99% That we Worry About Never Happens. Give the Rest to God

I just a check in the mail for selling four more books. I am very pleased at the rate the books are selling. My book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” has sold 204 books in just over four months. That is an average of about 50 a month. I certainly would like more sold, but I am thankful to God for the consistency.

My next goal is to sell 500. That officially gives you the right to say your book is a best seller. (Don’t ask me how that could be. It is in all the marketing books.)

You can certainly help with that by clicking on the tab at the top that says “bookstore,” and ordering a book yourself. I have just been lowered the price from $19.99 to $15.99, AND the shipping price has been cut in half to $2.35. That is a total of $6.00 savings if you order now.

Think about Easter coming up next month. This would be a wonderful gift to give out as an Easter present. It is full of uplifting thoughts, and talks about our risen Savior.

There is only one way this book will be a success, and that is through people like you buying the books, and then telling others. Word of mouth is always the best marketing tool.


I want to tell you about another book I am starting, but this is called a “teaser.” My next post will give you more details. Just one more teaser… it will be about sports.


Think on this:

  • 99% of what we worry about never happens. The other 1% you can turn over to God.
  • When two or more gather together to pray, God will be there with you.
  • When you smile at someone they usually smile back. This gives them more face value.
  • When you make it through a storm in your life, you are that much stronger for the next one.


I am asking for prayer for my good friend Michael Clark, who is my partner on our blog: www.dailysignsofhopecom. He has a very serious surgery coming up, and please pray that God will hold his hand throughout this ordeal and make him whole again.



God Doesn’t Make Mistakes. He created you for a Purpose

I see it has been a month today since I last posted on this site. I have been spending most of my time posting at: www.dailysignsofhope.com. That is my blog. The response there has been tremendous. In just a little over one year the followers have grown to over 1380. Hope you check that out.

I hope you will start joining me here as well,  because I am back here spending much more time.

Just go the to the  “Networked Blogs,” icon and click on “Follow me,” below it. You will then be able to keep up with what is going on with my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, and my new book, “Signs of Hope: In Sports.” (Title may change)

Let me tell you a little bit about the new book. It is still floating in my head. (It is giving me a headache!)

I have grown weary of all the negative press that sports has been getting. Just this last week there was a national  news items about a Washington Red Skins lineman who was arrested for assault. Now I certainly don’t condon what he did, but I have heard about many more assault in my own home town and they don’t even make the local newspaper.

I prayed about this, and God seems to be leading me towards putting together a book that speaks to the positive side of sports. I want to talk to some Christian athletes in pro sports. I want to interview them, and let them tell their side of what it is like to be  a Christian in a not so friendly world of sports. There will be a chapter for each person written about.

God is opening some doors that I can’t mention yet, but for a teaser, there is a NBA retired player who has two championship rings that is interested in working with me on this, and I have a connection with a chaplain for a pro baseball team.

There are several other possiblities, that just happen to become known to me in just the last few days. I think that is God at work, and I look forward to working on this, all for His glory.

If you know of any pro athletes who are Chrisiatns and may be willing to share their story to help others who may be struggling in the sports world, please let me know, by commenting to this post.

Think on this:

  • God doesn’t make any mistakes. He created you for a purpose.
  • He made you in His own image. You are His son/daughter.
  • Never let Satan plant negative thoughts into your head. It’s time for selective hearing.

Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World

Ten Books, Many with Autographs, Given Away Free!

Today, instead of sharing an excerpt from my book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, I wanted to let you know that I am going to do my fun book give away promotion again. It was very popular that last time I did it. So I am going to throw it at you again. I am going to have a longer deadline this time. The last one I did over a weekend and got good responses. This promotion is going until Monday night the 8th of February. Because I am doing this I am going to give away many more books.

I am giving away ten (10) books to the first 10 people that sign-up for my free online newsletter. Here is how it will work:

  1. The first one to subscribe will have first dibs of the books that will be given away. That means the sooner you subscribe, the more chances you have of getting the book you want for free.
  2. This may be a long process to give out all the books, because some people don’t answer the emails very fast. If you subscribe to try to get a book, please respond to my email letting you know you are a winner, ASAP. That way you will not be holding up the next person down the line from being able to choose a book. If I have to wait too long, I will let the rest of the people choose before you.
  3. All ten books will be wonderful books. Some of them will have the author’s autograph in them.
  4. Here is the list of the books:


  • Three Cups of Tea-By David Oliver Relin and Greg Mortenson.

This book has been a national # 1 New York Times Bestseller list for months. It is autographed by David Relin.

The Shack-By William Paul Young. This book has been in the top five on the New York Times bestseller list for a couple of years. It has sold over 7 million copies. It is autographed by Young.

The Missionary-By William Carmichael and David Lambert. This is a story of a missionary that gets way over his head, and suddenly becomes an international fugitive. Lots of suspense and thrills. I have two books of this. One autographed by Carmichael, and the other autographed by Lambert. You get to choose.

Eyes of Elisha-By Brandilyn Collins. Brandilyn is one of the most beloved Christian Fiction authors in the business. This book is autographed by Brandilyn. Here is a promotional phrase from the book. “The murder was ugly. The killer was sure no one saw him. Someone did.” Gives me goose bumps, and wants me to be all over that book!!

That is all the autographed books I have for now, but the following are books by top authors that sold millions themselves.

I have a three pack of mini books written by some of the top authors. Why God?-By Charles Swindoll; America Looks Up-By Max Lucado, and When Tragedy Strikes-by Charles Stanley, will all go to one subscriber in one bundle. All of these books are very timely for what is happening in our world today.

Where is God When It Hurts?-By Philip Yancey. This is one of my personal favorites. This book is a national best seller. It speaks about the physical pain many of us endure, and how we can be blessed through it. It was special for me when I went through six major surgeries.

The Power of a Praying Parent-By Stormie Omartian. Stormie has several best selling books on the theme of prayer. We as parents need to know what we can do to help when our children are going through trials, no matter what their age is. This is a must book if you have children.

The Revelation-By Beverly Lewis. Arguably the top Christian Fiction writer on the planet. One of you will have this new book for you to read, just by being one of the top ten to subscribe.

90 Minutes in Heaven-By Don Piper, and written by Cecil Murphy. There are more than a million copies of this in print. It rose to the top over night. Don Piper was trapped in his car after an accident and he was pronounced dead. Then a friend happened to be driving by, and stayed by Don and prayed for an hour and a half…. I will let you read to find out what happened.

Summer-By Karen Kingsbury. Again one of the top Christian Fiction writers in the business. You can have this book if you are one of the top ten in subscribing to my free online newsletter and it is still available.

There you have it. Ten of the most loved books in the business, and you can have one of them if you subscribe to me online newsletter. The newsletter is free, and it will have excerpts from my book coming out in late August or early September called: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. The newsletter will also have a page just for writers. It will have rough drafts from my new book, Becoming Famous before you are Famous. It is about how to build your platform and do your branding long before you even think of approaching a publisher. There are two other pages that will have sports from my home state of Oregon, and ideas on how to cope in this troubled world.

The next time I post I will have an actual excerpt from the book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. So go over to the Facebook networks icon and click on follow. You will then be able to come back and read the excerpts as they come out.