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Today I am going off the beaten path a little to discuss how to pray. I had a short page or two about in the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” I have some books I have read for a resource that will guide you in this subject.
Where Do I Find Out How to Pray?
Prayer has to be the necessary foundation I talked about in the introduction for part one. With prayer you can talk to your heavenly Father, and He will guide you through your trials and daily routines.
It seems like prayer is the easiest thing to set aside. You often think you don’t have time for it. In reality, prayer is the one thing you need to make time for. All other things should be after prayer.
I have some books I have read that really have helped me understand prayer. They really taught me how to pray. Check these out and let me know if they have helped you. You can find my contact information in the appendix.
The following books are all written by Stormie Omartian. You can find any of them by going to and putting in her name. These books were published by Harvest House Publishers:
Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On: Trusting God in the Tough Times. (Her first book; good background information on the life she had to go through to start leaning on prayer.)
The Power of a Praying Husband
The Power of a Praying Wife
The Power of a Praying Kid
The Power of a Praying Woman
The Power of Praying Through the Bible
Praying God’s Will for Your Life: Student’s Edition
The Prayer That Changes Everything (I highly recommend this one)
Break Through Prayer, Jim Cymbala, Zondervan,Grand Rapids,Michigan49530
When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer, Jerry Sittser, Zondervan,Grand Rapids,Michigan49530
Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? Philip Yancey, Zondervan,Grand Rapids,Michigan49530
Christian Prayer for Dummies, Richard J. Wagner, Wiley Publishing, Inc.,New York,New York10022 (for the beginner like me!)