When you Give Away Something, you get Much More in Return

 Before you read tonight’s post I want to share some exciting news. I signed a contract this last week with Winepress Publishers. The book: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, will be coming out at the end of August or the first part of September. What follows is an actual excerpt from that book.


It Is Better to Give than Receive


A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you,

so you must love one another.

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:34-35


Imagine what a heavy schedule of appointments President Abraham Lincoln had to keep day after day. Yet when an elderly woman with no official business in mind asked to see him, he graciously consented.

As she entered Lincoln’s office, he rose to greet her and asked how he might be of service. She replied that she had not come to ask a favor. She had heard that the president liked a certain kind of cookie, so she had baked some for him and brought them to his office.

With tears in his eyes, Lincoln responded, “You are the very first person who has ever come into my office asking not, expecting not, but rather bringing me a gift. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

My personal dictionary calls this elderly lady a silent hero—someone who does many things for others and never expect anything in return. My Aunt Dollie was the same kind of person. Her goal in life was to make sure her family was well cared for. And she wanted to be sure she had something to leave her children when she passed on. She did just that. She gave a lot of love to her children and many others, and when she passed on she left her family financially secure. But, more importantly, she left them with memories of a woman who stood out as a person who led by example, relied on tough love to mold her family and became a silent hero to many that knew her.

This type of person is high on the Lord’s priority list of how His followers should act. This type of unselfish love is the cornerstone of what the Bible teaches about love.

My brother Dave is a silent hero to me. I didn’t know for over 50 years that he had done something for me that changed my life because he wasn’t out to impress anyone with his love for his family.

When my brother was a senior in high school he told our mother he wasn’t going to go to college because our family couldn’t afford two people going to college at once. He said he would support me and help me make it through so that one of the members of the family could get a degree. Well, it took a long time because of the military and three children, but I got that degree and went into teaching.

I didn’t know about his sacrifice until over 40 years later when my mother told me. That, my friends, is a true silent hero! My brother gave up his chance for a college degree so I could get mine. I will never be able to thank him enough for what he did, but he knows now that my love for him has grown deeper than seems possible between two brothers. I also have become a silent hero in his back pocket to make sure that he knows how much I appreciate what he did for me.

John 13:34-35 says that we should love one another as He loves us. We can always think of what the Lord would do to help them and use that as a model for the help we give. Remember His unconditional love, and how He would do anything He could to comfort them and help them through any crisis or stressful situation. That is what silent heroes do.


The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled,

and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Matthew 23:11-12


“Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out”

—Frank A. Clark


Further adventures

Look around you and list those you feel are your silent heroes. You don’t need to share your findings with them. Just know that they are there, and be happy knowing that they will always be there for you.


Something to ponder

Isn’t it funny how he who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses?

* Excerpt from : Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.


Being meek and Mild will get you Farther Than Being Tough

Before I share an excerpt from the book: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, I have some exciting news:

On Friday the 15thof January, I signed a publishing contract with Winepress Publishers. The book will be coming out at the end of August or the first of September.

Much of the success is due to you my followers who have been telling others about the book on the social networks. The word is spreading, and now my dream is coming true. Follow the posts here to see the progress of the publishing of the book. You will be the first to know. Now for the excerpt. It is Chapter 64:



Compassion Is Difficult to Give Away Because It Keeps Coming Back


Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5


I was warming up one day before playing a round of golf. I had been looking forward to a relaxing day, a chance to get away from it all, and was hitting a few balls at the driving range. I was hitting the ball well when a young man in his 20s to my right also started hitting balls. He was hitting the balls very far, which was distracting to me. I felt intimidated by his skills.

I continued to hit, but my shots started going in all directions. I was so distracted by this young man’s abilities that I couldn’t concentrate! I tried to regroup, and stepped up to the tee, saying to myself: I have to ignore the person to my right and hit the ball straight. I took a big swing, and the ball went directly right, hitting the young man on the outside of his left knee. He went down to the ground, grabbing his knee in pain. I was horrified!

I ran over to him, repeating how sorry I was, to ask if he was all right. He looked up at me.

“I’ll be OK,” he said. “And don’t feel bad—you weren’t trying to hit me.”

I could see he was in a great deal of pain, but his first action was to try to calm me down. Here was young a man who had every right to be really mad. God had given this young man the right things to say. That was another of my close encounters with God!

I couldn’t believe how calming his answer was. I was very upset, and I bet it showed! He, the injured party, calmed me by his loving spirit! He could have cursed at me, but he used the moment to show his Christian attitude toward another person.

How do you know he was a Christian? you wonder. Well, I really don’t know because our conversation never went to that subject, but if I were a betting man (and I’m not!), I’d say he was a believer because he never hesitated to show compassion for someone in spite of his own discomfort.

Can people look at you and tell you are a Christian by your actions?

I’ve always felt that you don’t have to grab a Bible and “preach” to a person to have a large effect on them. This young man had a tremendous effect on me, and he didn’t do much. He just forgave me, and let it go at that!

Have you had the opportunity to be a witness to someone by your actions, and let it pass you by?

We can be a witness to someone without trying to impress them with what we know about the Bible. It’s wonderful if you have that knowledge, but most people don’t care how much you know; they want to know how much you care. Many times a people will say, “I want to be like that person,” just by what they see us do. A calming spirit will win more people over than an angry, hateful spirit.

Aim straight for the heart with your love, and the feeling will become a part of those around you.


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3


Further adventures

The next time someone is angry, try the gentle approach. You may be very surprised to see that it will calm them down much faster than yelling back at them. Your friends or family will really look up to you if you are consistent in your approach to stress and pressure. Your example may help them to also be meek and therefore be an example for the next person.


Something to ponder

Isn’t it funny that the more we show kindness to someone, the more we get back in return?


 * Excerpt from: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World



Take off Your Bah Humbug Mask and Smile!

Adversity Helps our Character Grow

Before I post my article for this evening, I want to let you know that the promotion for the five autographed books has ended for this week. The five winners will be notified and hopefully I will get the books to them in time for Christmas, if they want them to be used for gifts.

Thank you for the great response. That shows me we need to do this once a week until I run out of books.

I will be starting another giveaway this Friday night through Monday evening like I did this week.


I just got through having a wonderful discussion with a man named Henry Newell. I was minding my own business. (Hard for me to do,) when he contacted me through the IM service at Facebook.

I was sharing back and forth with him, when he dropped a bomb on me. He is a quadriplegic. He was in a diving accident when he was 14 years old. He was told he wasn’t going to live, and if he did he would be a vegetable.  He is still here to tell his story.

Henry is a born again Christian that would put an average Christian to shame. His outlook on everything in live is incredible. He is such a positive person.

I want to invite you to read his story on the blog: http//:www.dailysignsofhope.com. This blog is run by myself and Michael Clark.

We have been in the trenches, and we write articles there that reach out to the people who suffer from anxiety, fear, self doubt, depression, addictions, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects. 

Henry’s post  will be in a couple of weeks. We have guest bloggers on every Sunday. We are  backed up a little right now.

I will let you know here when he will be blogging, but why don’t check out the blog and bookmark it like 300 other people have in the first month of its existence.

Why should someone like Henry be so positive. It looks like life gave him a lemon. I can’t speak for him. He will be doing that himself, but I know why I am so positive after six major surgeries. It is because God has allowed me to have them! God has a plan for me. He had one before I was born. I now know that I am to reach out to people who suffer from the many mental afflictions we face when adversity strikes us.

I was near death at one point,  but I am still alive, and thanking God each day. I seek His will daily and strive to meet His will with every breath I take that He has given me.

During this Christmas time, don’t spend your time feeling sorry for yourself, by moaning and groaning. Remember the reason for the season. They was a little child that was born on Christmas Day. He was a very poor child. They laid him in a manger. Webster’s Dictionary says a manger is, ” A place where livestock eat.” Little Jesus laid in a filthy manger, and didn’t even have nice cloths to wear. He slept among the animals in the barn.

Now think of all the things that God has given you. A family, food, a home, friends, good health.

I know some of you do not have those things I listed, but be thankful that God has given you another breath. Each one may be the last.

So, put away your Bah Humbug costume, and be a light shining in the dark for others that are less fortunate.

May God bless you during the Christmas season and beyond.