Losing a Buddy in the Service is Very Hard to Face

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This old soldier is having surgery in his mouth tomorrow. Got to take two teeth out that infected. The infection is going down into my body. Not good.


Military News…

Black airmen 74% more likely than whites to get Article 15, report finds.
Dozens of West Point cadets caught in worst cheating scandal in decades.

Overweight troops are costing the Pentagon more than $1 billion a year.

Airman awarded for braving rocket fire to treat wounded troops during Camp Taji attack.

‘I don’t think I’m special’ says Marine who rescued a baby from a burning car.

Soldier and 16-year-old boy charged with murder of Fort Drum soldier.


One of the things I really enjoyed while serving, was to get to know some great Afro Americans. (They would rather be called black people.)

There were some during Basic Training, but we were too exhausted to get to know each other. We trained and slept.

During my training at FT Gordon, GA. I met a black man who was an instant friend. He had a mustache, and smoked a pipe during off time. We had some great discussions in the barracks, about racism, etc.

While in Korea I met specialist Jackson. He was black and looked like a linebacker.

One day he and a buddy of his come strolling in to my Quesant hut (Barricks) I was just unloading my gear. It was my first day at Camp Red Cloud.

I thought this may be pick on the new guy time so I was very nervous.

I was very wrong. They both shook my hand and welcomed me to Camp Red Cloud. I became instant friends with both of them. (They were big and strong. Can’t hurt having them on your side.)

Those same guys took me to the base bar. Bad things happened. there.

You will have to read my book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life, to find out what happen.


Did you meet some good buddies while in the service? Did some of them not come home? I lost two buddies. I know the feeling.

Not to worry!

There are 11.950 fellow veterans here that have your back.

If the losses for buddies is just too much GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number to cal 24/7.

There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are ok.

Never let the bad memories overcome you!

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Drinking Too Much Moonshine Can Make you very Blind

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Since I have been a member of the social network RallyPoint, (There are 1.8 million members there. All military.) I have many new military friends. They are as close as a brother or sister.

I suggest that you check it out. You may find some of your military buddies that you served with.



Military news

“I made a quick decision” is the understatement of the year, but it’s how Army Sgt. 1st Class Jedadia Powell made his move to rush inside a burning house to save two women and a dog back in 2017. He made sure nobody else was in the house, and then he went right back to work after first responders arrived on the scene. Now, more than three years after the event, the Oregon National Guardsman received the Soldier’s Medal for his efforts.

The GI Film Festival San Diego Is A Socially Distanced Way to Enjoy Movies
See compelling and inspiring stories with a military or veteran connection at the 2021 GI Film Festival San Diego. Films and post-screening discussions are offered as online showtimes or as an on-demand rental. The all-virtual festival starts May 18.

+I checked this out and there are 38 films, documentaries, to see. Great choice.

U.S. veterans scramble to help interpreters left behind
More than 17,000 are hung up in dangerous immigration mire.

When I got back to the states from Korea, I was sent to Ft. Bragg. I did pretty much the same work as I did in Korea.

One time our unit was sent on Bivwak to Virginia. We had all our equipment set up, and settled in.

Me and two other buddies went on a walk to see the area. We came across an elderly lady who greeted us. Actually she was being persistent in having us come in and have coffee with her. We soon realized she wanted to have sex with us and we moved on.

Further on the walk we saw three guys sitting together on a hillside. They invited us up. We quickly realized that they were moonshiners. They had the equipment to make booze near them. We sat down and heard some great stories about the moonshine business.

They offered to have us try their mix. We politely agreed. My first sip almost blew my head off! I very slowly finished my drink that was in a mason jar.

One of my buddies really liked it and asked for more. The guys were thrilled he liked it and gave him another drink. My buddy had two more after that.

Then he screamed, “I am blind!!” The three men laughed and said “You drank too fast. You will be fine in a few hours.”

We guided our buddy back to our camp and got him laid down.

On that same trip I was riding with a buddy up in the mountains in the area. He was driving.

There were no safety belts back then.

As we came around a curve we saw a boulder right in our way. The driver swerved to miss the boulder, but the force threw me out of the jeep right on top of the boulder, back first.

I hit the boulder with a tremendous force since we were going about thirty miles an hour. I blacked out as soon as I hit the boulder. The forced also caused me to have a whiplash.

I woke up in a medical tent.

I started screaming in pain. My lower back was one solid brush, and my neck was really painful.

The medic rushed over and gave me some morphine. That really helped.

I have had to have three neck and back surgeries since that day.

These two stories are in my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life.

Be sure to keep checking back in to see further excerpts and updates as to how the book is coming along.

Better yet… if you subscribe by going to the top of this page and click on “subscribe,” you will get all further posts sent directly to your inbox.


How is your world turning. Too fast? Is it spinning out of control?


There are over, 11,900 fellow veterans here who have your back.

However, if you feel you are on a rollercoaster ride, GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number that is available 24/7.

There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

Never get on the rollercoaster ride of life alone!

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone!

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know about it.

Stories of Near Death Experiences and Some very Funny Moments

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Some military news:

“We’ve got to keep pushing on this” Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston talked about the branch’s efforts to prevent more soldiers like Spc. Vanessa Guillén from being sexually harassed and murdered. Thursday marked exactly a year since Guillén first went missing: and her death forced a reckoning within the Army on how it treats its lower enlisted soldiers, particularly women.
“They leaned into the danger, firing as fast as they could” was how Marine Gen. John Kelly described the last moments of Cpl. Jonathan Yale and Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter, two Marine grunts who died exactly 13 years ago Thursday while trying to stop a truck carrying 2,000 pounds of explosives as it barreled toward their post in Ramadi, Iraq. Marine veteran and Task & Purpose deputy editor James Clark remembered the fallen infantrymen and the lives they led in a moving story. Both Marines were posthumously awarded the Navy Cross for their actions that day.

Speaking of sacrifice, Navy vet Stephanie Kroot is one of only 50 or so Americans to have donated two of her organs to two separate people, literally giving parts of herself to save the lives of strangers. But those donations are only the latest episodes in Kroot’s long life of service, which includes stints as a police officer, a Navy intelligence specialist, and a critical care nurse. Yeah, she’s good people.

There’s a first time for everything, like sending a general officer to court-martial, as the Air Force found out on Wednesday when it referred a sexual assault charge against Maj. Gen. William T. Cooley to a general court-martial.The former commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory, Cooley is the first Air Force general in the branch’s 73-year history to be court-martialed, though he’s far from the first to be accused of sexual misconduct.


There are many soldiers who aren’t happy with the way our country is going. Many have joined ranks and formed their own groups. This is not good. We need to stand together and correct the problem. We do not need hundreds of splinter groups.


Update on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope of the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of life.

It has been a long time since I last shared the outline of my book. I think it is very helpful to share this to let our kow what is coming.

This is the order that it is written:

  1. Basic training. Lots of funny stuff happened plus some good stuff happened.
  2. Mos training- FT Gordon, GA. Got hit with a hurricane. Fast and furious training.
  3. Korea- Here is where I learned about life. Just a teenager, and facing the dark side of life. Lost two buddies there as well.
  4. FT Bragg, NC. Got a huge scare with the Bay of Pigs incident.

Each section of the main book, will have many pages of things I faced and how I faced them. Some were life threatening. Some were embarrassing. Some were as stupid is and stupid does.

Another section will be interviews with soldiers who were actually in the field. Like WWII, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, etc.

Many of the interviews will have life threatening stories. Too many of the interviews were with buddies fighting PTSD, TBI, war wounds, etc.

The third section will Appendix #1.

Appendix #1 will have pages and pages of help for you and how to use them.


How are you doing? Is the mile you walk in life, seem more like a marathon? Is it too difficult to continue the battle?


There are over 11,880 fellow veterans here who have your back. Many of them are people I have met and are sharing some of their lives.

Please know, that if it is just to much for you right now, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that is 24/7.

There are highly trained counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

Never, ever, face this world alone!

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And never, ever, give up!


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