We have had a big increase in subscribers lately! We have had 180 since the first of this year. We now have a total of 382, and rising fast! This is wonderful for our site. Please help us to continue to grow by also subscribing. You can do this by clicking on the icon right after the title.
We have a huge announcement to make. The book “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is now in eBook form. That’s not all! We just lowered the price of the eBook from $4.99 to $2.99! This won’t last very long. Check it out by clicking on the Amazon icon on the right. You can also buy it at any eBook outlets! You can order the hard copy at the Amazon site there as well.
Be sure to check out the book trailer for “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” It is on the right side right below the Amazon icon. It gives you a clear picture of what the book is about.
Exciting news! We have a new book on the way that I am writing with Dennis Booth, from New South Wales, Australia. It will be called, “Signs of Hope: For the Weak Days.” (Working Title.) It is a compiling of posts that Dennis and I have been doing on my blog at: www.dailysignsofhope.com. There are 37,200 followers on that site, and it is because so many people are seeking hope and it is provided there.
*Update: This is June 28th, and we have the book 1/3 done. Many parts of the book have been sent to the editor. We are projecting a late August publishing date. Stand tuned for further updates.
Some people have asked, “How could you know what to write on your author page and blog?” That is a very good question.
I often don’t know what I am going to write until I start hitting the keys on the computer. God directs me often.
I have been through many physical and mental afflictions in my life, and so has my partner Dennis Booth at www.dailysignsofhope.com.
We use those experiences to put down thoughts that help those suffering from the same things. It lead to my first book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” That book starts out telling you of my lowest time in my life, when I was sitting in my Ford Explorer, contemplating suicide. The book has sold well, and there will be several more coming out with the “Signs of Hope,” theme.
One of the things that all of us need is comfort. We all need reassurance. We all need to know someone cares. The “Signs of Hope” books lets everyone know someone cares. They will give reassurance and give them comfort.
Are you one of those who are seeking answers? Do you keep all your hurts to yourself? Do you feel failure when you have to ask for help. I have been there myself. I know what you are going through.
It is the silence that is hard on us. We want to let others into our world and help, but we are ashamed to need that help.
Don’t ever be that way anymore. I sought help from God, and my family. I opened up to them, and my life changed.
You are a special person to God. He loves you. He cares for you. He will protect you through the storms of your life. He made you in His own image. Don’t you think He will help you when He sees you as His child?
One last thought…If God is for us, who can be against us?
You are never alone.
You are never forsaken.
You are never unloved.
And above all….never, ever, give up!