“Fear Not, For I am With You.”

I had a great time at the Oregon Coast over the weekend. I did absolutley nothing, but read books and watch old movies with a friend.

I was in Newport, Oregon. What a wonderful coastal town. Not too big, but big enough to have everything you need.

The weather was pretty good, and I enjoyed looking out the window at the ocean.


What things cause you fear? Why do you fear them?

Even Jesus Christ faced fear. He prayed so hard for God to take his cup away from Him that He sweat blood.

Many people’s fear is facing death. I have been close to facing death two times.

The first time was July of 2004. I went in for a routine stress test, and when it was done I was on a gurney being taking from my doctor’s office to the hospital. I had four arteries blocked in my heart. I was told by the heart surgeon that it was amazing that I hadn’t had a heart attack.

The second time was sometime int he last two years. They can’t pinpoint it because all they found on my last stress test was scar tissue from a heart attack I had since my last stress test. They said it was a moderate heart attack. It could have been my last heart attack, but I am still here to type this post.

Do I fear death? Only in the fact that I feel I have so many things I still want to accomplish.

I have written and published my first book, and have at least two others in the making.

But, fearing actual death is not my concern anymore. Why? Because I know I will be going to be with the Lord. I will be with the one person who cared enough to die for me.


My book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” is on sale right now. It was $19.99. Now it is $15.99. The shipping is alos cut in half. A total savings of over $6.00.

The books talks about out fears and how to handle them. It talks about fighting anxiety, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.  

If you would like to see the cover, and read what the book is about, go to the top of this page and click on the “bookstore,” tab. There will be a description, and how to order the book.

I hope you will check it out. If you order one and like it, telling others is the best marketing tool and author has.


The Royal Wedding Opened my Eyes

I watched the Royal Wedding today, and I was amazed at the structure, and the ritual of the whole event.

Everything has it place and time. Even the Queen of England had her time she was to ride in her car to the wedding.

The clothes were for… well…. Kings and Queens. All the prominent women wore beautiful hats of all sizes. Some seemed to strain to see anything from under them.

As the guests started coming in you could see the King of Norway; the King of Tonga; the Queen of The Netherlands, and of course the Queen of England. All in their full royal gear, and walking down the aisle with many people bowing their heads as they walked by.

Much of the ceremony was very straight, and right out of the Bible.

One of the opening songs was, ” Oh Guide me thy Great Redeemer.”

A quote from one of the Priests: ” This marriage is ordained according to the will of God.”

Another Priest said, ” I declare to you before the terrible day of judgement to repeat after me, William will you take this….”

It was finalized with ” According to God’s law and in the name of the Ftaher, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,, I pronounce you man and wife.”

Then the brother of the bride read scripture for Roman 12:1-21. It talks about not conforming to this world. Love one another, etc.

Do you see the theme of all of this? The whole wedding was based from the Bible, even the songs, and the vows.

This reminds me of when the LORD comes again. Kings will bow down before Him and praise Him. They will honor Him, and call Him LORD.

Think on this:

  • We are not to conform to this world. This world seeks self- gratification, and power.
  • All will some day bow down before the LORD no matter what their rank or power may be.
  • We need to daily thank the LORD for His grace and love for us even though we may not deserve it.
  • The LORD gives us hope through His promises that He will return and bring us home. 


Speaking of Hope… My books Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” talks about how the LORD loves us and helps us with out anxiety, fear, depression, self-doubt, addictions, low self-esteem, etc.

You can take a look at a description of the book on this site by clicking on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top of this page.

There is a special sale going on right now. The book was $19.99 and now it is $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half. A total savings of over $6.00. Hope you will take a look.