Fake News is Full of Lies Right now

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When I reported the last time there was a war going on in Portland, Oregon. Well, it is still going on. It has been 103 straight days of rioting.

Governor(Do nothing) Brown ordered the State Police to come and stop the rioting. But they couldn’t do much because of the local prosecutors said they wouldn’t persecute. The Feds got smart and deputized all of the Oregon State Police, and now they can arrest and they will be facing federal prosecutors. We will have to wait and see how that turns out.


I have had an amazing thing happening. On Facebook alone, I have 3,000 new followers in the last two weeks. The great news is that all 3,000 followers are veterans!! hope you will join me there as well. Just put Doug Bolton in the search are and follow me. I am converting my page into complete military theme. (If you get a message that I have reach my 5,000 and you cant be a follower, hang tight. Working on clearing out my followers daily.


The fake media is blasting President Trump for supposedly saying that the military are a bunch of losers. They also claim that he said he wouldn’t go to Arlington cemetery because he didn’t want to get his hair wet. Fact is that they felt it was too stormy to go in the helicopter. The democrats, especially Joe Biden have been hitting hard in ad commercials and while speaking publicly. It is all lies!! The fact check people said this never happened. People who with President trump at the time they claim he said those words, say it is a total fabrication. SEEK THE TRUTH!! Trump loves the military.


How is your day going? Are there too many dark days.?

Many of the great veterans here on this site have been there with you. Walk away from the darkness and look for the light.

However, if it is getting too overwhelming for you GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number to call. There are very qualified counselors there to help. They will not hang up until they know you are well.




You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Good Guys Are Losing the “War” in Portland, Oregon

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I know that I am overdoing the reporting of the mess in Portland, Oregon, but it is breaking my heart. It has been over 100 days since the rioting first started and there is no end in sight. There have been people murdered, beaten, stores burnt down, and police officers being accosted.

People fear going outside. They see what is happening on the TV’s and it is right outside their doors.

President Trump has repeatedly offered to send in help to stop it. The governor and mayor have told him to leave them alone. Such weakness, is killing people.

As a veteran I KNOW what I would do and it wouldn’t be pretty. I am sure there are many of you who may agree with me. I would go in and start pushing back, and anyone that tried to stop us would be taken down and arrested. AND PROSECUTED!

Here is a side story that has me screaming. One of the antifascists (their name) shot and killed an innocent young man at point blank. The gunman got away. (Only because he was arrested for carrying a weapon. He was released the next day and not prosecuted.) That was about three days ago. Today there was a stabbing death of a young couple up in Washington. It was the same man that the local police in Portland had identified as the killer.

Because they released him without any charges he killed two more people.! I CAN NOT ACCEPT THAT. If they would had prosecuted him in Portland, the two people in Washington would still be alive, and they would also find out his was the killer in Portland. They should have put him away right there for the rest of his life.

I know this doesn’t have too much to do of what this site is all about, but maybe it is!!

I am going to get very political here. I hope I don’t lose too many of you.

I am fearing a civil war. A real civil war. Both sides of these happenings are very sure they are right and seem to think they would die for it.

The democrats are almost applauding the rioting. They think this will end the President’s White House visit. The democrats run every major city that is rioting. All of them want President Trump to leave them alone, because they think they are doing fine.

I need to stop here, and cool down! Sorry I ranted on you.


How are you doing in this environment? Has it been hard for you? Do you fight stress and anger because of it?

Just remember there are over 9,200 fellow veterans here who have your six. They have been there and done that with you.

It is hard, at best, to cope with this dangerous world we live in right now. If it is overwhelming you GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number for you to call. The counselors there are outstanding. They will not hang up on you until they know you are OK.


Please call it if you need it. Don’t wait.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

It is the National Suicide Month. Get Help if you Need it

I have been out because of computer problems. My last post was over ten days ago. Sorry that I wasn’t there for you during that time.


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I have told you this before, but I live near the dreaded city of Portland, Oregon. There have been over 90 straight days that rioting has taken place. Buildings are being burnt down, and many of them are owned by black people.

President Trump has again said he will send help if asked. The very weak mayor of Portland, isn’t interested. He actually admitted yesterday that the rioting must stop. He is saying that after 90+ days of terror??


September is National Suicide Prevention month. This, of course, is dear to my heart. I have too many friends who have lost loved ones.

The suicides are extremely high in the military. Every day over 22 brothers and sisters take their own lives. That is very sad. They aren’t reaching out for help when they need it.


We are celebrating 75 years since the end of the WWII war. There were many personale who lost their lives defending our country. Here are just a few numbers:

  1. Army- 11,727
  2. Navy- 6,266 (1,518 in one day at Pearl Harbor)
  3. Marines- 16, 025

This is just a parcial of the total. There were pilots, and other airforce groups who died.


Here are some actual thoughts about the end of the war, of some who fought:

“I was quite happy when the war was over. I knew I would get home.”

John Stokes, Navy armed guard, SS Louis Weule, Manila, Philippines.

“I was on the scope of the deck, and we were about 200 yards off the Missouri. I watched MacArthur and all the Japanese sign the papers. I was so glad to see it was over.

W.Rex Kocher Navy fire control 2nd class, USS Wedderburn Tokyo Bay, escorting the USS Missouri.


How are you doing my friend? Are you struggling? Have there been too many bad days?

You certainly are not alone. There are over 9,000 fellow brothers and sisters on this site who have your back. Don’t spend another minute suffering.

If it too overwhelming for you right now, GET HELP!! The majority of suicides in the military are because the person never even seeked help. Do not be one of the people. Below is a toll free number for you to call for help. There are highly trained counselors there to help you:



If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. You may be saving a life. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!