People are Looking for Hope. There is a Place to Find it

It has been a while since I last posted. I don’t have many good excuses. It just seemed like I needed some air.

I hit the streets running when my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” was first published. I had signings every week, and did double posting on this site, and my blog at: The “signs” blog is really taking off. It was started a year ago September, and it already has close to 1500 followers.

Why is it doing so well? It reaches out to those who are suffering from anxiety, fear, hopelessness, depression, and many other of the devastating afflictions. People are looking for hope, and this site shares thoughts on how to find it.

The book is also a book full of hope for those same people. You can check the book out by clicking on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top of this site. Once you are there you can see a short description, and a copy of the cover. Go on to the next step an order one today. Think of Easter! This is a great book to give as a gift for Easter. It shares hope, and renewal for those who are seeking  a new fresh outlooks on life.

There is a special going right now. The book was $19.99. It is now only $15.99. The shipping was $4.70, and now it is only $2.35.  A total savings of over $6.00.

You also may think of someone who may benefit from this book even though it might not be Easter time. Think of friends and family that seem sad, or are searching for answers.


Here are some thoughts for the day:

  • 99% of what we worry about never happens. The other .o1% should be turned over to God.
  • Since God made you in His own image, don’t you think he cares enough for you to protect and guide you?
  • Worry is the dark room where negatives are developed.
  • Kneeling before God keeps you in good standing.
  • Your church is prayer conditioned.

May God bless you during the Easter time. Remember that Jesus died a rose again. He is not a dead idol. He is alive and well.

99% That we Worry About Never Happens. Give the Rest to God

I just a check in the mail for selling four more books. I am very pleased at the rate the books are selling. My book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” has sold 204 books in just over four months. That is an average of about 50 a month. I certainly would like more sold, but I am thankful to God for the consistency.

My next goal is to sell 500. That officially gives you the right to say your book is a best seller. (Don’t ask me how that could be. It is in all the marketing books.)

You can certainly help with that by clicking on the tab at the top that says “bookstore,” and ordering a book yourself. I have just been lowered the price from $19.99 to $15.99, AND the shipping price has been cut in half to $2.35. That is a total of $6.00 savings if you order now.

Think about Easter coming up next month. This would be a wonderful gift to give out as an Easter present. It is full of uplifting thoughts, and talks about our risen Savior.

There is only one way this book will be a success, and that is through people like you buying the books, and then telling others. Word of mouth is always the best marketing tool.


I want to tell you about another book I am starting, but this is called a “teaser.” My next post will give you more details. Just one more teaser… it will be about sports.


Think on this:

  • 99% of what we worry about never happens. The other 1% you can turn over to God.
  • When two or more gather together to pray, God will be there with you.
  • When you smile at someone they usually smile back. This gives them more face value.
  • When you make it through a storm in your life, you are that much stronger for the next one.


I am asking for prayer for my good friend Michael Clark, who is my partner on our blog: www.dailysignsofhopecom. He has a very serious surgery coming up, and please pray that God will hold his hand throughout this ordeal and make him whole again.



Do you worry when the End Times or the Rapture is Coming?

I just read some comments by some people who were wondering when the rapture will be coming or who the anti Christ will be and when he will come?

Is that part of your worrying process? Do you wonder when things will happen?

God often moves powerfully in ways that are not understood for a long time. Look at the Middle East. The whole area is in a state of Chaos. Dictators who have been in power for decades, are either being threatened, or are gone.

Is this God’s plan? Of course it is, but what it all means may not be known in our lifetime.

We do need to understand that all His ways are right.

God’s knows all the peoples of this earth distress and manages all events for their good. They may not see the good in their situation at this time. They must remember, however that all nations are under God’s control. he allowed those dictators to get into power, and now He has other plans.

Our God is the God of the past, present and the future. All we need to do is trust Him, and not worry about tomorrow.


I had a good week of selling my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.  A friend stopped by yesterday and bought one. She got home, and her husband saw the book and started reading it. He called me, and said that the book was written just for him. he had been through many of the storms I had been through.

The State of Oregon bought two books this week to put into their gift shop at the State Capital Building.

House of Representative Andy Olson, was given a free book, and he is sharing it with many of his colleagues.

You can order a book right from this site as well. Just click on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top, and go from there. Whe you order, you will get an autographed copy mailed to you.

The cost has just been lowered, this week, from $19.99 to $15.99, and the shipping cost has been cut in half as well. A savings of over $6.00 for you. Hope you check it out.