Vietnam Veteran Tragically Loses His Best Friend in The War

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Military news…

UN Command to probe North Korean drone flights into South Korea

The U.N. Command is launching an investigation into the North Korean drone incursion that prompted South Korea’s military to reassess its defensive capabilities.

Japan tests all China arrivals for COVID amid surging cases

Japan on Friday started requiring COVID-19 tests for all passengers arriving from China as an emergency measure against surging infections there and as Japan faces rising case numbers and record-level deaths at home.


Biden pardons 6 convicted of murder, drug, alcohol crimes

The pardons, announced Friday, mean the criminal record of the crimes is now purged. They come a few months after the Democratic president pardoned thousands of people convicted of “simple possession” of marijuana under federal law. He also pardoned three people earlier this year and has commuted the sentences of 75 others.


Evidence of Russian crimes mounts as war in Ukraine drags on

As Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, told the AP, “Ukraine is a crime scene.”


Putin, unaccustomed to losing, is increasingly isolated as war faltersWith the Russian president refusing to back down in Ukraine, Russia’s elite is split between those who want the war to end and those supporting further escalation.


I am sitting in my den and typing this post. I am watching a bowl game between Tulane and USC. The game was just tied by Tulane, 14-14. This is my way of working. Love it.


I am going to share a story about a Vietnam soldier that lost his best friend. He asked me to not share his name which I always honor.

I decided to stop at a hamburger place on my way home one day. I got my food and was walking to my table, when I saw a Vietnam vet. I knew that, because he was wearing a Vietnam hat.

I thanked him for his service, and sat down. I could see him eating. He was in pain. He finished his meal and got up to throw his garbage away. He walked right by me.

I asked him if he could sit and talk for a little bit. He looked like he didn’t want to do that, until I told him I was a veteran. He sat down.

We talked idly for a few minutes, and then I started asking him questions.

I asked him what he did in Vietnam. He said he was on a ship off the coast of Vietnam. Their job was to send supplies to the troops, and bring out the wounded in helicopters.

I asked him what was his worst moment. He said that lost his best friend who was a pilot of one of the helicopters. On one takeoff the engine died and the helicopter went straight down into the water. There was another soldier on the Helicopter. They never recovered the bodies, because the water was too deep.


I had many other question to ask him, and You can see the full interview in my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Keep coming back to see more what is happening for the book. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.


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1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



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Another Interview About A Near Death Experience With A WWII Veteran

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Military news…

Air Force pilots explain why the F-22 Raptor is a ‘beast’ in aerial combat

“You may fly this aircraft with reckless abandon.”


The Navy just launched a brand new ship it doesn’t even want

Another of the troubled Littoral Combat Ships takes to the water.


I saw ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ and it’s way better than the original

We feel the need for speed.


Russian troops are proving that cell phones in war zones are a very bad idea

“If I can find you, I can target you.”


The Pentagon can’t explain the ‘spherical object’ in this video

“We want to know what’s out there as much as you want to know what’s out there.”


Biden Speeds up Military Aid to Ukraine, Drawing U.S. Deeper Into War

From the start of the war, the administration sought to parse its response, deciding which weapons could be called defensive and therefore were acceptable to send to Ukraine and which ones could be called offensive and therefore should not be delivered. But the line has shifted in recent weeks.


Coast Guard Admiral Becomes First Woman to Lead a U.S. Military Branch

The Senate voted unanimously late Wednesday to confirm Adm. Linda Fagan as the next commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard. “I’m committed to fielding an operationally relevant and ready force and will continue to focus on readiness and our ability to execute operationally,” Fagan said.


Baby Formula Supply Is ‘Adequate’ at U.S. Military Commissaries, Pentagon Says

“We’re not immune to the same supply chain problems that other families across America are experiencing,” John Kirby told reporters at the Pentagon.


Here is the third in a series of three interviews with WWII Veterans. Bob Coury was a Captain in the Army. His story follows.

What was your job as a Captain?

I had a full company of men who unloaded ships in Okinawa.

How did that go?

We did a great job of keeping equipment, and supplies to the soldiers fighting Okinawa.

Did you have any times you almost died?

I was up on one of the ships and somehow I feel off into the ocean. I was in between the ship and a barge that was moving in the waves. If I didn’t get out of there fast the barge could crush me. I swam fast to the end of the barge and was able to make it to shore. (Near death experience)

I asked him how hard it was to unload the ships in enemy territory?

It was very hard because the Kamikaze planes were trying to hit the ship we were Unloading.

Any advice to young recruits?

Always obey your leaders, and do your best.


I have a side story about Bob Coury. I was shopping for groceries one day and I saw a man with a WWII hat on. I went up to him and said, “Thank you for your service. ” We both went on our way and I thought why onearth didn’t I ask him if he would allow me to interview him.

I Figured I had made a huge mistake. However when I got in line to ay for my groceries there he was in line. I didn’t hesitate, and asked him if I could interview him. He said sure and handed me one of his cards.

I looked at the card and it blew me away. This guy owned all the Bob’s Hamburgers restaurants in the area! I knew him from way back in highschool.


His push was that he had 19 cent hamburgers. He happend to build his first restaurant in the street I walked home from high school. He was there working everyday.

My mom gave me 25 cents to get a burger every day on my way home. Bob even stopped to talk to me from time to time. I got a cup of water and chomped away.

I never thought for a New York minute that this guy would be back in my life.

We have become good friends. He just past the age of 100 this year and he is still going.


Come back often to read more amazing interviews with veterans . Many had near death experiences. Better yet, click on the Subscribe tab at the top of this page. When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


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Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



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Parents in Korea Were Throwing Their Children in Front of Our Trucks

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Military news…

A staff sergeant with the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division was sentenced to 70 years in prison for murdering his wife after poisoning her with a deadly toxin found in puffer fish.


As a water contamination emergency affects thousands of families in Hawaii, the Army has given a master class in how to respond to the crisis, while the Navy has fallen flat on its face.


From a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan to a botched response to the Jan. 6, 2021 coup attempt, the Pentagon’s report card for 2021 is dismal.


Afghan evacuees remain at base in Kosovo for additional screening 
Several hundred Afghan evacuees, some of whom were flagged for security concerns, still reside at a NATO base in Kosovo where they are being processed by U.S. personnel, multiple government officials said this week.


Biden to speak with Ukraine president amid fears that Russia may once again invade Ukraine

Following his call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Joe Biden plans to speak by phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday amid growing alarm over Russia’s military buildup near its border with Ukraine.


Iran launches rocket into space amid Vienna nuclear talks

Iran launched a rocket with a satellite carrier bearing three devices into space, authorities announced Thursday, without saying whether any of the objects had entered Earth’s orbit.


Jan. 6 committee prepares to go public as findings mount

In the coming months, members of the panel will start to reveal their findings against the backdrop of former President Donald Trump and his allies’ persistent efforts to whitewash the riots and reject suggestions that he helped instigate them.


I am sharing another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military; In and Out of the Trenches of Life. This excerpt was very hard from em to write because of the lack of love for humanity.


Can’t we All Just Get Along?

During my time in Korea, we had reason to travel through Seoul, Korea for courier duties. What I saw as we traveled tore at my core of values, and caused me to spiral out of control at times in my battle with depression.

We had to drive very slowly through the city because parents were often throwing their children in front of the trucks so they could get compensation from the Military for the damages. I couldn’t grasp the desperation of a mother to let her child be killed just for money, but then I saw other signs that showed me why that may have been the only choice.

Another time we drove through Seoul, I saw this little old lady lying on the street begging for people to give her some food. No one was giving her anything. We came back through the same area a couple of hours later, and the woman was dead. Again, no one was paying any attention to her.

How could humanity allow this? Why didn’t the people help her, and why did the people need to sacrifice their own children to get food? 

The world today isn’t much different. In the Middle East I am sure there have been many times when you, as a soldier, saw horrific things happening to the innocent. You may have seen people killing for no apparent reason. People desperately seeking help from you, and there was not much you could do.

You may think God has disappeared during these times. Why would He allow such hardship and sorrow to go on?

God hasn’t disappeared.  As a matter of fact it hurts Him badly to see all the turmoil and death in this world. So, why allow it?

The reason is that God gave us choices. He lets us choose our paths. He allows good people to live, but He also allows bad people to live.

The proof is when we see people like, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Pharaoh, and other dictator-type leaders to thrive.

He gives them choices. He doesn’t like what many of them do in their lives, but he doesn’t like many things we do in our own lives as well.

He even gave Jesus Christ choices. Jesus could have stopped all the pain and torture He was going through. He had the power to do that. His choice was to follow through with what He was sent down to the earth to do, and He went to the cross for you and me to complete His journey.

We have a hard time accepting some of the trials and storms that God allows us, and many other people, to face in this world, but the bottom line is that everything has a purpose. Everything is leading to a big climax, and that climax will free all of us who believe. I know, I read the last chapter ahead of time. It has a very happy ending.


We can see how horrific it is in some places in the world. It doesn’t seem fair to allow such harm and destruction to go on. We can do something in our own back yards though. We don’t have to let these kinds of things happen around us in our neighborhoods, and cities.

As soldiers and veterans we know the meaning of freedom, so we should make sure all people are free of fear, intimidation, and harm. We need to speak up and tell the bully-type people that they are not acceptable in our area. If all of us unite we can make a point that will be understood very clearly.

Think on this

Isn’t it encouraging that when we stick together we can conquer anything?


I may have other excerpts coming up, so check back. Better yet… go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


Checking in on you…How are you doing/ Have you lost faith in our world?


There are over 13,610 fellow veterans here who have your back.

If you are battling mentally, because of your love for others, but it isn’t working, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will no hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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