Mishaps Happen in Basic Training That Give you Lasting Memories

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Strange happenings at our National Capital. They still have thousands of National Guardsmen guarding behind a huge barrier. This looks more like a war zone than our Capital.

The House of Represenitives closed down their session on Wednesday because they heard “Rumors,” that the capital was going to attacked by “domestic terrorist.” Nothing happen, and nothing has happened since that day.

So far the has been a cost of over $500,000 dollars to keep the Guard there. That comes out of our pockets my friend.

Don’t get me wrong. I support the National Guard 100%, but this seems a true overkill.


I promised you that I would share another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.


I actually have two excerpts. Aren’t I a nice guy???

One of the parts of training in Basic Training was to throw a grande. The instructor explained to each recruit how to pull the pin and throw the grande. Seemed simple enough for me.

I watch as each recruit pulled the pin and threw the grande. Looked like easy peesy.

Then I was second in line for my throw. They guy in front of me heard the instructions, pulled the pin and let the grande fall out of his hands right in the bunker. The instructor grabbed the recruit, and they both leapt out of the bunker, just before the grande exploded.

That got me a little apprehensive, of course. It was my term. The instructor had calmed down, and was ready to teach me how to throw the grande. He even joked about the mishap from before. I had no idea what he said.

He handed me the grande. I pulled the pin, and threw the grande. It was a success.

But, I will never forget the guy who had to be saved by another soldier.


Another fun thing during basic was to walk through the “Gas Chamber.”

This was a very frightening experience for many of the men. Some didn’t want to go through. Of course the drill instructors helped them change their minds.

It was my turn to walk through. They made me take off my mask, and tell them my military ID number. I stumbled several times trying to get it out.

1962852, NO! 196 3854 NO! 19635854. The last one was the correct one, and they let me go out the other side.

When I got there, the men were all coughing, and tears coming down their faces. I joined them.


Time for bed check. How are you doing? Did you have some bad experiences while enlisted? Did things go wrong for you?

Not to worry!! There are over 11, 600 fellow veterans on this site that have your back.

However, if the heat is too hot; the water too deep, and the mountains too hard to climb, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

Never face this, not so friendly world, alone.

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Our World is in Chaos Right Now. We Will Have 20,000 Troops at the Presidential Inauguration.

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What a wild and crazy world we live in today. The chaos is world wide.


They have called up 20,000 National Guard troops for the inauguration next week. That is more than ten times the amount of troops that are now in Afghanistan.

Some feel this may lead to even more problems. They say it could be another Kent State from many years ago.

I saw pictures of troops sleeping in the halls of the House of Represenitives. Pelosi has to walk right by them on her way to the House. floor.

News of the day:

We salute these military veterans who stood up to rioters on Capitol Hill.

Former Navy SEAL bragged about taking part in Capitol riots in now-deleted Facebook video. His name is Adam Newbold.

National Guard infantryman arrested after taking selfie inside the Capitol during riots. In the selfie he was filliping of the viewers. He didn’t think he was doing anything illegal.

The Navy is eyeing a brand new destroyer bristling with lasers and hypersonic weapons.

Police officer who faced down mob at Capitol is an Iraq War Army vet.

We salute the Navy Corpsman who rushed to save a man’s life after a serious car accident.

A VA hospital worker stole medical equipment needed for COVID-19 patients and sold it on eBay. ( He was arrested and sent to prison for three months, and has to pay $132,291 in restitution. His name is Gene Wamsley.

Army to conduct extra background screening on soldiers at Biden inauguration.

Army identifies soldier killed in vehicle accident in Kuwait
Staff Sgt. Anthony Bermudez, 28, was killed in a non-combat vehicle accident in Kuwait on Monday. Two other soldiers were injured.

A very busy day in the military.

What is your feeling about what is going on in our country? Upset? Don’t care? Want to do something about it?

I am two of the above three. I am very upset, and I want us to do something about it.


I am reminding you again that the format on this site will be changing soon. The projected date is February 1st. I will slowly let you know the changes so that you won’t go into shock when it changes.

Most of the site will be allocated to reaching out to hurting veterans, and military. The is such a need to do that, and I don’t see many places doing just that.

How are you doing? Are you one of the hurting people?

You are not alone, my friend. There are over 10,950 fellow veterans here who have your back.

However, if it is just to much right now, and you feel like you are being weighted down like a huge magnate, GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you and the advice is free.

Do not try to take on this world alone.

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know about it.

Do you worry when the End Times or the Rapture is Coming?

I just read some comments by some people who were wondering when the rapture will be coming or who the anti Christ will be and when he will come?

Is that part of your worrying process? Do you wonder when things will happen?

God often moves powerfully in ways that are not understood for a long time. Look at the Middle East. The whole area is in a state of Chaos. Dictators who have been in power for decades, are either being threatened, or are gone.

Is this God’s plan? Of course it is, but what it all means may not be known in our lifetime.

We do need to understand that all His ways are right.

God’s knows all the peoples of this earth distress and manages all events for their good. They may not see the good in their situation at this time. They must remember, however that all nations are under God’s control. he allowed those dictators to get into power, and now He has other plans.

Our God is the God of the past, present and the future. All we need to do is trust Him, and not worry about tomorrow.


I had a good week of selling my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.  A friend stopped by yesterday and bought one. She got home, and her husband saw the book and started reading it. He called me, and said that the book was written just for him. he had been through many of the storms I had been through.

The State of Oregon bought two books this week to put into their gift shop at the State Capital Building.

House of Representative Andy Olson, was given a free book, and he is sharing it with many of his colleagues.

You can order a book right from this site as well. Just click on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top, and go from there. Whe you order, you will get an autographed copy mailed to you.

The cost has just been lowered, this week, from $19.99 to $15.99, and the shipping cost has been cut in half as well. A savings of over $6.00 for you. Hope you check it out.