I am Tired of Feeling Down; send in the Clowns!

Win a National best Selling Book with an Autograph in it!


Before I share the next post, I want to remind you that I have 10 copies of The Shack, written by William Paul Young.  He autographed all of them, and even added a personal note. The book has been # 1 on the New York Times top ten books list for over 40 weeks.


You have a chance to win one!! It is very simple: Just go over to the icon on the right sidebar that says, “Sign up for my free newsletter,” click on it and put in your email address. Everyone who subscribes will have a chance to win an autographed book by one the hottest authors on the planet right now.


That is not all!! For every person you get to subscribe to the newsletter, you will receive another chance to win. So if you get 20 people to subscribe, you will have 21 chances to win.

The way I will know that you had people subscribe is for you to send me all the email addresses of the people you had sign up.  I will check my list, and if they are there you will get credit. So get out there and find as many people as you can. The book with the author’s autograph in it will be a real collector’s item.

Now for my thoughts of the day…..

The times we live in are hard at best:

  1. There are adult married couples moving back in with their parents.
  2. People with a PH-D’s work in a place that you wear name tags for the customers to see.
  3. Many small businesses are going under.
  4. Our economy is on the edge of a depression.
  5. People are losing their homes.

I could go on, but I think that is enough negative thoughts for now. What can we do to make it through the muck and mire?

We can put everything into perspective. Yes, we are in hard times, but there are nations where the people do not even know where their next meal will come from. There are people in other countries that make our homeless numbers look like a drop in the famous bucket. There are people in other countries, that do not any freedoms at all. They can’t even own a Bible let alone read it.

I know….so what!!! I have to agree with you 100%. SO WHAT???

Because we need to put everything into perspective. My favorite word starting with “p” is not peanuts. ( I love peanut butter!!)  It is persevere.  Webster’s Dictionary says persevere means: “To persist in pursuing something in spite of obstacles or opposition.” Pretty strong word right?

We persevered through the “Great Depression,” and prospered again. We later persevered, through a recession, and prospered again.

This may not be a good time to be optimistic, but….. Webster’s dictionary says optimism means: “A tendacy to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions.” We have events and conditions that are tough right now, but we need to face the storm, and keep walking forward. We are a strong nation, and we can weather any storm that comes our way. It seems like times like this always brings out the best in  each of us.

Let it start with you!

* Again, I want to thank Randy Ingermanson for his support, and advice. Much of the looks and ideas of this site are through his suggestions. I highly recommend you go to his site and see some of his “gorilla marketing” ideas if you have a website. He has to be the marketing guru of this planet. Just go to: http://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/blog and you will see not only ideas for marketing, but formulas for writing very good fiction. He will also knock you over with some very funny comments. Randy has won several Christy Awards for his books. The Christy Award is given to the top Christian book of the year in each catagory.



You Have Asked Many Questions about the Newsletter

 You Have Asked many Questions about the Newsletter


It seems that many of you are still on edge about the topic of the book, or what can you do if you do not like the newsletter.  Let me repeat some of the questions I am receiving, and answer them the best I can.


1.     Why should I have to read the excerpts from your book?


·        You do not have to! This is an online newsletter. That means that I have links on the newsletter which you can click on immediately if you want to by-pass any page.

2.      What are on your other pages?


·        There are three other pages. I am still in the planning stage for a couple of the pages, but one is written in cement. There is one page that will be nothing but sports. Mostly OSU sports, but I will also discuss any sport that I think should be discussed.

·        Another page will be a log of all of my travels. I have been on many trips. I have shared some of them with you already, but I haven’t even touched on my four or five trips to Asia.

·        The last page is my question mark. I am leaning on a resource page where I post actual newspaper articles from all over the world on subjects pertaining to having a better outlook on life.

·        Somewhere in those pages I hope to share some pictures of my travels, sporting events, and just plain beautiful shots of the environment.


3.     What is the book about?


·        It is about my own personal struggles with self doubt, fear of failure, anxiety, depression, battling many illnesses, and even hopelessness. It starts out a little dark, because I have to share why I had all those afflictions. But it progresses into a very happy ending. (I love happy endings.)

·        Yes, it uses the Bible as a reference on to how to battle those afflictions, and I do share how God has helped me.

·        If this bothers you, click on another link. However, I really hope you will read it because, I can’t think of too many people that hasn’t faced some of those afflictions.


4.     Does it cost anything to subscribe?


·        Nope!


5.     How often will I be getting newsletters in my email box?


·        They will come about once a week, or three times a month.

·        The front page may not always be about the book. I may add one of my famous, The top Five Ways to….., that are on how to stop feeling sorry for yourself; ways to get up after you fall, or ways to turn that frown upside down into a smile, etc.  It may be an article that I have had published in a magazine like, The Christian Journal, which they published an article called, Stop the World and let me off, I am Tired of Going Round and Round.

6.     What if I no longer want to get your newsletter?


·        There is an opt out clause at the bottom of each newsletter. However, I hope you won’t choose that route.


I hope this helps you. If you have some friends that walked away because they had too may questions unanswered, have them come back just one more time, so that they can see the answers that may help them understand.


As a matter of fact….this site will only be a success if you tell others about it. I have run out of email addresses to invite people. I have been pretty successful with the addresses I have. Out of the first 47 days of existence, there have been 210 people subscribed. My goal is still 1,000 by the first of the year. I have a lot of work to do to make that goal. You can help me!






Why Did I Write a Book? To Save My Life!!

(If you are looking for the Beaver Path Finder, you will need to go over to the side bar on the right and click on the “Subcribe to my newsletter,” icon, and then put in your email address. The first Path Finder will come out by Friday.)

This heading may seem a little sensational. It may look like I made the title up to get you hooked to read further. I did not. I wrote a book, and it did save my life. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to find out why the book saved my life, and read what it is about.

It is not for the faint of heart. It is uplifting, but it talks about self doubt, fear, hopelessness, depression, and anxiety.

I know, how could a book be uplifting when the topics are self doubt, fear, hopelessness, depression, and anxiety?

To give a one sentence synopsis of the book:

I was on the verge of suicide, and God showed me a way to overcome it.

I do hope you will subscribe to the newsletter. It only takes a second. There will be other pages/links in the newsletter.

There will be a sports page/link where I share news from Oregon State University sports. There will be other sports discussed too. The very first newsletter will be coming out this week. The wait is over. I am putting the fnal touches on it, and it should be out before Friday of this week.

There will be a page/link where I talk about all of my travels. I have been all over Asia, and traveled many of the United States following the Beaver’s football team. There are some very outstanding views in this country. There are some very funny stories. There will be thoughts on what I saw and how I felt when I stood on the actual last big battle ground of the Civil War.

Other discussions will be of countries like: Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan.

I was able to pet one of the most famous winning Kentucky Derby horses of racing history; meet some wonderful people in Louisville, Kentucky; thought I was going to die riding a bus along highway 101; walked through Hearst Castle; watched a football game with a huge crowd of 109,529 people; had people yell at me that I was tiger bait; walked down Bourbon Street in New Orleans with beads being thrown down to me; had a hot springs for a swimming pool; almost got thrown off a dock for not wanted to pay the dock fee, and was amazed at all the history in Boston, Mass.

This is just the top of the iceberg of what the traveling page/link will have. I have many good memories, and some bad memories to share with you. Subscribe, and the adventure will begin.

There will be a resource page/link that I will use to post actual articles from newspapers from all over the world, pertaining to your mental health.

This is finally a reality of a long time dream of mine. I have wanted to write a book about my afflictions, share my travel adventures, AND be able to talk about OSU all at the same time. This website, and my newsletter are doing just that.

This area will slowly be transfered over to discussion of the book, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind Through Bumper Stickers.

Yes, there will many times when I discuss other things. I have some articles I have written. Some have been published in magazines. The title of my latest artice in, The Christain Journal Magazine, was called, Stop the World and Let me off, I am Tired of Going Round and Round. It told the story of the lowest time in my life. I will be posting that article here soon.

I suggest you also sign up for the RSS feed. When you do you will get notices of when I have posted on this site. Then you can come here and read what I have written. The RSS feed is at the beginning of any post including this one. You just click on it and follow the directions. Your notices will come at the head of your Explorer or Explorer Express Favorites on your email page. It will just to the right of the word “Favorites.” It may come from other places if you do not have Explorer.

Some of the other articles that I will be posting are very timely with the Holidays coming up:

  1. The top 5 ways to Face the Dark Side.
  2. The Top 10 Ways to Turn That Frown Upside Down.
  3. The Top 5 Ways to Always get up After you Fall.
  4. The Top 5 Ways That Success Does Not Guarantee Happiness.
  5. The Top 5 Ways to Support Someone in Need.
  6. The Top 5 Ways to Eliminate Negative Thoughts.
  7. The Top 5 Ways to Stop Tearing Yourself and Others Down.
  8. The Top 5 Ways to Relieve Stress.
  9. Showing Sympathy Can Uplift Even the Most Downtrodden,
  10. How to Move From Your Home of Depression.

I have many other articles to share.

Be sure to subscribe!  Do it now, along with the over 200 hundred people who have done so far in the first month of existence. The first newsletter will come out this week, and if you haven’t subscribed you will miss out on the very first exclusive newsletter.

Beaver fans!!! Do not walk away because you are uncomfortable with what the topics could be on the website or newsletter. When you subscribe you have the choice of immediately going to what ever page you want. There are links there. You also have the choice to opt out anytime you want.

First of all, the website or newsletter will not bite you! It is good stuff to help you and others that you feel will benefit from it. If you know of someone who needs reassuring, tell them to come to this site. I have had people email me at my blog at, www.depressionsuppressed.com and tell me that what I shared was just what they needed.

Got to run…. I have a busy day ahead of me putting the finishing touches on the first newsletter. Sign up now!!