew. They decided to stop and rest one day on the battle field. He opened the hatch to let some fresh air in. That was a big mistake. A Japanese soldier, climbed up on that tank and threw a grenade in to the tank. My uncle’s best friend was killed instantly, and my uncle and the other soldier were injured. Uncle Dwight, did not want to talk about it, because he had his buddy killed because of his decision. He received the Purple Heart.

Those three men are my personal heroes. They gave me the thoughts of joining the Army. I wanted to honor them.


How are you doing? Did you get wounded while deployed? Did you lose a buddy during your time in the military?

You are certainly not alone!! There are over 9,200 fellow veterans on this site. Many of them have been through what you have been through. They have your six.

If it has become too overwhelming for you, please get help! There is a toll free number to call for help. The counselors there are excellent. Here is that number:


Call now if you need it.


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You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

Shocking Interview with a WWII Veteran

The rioting in Portland, Oregon is shameful! Last night a young man was shot to death, because he was a Trump supporter. That is called murder.

The Mayor, Ted Wheeler, ( a Democrat, ) had the nerve to blame it on our President. Meanwhile, he has allowed the rioting go on for over 90 days now. What’s wrong with this picture??


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I have had a wonderful thing happening on Facebook. In just this month only my followers have increased by over 2000. Who are they? Veterans, everyone of them . Such an honor. If you want to join them just go to Facebook and put my name in the search area.


I read today that two Russian jets flew with 100 yards of one of our B-52’s. That was pure intimation. I wonder what kind of message they are trying to send?


In some previous posts I have shared some interviews with veterans for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Here is another one. The reason I am featuring him today is that he was on the front page of my local newspaper this morning. The paper was featuring him because he just had his 100th birthday!

Bob Coury is a man I have known for over 65 years. He is local man from my home town of Salem, Oregon. The reason I have known him that long is that he opened a fast food restaurant in 1955 near where I live. It was called, Bob’s Hamburgers when it first started. I walked by it every day from school ans a Sophomore in high school. His hamburgers were only 19 cents each . My mom would give me a quarter and I would have a hamburger every time I went by each day. I still had six cents left which I save to build up for the next hamburger. We were poor back in those days, and my mother scrapped up that quarter every day for me.

Bob was also a veteran of WWII. He was a Captain, and the officer in charge of a unit of men who unloaded ships as they came into the Okinawa harbor. They were in great danger at all times. There were Kamikaze planes trying to crash into the ships they were unloading.

Here are parts of the interview I had with him:

I asked him how he felt as he unloaded each ship. “I worried about my men getting killed. I went on to ask how the Kamikaze plane affected his work “We had to watch at all times, and get off the ship if it looked like one of them was going to be successful in hitting the ship.”

I also asked him what was his scariest moment. “One day I fell off a ship and there was a barge right next to the ship. I fell in between the two ships. I had a hard time getting out of there before I drowned.”

There is much more to this interview. Keep looking here as to when the book is coming out.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Are there good days, but also some bad days?

Please know that you are not alone. There are 9.156 fellow veterans on this site. They all have your six. Reach out if you need help.

As a a matter of fact here is a toll free number to call if you are overwhelmed:


There are highly trained counselors there to help you. Do not wait!


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You are ever alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

Do not Forget our Paralyzed Men and Women in the Military

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Just checked the mail, and I got a letter from the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

These wounded men and women deserve our praise.

While serving on active duty in Iraq, Navy Seabee Peter Herrick was paralyzed from the neck down from shrapnel from a mortar attack. After returning home, Peter wondered how he could recover his life.

With hands on help from the Paralyzed Veterans of America, Peter and his wife Diana got the assistance their family needed for Peter’s recovery.

This is just one story of thousands of veterans who are paralyzed.

Although returning home from the battlefield is generally thought to be one of the cheerful experiences possible, it is a nightmare for the paralyzed veteran.

Just imagine what runs through their minds as they recover from their injuries: Will I ever be able to work again? What will my family think? How will I be able to travel? Will I have enough money to pay for all the unknown medical expenses?

Paralyzed veterans will face these and many other hurdles as they search for a job; as they face lifelong discrimination due to their disability; as they attempt to rejoin families and loved one, and as they struggle to simply stay alive.

I am not telling you to support. I am Asking you to share what you can to help your brothers and sisters in need.

You can mail a check to Paralyzed Veterans of America, 801 Eighteenth Street NW, Washington DC 20006.

Their website is:

I will be sending a check today.


Yesterday was my birthday. (I finally turn 21! ) Actually 81, but who’s counting.

Today we had lunch in my backyard with my two sons and their spouses, plus one beautiful little granddaughter. We had the backyard all set up for social distancing, and the sun was shining.

As I sat there feeling blessed, I thought about my one son who served two tours in Iraq as a hospital administrator. He saw things he has a hard time sharing. He shared he has physical problems connected to the military, and is drawing compensation for it. I could see his shoulder was giving him pain. My son retired as a full Colonel, but I remind him that even though I was only a specialist I am still his father. LOL

My son is an example of the thousands of service men and women who served their country and was deployed into harm’s way. We owe them so much.


How are you doing my friend? Were you wounded? Do you have war wounds that are giving you fits? You are not alone! There are over 8, 900 veterans here who may have been through the same things you have. Lean on them. Just make a comment of the bottom of this page, I will read it and get back to you.

If you life is overwhelming right now. GET HELP!! Do not let the darks side overcome you. There are trained counselors to help at the toll free number I am about to give you:


Please call it if you need help.


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. You may be saving a life. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!